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Rejected from Graduate Schools


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I have applied to about 12 different graduate schools for Speech Language Pathology. I have not heard back from all of my schools yet but from the ones that I have heard back from have only been rejections. I am getting very nervous and discouraged but know this is the career I want for myself. If anyone has any tips for reapplying I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks !

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I applied to 6 graduate schools in the mathematical sciences/statistics, I heard back from them 3 one-by-one at a two-week interval. Then it all stopped in February. I emailed the schools and got my responses back.....immediately. One rejection was within 5 minutes of emailing them, I literally sent the email, than watched a video on Youtube, then went back to check my email and the advisor said " I regret to inform you...blah blah."

In a nutshell- Dedicate half an hour of your day, email everyone or call them.

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I spoke to a few of the grad students from the program I was applying to last year and their big advice about applications was to stay in contact with the faculty through out the entire admissions process. You want them to know who you are and be looking for your application in the stack. I also spent a lot of time on my resume, building experience that would translate to the field. It's important to make the admissions committee see what makes you unique and an asset to the field. Find a nitch and figure out a way to sell it. I was accepted to several programs even with a low gpa, due to my experience and ability to sell myself and my strengths. Good luck! Hopefully everyone gets in this year and won't have to deal with the stress of applications again!

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What if your work experience is nothing related to your graduate pursuits? What if your previous completed bachelors degree is nothing related to your graduate pursuits as well? I kept in contact with the graduate advisors but most of them responded within 4-7 days of each email.

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  • 4 months later...

has anyone applied to the Universit of DC masters program in SLP? Can you apply without having taken the speech pre requisites if you are not a SLP undergrad? I know you can for some schools but it doesn't specify it on the website.

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Hi there- sorry to hear that you're in this situation.

My advice is that if you really want to pursue this degree, don't let the rejections stop you. Many fantastic and successful professionals have received rejections!

What I might do is call up the departments and ask them how you might be able to improve your standings for next year. This shows them motivation and initiative, and gets you on their radar. Also, this will help you tailor your next applications to exactly what the department needs. Perhaps it's more experience doing research (pick up some RA work), perhaps it's better grades (take a few extra classes to up your GPA), perhaps it was just luck of the draw.

Another thing is to get in touch with some potential faculty members that you're interested in working with. Often times if you have the support of a faculty it helps your chances. This will help you get advice on your statement of purpose, your project direction, and potential experience in the department (through RA work) prior to starting!

Don't give up! :)

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Don't take a rejection as a reflection of your ability or competitiveness. Especially when applying to research based graduate programs, if the top candidate with glowing marks across the board doesn't have a faculty research match adcoms will more than likely reject them, no matter how good their profile is.

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What if your work experience is nothing related to your graduate pursuits? What if your previous completed bachelors degree is nothing related to your graduate pursuits as well? I kept in contact with the graduate advisors but most of them responded within 4-7 days of each email.

Take a few classes that are relevant to your intended graduate program as a non-degree student.

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