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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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I enjoy working mostly with Joyce and WWI soldiers, trying to use cognitive linguistics and trauma theory to look at how war/wartime memory affects narrative. Doing my senior thesis on David Jones' In Parenthesis at the moment. I notice that a lot of the people on here applied to the same few schools, so I look forward to hopefully meeting members of my future grad cohort! Thanks for the welcome and good luck, Data :)

This is interesting. I wonder if you would be referencing really early wars -- in lit like Jane Austen. one thing that intrigues me is that I find more similarities b/w 18th C english fiction and 'modernist' fiction than say, 19th C english fiction... I wonder, vaguely, if the wars had to do with the way narratives were told....

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That's exactly why. If you cannot put out a mission statement of sorts within a highly compressed frame, it doesn't say much for your potential for future grant applications, journal (abstract) submissions, etc. The dissertation is, ideally, not a bloated mess but rather a compressed form of that future first book. My feeling is that the word limit on SOPs serves both the cause of convenience (600+ applications...) and of a litmus test in this regard. 


It's true that being able to compress your ideas into short abstracts is very important when moving forward in academia. However, a 500-word SOP is incredibly difficult 1) because the usual format is around 800-1000 words, and cutting something that's already condensed in half is tough, and 2) because this isn't the abstract of an article or even a book, but of one's entire academic life--past, present, and future. I struggled with the one 500-word SOP that I had to write too.

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There was totally a spike in somebody searching for me today.  And I do not have the most common name in the world.  It was "[First name] [last name]", "[First name] [last name] [school I teach at]" and "[First name] [last name] [hometown, which is not where my school is located]".





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I have a page on Academia.edu and it alerts me if anybody clicks on my page from a Google search and what the Google search term was.

Edited by Datatape
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I have a page on Academia.edu and it alerts me if anybody clicks on my page from a Google search and what the Google search term was.

same. actually academia.edu is VERY helpful, in terms of informing you of new work that's been done in your field(s) of interest

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There are two, so it's probably legit. I applied to Kansas for the MFA 3 years ago, and I was waitlisted. This meant I was ignored when initial rejections went out and I didn't hear for a (long) while. If you haven't been rejected yet, it could be a good sign!

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Ooh. I'm ambivalently thrilled to find such a large community of language nerds freaking out online.  Hello!  I'm in a David (if David was a woman) vs. Goliath situation, where I can only geographically access a single school, and cannot move.  So it's Buffalo or bust, at least for the next 7-8 years...on the bright side, I went there for my MA and did very well.  On the down side, they have about a 5% admission rate...




Pleased to make your internet-acquaintance, folks.  I know I've seen at least one other ecocrit person floating around...any other ecocrit/theory/speculative fiction folks?  If you also play guitar badly, you may be my doppelganger.   :D

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Hi all.  This is my first post, though I have to admit I have been lurking since probably a year ago, but that was mostly because I was spying on who was getting accepted to the schools to which I applied myself. HA.

Anyway.  This is my second go around with applications.  Last round I didn't have much success: I was waitlisted at George Washington, which apparently only accepted a couple Americanists, and I got into Temple, but with no funding at all and no real promise of funding going forward.  I deferred the admission and eventually rejected.  I'm already trying to figure out how to pay for my BA and MA, which I wrapped up last year -- don't wanna take out too many more loans.


So I reapplied to only 3 schools: GWU (again), Johns Hopkins, and Maryland-College Park.


I have a weird peace about it this go around.  That is not to say I think I'm getting in; rather, I have a peace however it turns out.  I'm an adjunct at Baltimore County Community College right now and applied for a full time faculty position and I think I'm going to get into Baltimore City Teaching Residency -- a "Teach for America" type deal, where you get assigned to teach in a "rough" bmore city public school.

I'm kind of zen-ish about it right now.  Last year I fretted something terrible; this year, if it happens, it happens.  I love many things.  God willing, I'll land into something  one way or the other.

Anyway.  Keep your chins up folks. 

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Hey Krempel! I live near Baltimore and know a few people who work at BCCC. Do you mind if I ask where you got your MA? (You can PM me if you'd rather not post it). Good luck this season!

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Hmm friend, companion, or close associate...


B) I'm still rooting for you.  B) I can't imagine you're so troll-y in real life.


People who are called "trolls" on gradcafe are called "interesting" in real life

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Looks like there was a rejection posted for Delaware. Anyone else see a change in their application status? I got nothin'. 


Yeah, I have a letter on there informing me I've been rejected.  Would've been a great fit, but they really, really favor their own MAs.  Oh, well.  One down, twelve to go.

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Also, if you don't have anything posted, that's probably a good sign.  Mine was available as soon as I signed into ApplyYourself, a link that said "A decision on your application is available" or something along those lines.

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