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Fall 2013 English Lit Applicants

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NYU wait list notifications have gone out...




I thought I was over being depressed about these applications, but this news just crushed my spirits.


Yep, me too. I've never been so sad to see no emails in my inbox. :(

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Yep, me too. I've never been so sad to see no emails in my inbox. :(



NYU wait list notifications have gone out...




I thought I was over being depressed about these applications, but this news just crushed my spirits.


I know!! I keep refreshing my inbox in the hopes that they are sending them out throughout the day, but alas, I believe my poor unfortunate soul must come to terms with an assumed rejection...

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I forget, are you English or Comp. Lit or neither? And sorry to hear that. You seem pretty happy about OSU, though, so at least that's something!

I'm English lit and I'm extremely thankful for the opportunity I've been provided because I've totally been rejected from 2 of my top 3. You only need 1 though, right? 

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I'll soon get a rejection from NYU too. I did give up hope when I didn't get an acceptance a week ago, but every waitlist posted on the board still stings a bit.


Ah, well, life's a bitch, and then you die. Three more rejections, and I'll start working on my new WS.

Edited by The Whistler
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Hi everyone, my name is It's (Not) About Me. I applied to English PhD programs this year and promptly lost my damn mind.


I didn't look at this website much while I was actually applying because I was so freakin' intimidated by how qualified/hardworking/etc everyone else seems to be in comparison to me. But now we're all anxiously awaiting decisions, I've been lurking so hardcore that I figured I might as well join the conversations. :)


I applied to 11 programs and so far I've been rejected from one (Northwestern). Am I the only person who has heard absolutely nothing from Wisconsin-Madison? I just want my rejection to be official already!

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Hi everyone, my name is It's (Not) About Me. I applied to English PhD programs this year and promptly lost my damn mind.


I didn't look at this website much while I was actually applying because I was so freakin' intimidated by how qualified/hardworking/etc everyone else seems to be in comparison to me. But now we're all anxiously awaiting decisions, I've been lurking so hardcore that I figured I might as well join the conversations. :)


I applied to 11 programs and so far I've been rejected from one (Northwestern). Am I the only person who has heard absolutely nothing from Wisconsin-Madison? I just want my rejection to be official already!


Best avatar ever.

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 Am I the only person who has heard absolutely nothing from Wisconsin-Madison? I just want my rejection to be official already!

No. I know that (at least) I haven't heard anything from them yet and, last I knew, neither had two espressos.

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Best avatar ever.

 :D Unicorns are my spirit animal.


No. I know that (at least) I haven't heard anything from them yet and, last I knew, neither had two espressos.

Thank you for sharing that! I wondered if it was somehow related to the fact that I hadn't filled out my FAFSA yet (whoops), so I submitted that yesterday. Still silence today. Eh.

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 Thank you for sharing that! I wondered if it was somehow related to the fact that I hadn't filled out my FAFSA yet (whoops), so I submitted that yesterday. Still silence today. Eh.

Yeah, they're unrelated. I'm thinking wait list at this point. Which, whatever. Just let me know so I can change my signature or whatever.

Anyway, I'm truly surprised we haven't heard from Michigan yet (I was thinking end of last week) but Wolverine Access has been down and I guess other departments have had to do the blasts manually.

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Hello everyone. I've been following this thread very very closely but haven't posted anything until now. So, first post, yay!


No. I know that (at least) I haven't heard anything from them yet and, last I knew, neither had two espressos.


 I haven't heard back from UW- Madison either and I'm confused. What makes all this more confusing is that I am an international applicant.  Anyway, just putting my name on the confusing-silence-from-UWMadison list for the moment.

Edited by mobydick
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Right there with you on all three.  Sweet Cheesus, it's going to be a long week.


I'm with you on Maryland and Michigan. My boyfriend's already been accepted (totally diff. department) so the pressure's on. 

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Minnesota, Michigan and Maryland are all realistic expectations for this week. I want to die.


I think Rutgers is also a good possiblity for this week. Ugh. I really really don't want to have to do these applications for a third year in a row...

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Yeah, they're unrelated. I'm thinking wait list at this point. Which, whatever. Just let me know so I can change my signature or whatever.

It seemed bizarre to me, too, but a friend told me that one of his acceptances last year couldn't be processed until he submitted the FAFSA, so it made me feel a smidge better to get it done. Anything to help move along my decision! And sure, I'm planning to post everything I hear in the results search. It looks like no one has posted wait list results for Wisconsin yet, so you may be right...?


 I haven't heard back from UW- Madison either and I'm confused. What makes all this more confusing is that I am an international applicant.  Anyway, just putting my name on the confusing-silence-from-UWMadison list for the moment.

We're both new today, whooo! I'm glad the Wisconsin confusion brought you out of lurking land, too. Fingers crossed for all three of us!


I think Rutgers is also a good possiblity for this week. Ugh. I really really don't want to have to do these applications for a third year in a row...

Rutgers AND Michigan this week? Oh heyll naw. I mean, I would much prefer to get decisions sooner rather than later, but I'm starting to worry about these heart palpitations...

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I think Rutgers is also a good possiblity for this week. Ugh. I really really don't want to have to do these applications for a third year in a row...

I was about to say, I feel like Rutgers is next. We should all bet like we are at the race track.

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