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We're going to grad school!

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I don't know what to do with all that time I previously spent staring at my email waiting for decisions.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh man, this. Now I can get back to reading things for class!

At this point, I have too much time on my hands.

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Enjoy it while you can. We have a lot of work ahead of us!

At this point, I have too much time on my hands.

I keep telling myself I should start learning how to deal with unstructured time now (my current work schedule is pretty light and the work is undemanding) so that I have good habits when I get to grad school. But it's really hard to change my mindset after months of anxiously waiting, checking email, trying to make decisions -- it left me kind of dazed when all of that just ended. Not that I want to experience that again! It's just a weird transition period, I guess...

/rambling nonsense

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I'm almost having the opposite problem! I managed to stay pretty positive throughout the whole waitlist nightmare, but I was pretty sure I would be reapplying. Now I'm like "What? I only have three months to find a place, move there, and start ALL the things?!" I don't think the true Thunderpaws will enjoy being put in a kitty carrier and shipped to Texas.

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I spend a lot of time considering whether I want to spend 13 hours in a car with a loud, drooly, very unhappy cat or ship her on a 1.5 hour flight. The last time I shipped her on a 4 hour flight, she was awake the whole time even though she had been sedated, and a big drooly mess by the time I saw her on the other side (she drools a lot when she is anxious).

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I spend a lot of time considering whether I want to spend 13 hours in a car with a loud, drooly, very unhappy cat or ship her on a 1.5 hour flight. The last time I shipped her on a 4 hour flight, she was awake the whole time even though she had been sedated, and a big drooly mess by the time I saw her on the other side (she drools a lot when she is anxious).

I am not sure whether to go "awww" out of pity for her or "awww" because I find the thought of a drooling cat adorable. A lot of airlines allow cats and small dogs in the cabin for a surcharge, though. Unfortunately, nearly all airlines have banned bunnies from the cabin, so my boys either have to be shipped or go under the plane. Luckily, they can go in one carrier, so they can at least be together...

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I can probably take her on a plane with me, but I'm just wary. I've heard horror stories of pets passing away underneath due to heat issues, and Thunderpaws is HUGE so I'm not sure if she'll fit in the cabin with me. She's also a rescue cat, and her past misfortunes have given her a personality best described as 'cantankerous.' I'll just have to look into it more, I suppose.

Is anyone else more concerned about their pets' welfare than their own with this whole relocation thing?

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I can probably take her on a plane with me, but I'm just wary. I've heard horror stories of pets passing away underneath due to heat issues, and Thunderpaws is HUGE so I'm not sure if she'll fit in the cabin with me. She's also a rescue cat, and her past misfortunes have given her a personality best described as 'cantankerous.' I'll just have to look into it more, I suppose.

Is anyone else more concerned about their pets' welfare than their own with this whole relocation thing?

Yes. I have a 17-pound dog I plan to bring on the plane with me, and they have a weight limit of 20 pounds including the carrier. I have to find a very lightweight carrier and make sure he doesn't gain any weight beforehand. He's also never been on a plane, and I'm pretty worried about how he'll handle it.

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Is anyone else more concerned about their pets' welfare than their own with this whole relocation thing?

I've already moved twice with my rabbits (well, only once with one) and I feel terrible at the thought of doing that to them again. But the alternative would be leaving them here and probably never seeing them again... :(

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I'm also worried about moving with my cat. She is small, but neurotic, and it's still up in the air if I'll have a car with me at all (a 12+ hour drive to live in NYC) or if I'd have to take her on the plane. I'm trying to put off worrying about all of this relocation business for as long as possible. I think I'm just so used to the anxiety from the admission process that I seem to perpetually create it for myself. But I am happy for this type of worry!

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I can probably take her on a plane with me, but I'm just wary. I've heard horror stories of pets passing away underneath due to heat issues, and Thunderpaws is HUGE so I'm not sure if she'll fit in the cabin with me. She's also a rescue cat, and her past misfortunes have given her a personality best described as 'cantankerous.' I'll just have to look into it more, I suppose.

Is anyone else more concerned about their pets' welfare than their own with this whole relocation thing?

Absolutely. I have a pug (brachycephalic breed = not the best-suited animal for flying; I hear others have flown pugs successfully, but I'm too scared) and two rescue cats (major-league abandonment issues = not the best-suited animals for flying). So my partner and I are going to be shipping the vast majority of our stuff and driving in a one-way rental (for eighteen hours). Oh the things we'll do for the fuzzy ones ...

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Moving my cat with me is Ground Zero for anxiety in the whole process for me. My situation is complicated because I'm spendIng the summer months out west, and then doing an EPIC cross-continental road trip to Durham, while my stuff from Toronto is being shipped to NC....and figuring out the least traumatic way to get Stephen D. (my fuzzball) to end up safe and sound and still loving me in Durham is proving to be a nightmare.....and most likely incredibly expensive. :(

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While this moving business is pretty stressful, I'll take this stress ANY day over the agony of waiting to hear back from places. Maybe it's because I'm in off the waitlist last minute, but it hasn't sunk in yet. I feel like I'm making plans for someone else!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sitting in the guest bed, dog curled up at my feet, Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism on my lap, taking alternating sips of wine and coffee, listening to a podcast, and churning through a final paper that's due tomorrow morning.

You guys are gonna love this so much....

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I'm sitting in the guest bed, dog curled up at my feet, Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism on my lap, taking alternating sips of wine and coffee, listening to a podcast, and churning through a final paper that's due tomorrow morning.

You guys are gonna love this so much....

I can't effing wait.

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I'm sitting in the guest bed, dog curled up at my feet, Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism on my lap, taking alternating sips of wine and coffee, listening to a podcast, and churning through a final paper that's due tomorrow morning.

You guys are gonna love this so much....

This is like, the apex of all my fantasies.

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