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Fulbright 2013-2014


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I think the Google spreadsheet does a good job of that as long as people update it.

Okay, that's why I wanted to see what other people thought. For me, the spreadsheet is more of an archival source to check, but not necessarily the easiest thing to navigate for quick results, since you need to scan down every column, as opposed to just quickly dropping into this site for realtime results. And it's not easy to check via phone. But if people are happy with this system that's fine too.

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On 3/13/2013 at 5:46 PM, cm125 said:
Just an idea, but maybe creating another Fulbright thread would be a good idea. This one can remain an analysis/speculation/conversation/commiseration, etc discussion thread. Then there would be a results thread (sort of how Grad Cafe has a results list for grad school admits and rejections) where people just post their country, time of notification, and program when they get notified. People could quickly check results and then come to this thread to discuss. (Or have email alerts for it so they know results are coming in) Something like "Fulbright 2013-2014 RESULTS." It would also make it easier for the kind soul that is compiling the spreadsheet or for future applicants to skim.

I love this idea. I check this forum all the time while I am in class and such when I do not have much time, so it can be hard to read through all of the conversations just to see if there are any other results coming in. I like the conversations, I just wish there was an easier way to check for results!



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I'm not a grad student anymore, but I've applied to teach in Croatia as part of the Fulbright Core program. But I've been checking in on this thread because I sympathize with all of those hating the wait for the Fulbright notification.


But I learned something today I thought I'd share. I called the CIES and learned that many of the notifications are delayed precisely because of the sequester, which has left them uncertain of what the final budget will be. Apparently, this waiting process has become common in recent years, even before the Sequester. But while they are confident things will work out, it has slowed many things down. Some notifications have gone out from various Fulbright programs, but they're holding back on notifying everyone.


I'd heard rumors of this, but it was confirmed for me today. 

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I'm a UK Fulbright applicant...been lurking this forum for a while, glad to be finally participating as I freak out about not hearing anything yet. 


The one thing I wanted to ask about, though, is an aspect of my application process I haven't heard much about from anyone. After I was nominated by IIEE and notified about being a finalist, I was contacted by the UK Fulbright Commission and was told I had been nominated, by them, for a second award, should I accept being eligible for it. Of course I accepted. I was very surprised that they went through the trouble of doing this, as the program they proposed I had never heard of and it was fairly close to my interests. So I'm now eligible for two UK Fulbright awards. The second one they made me eligible for is far less desirable for my program and interests than the one I proposed in my application, at another university. During the interview, I asked about this and they said they nominated me for this so as to maximize my chances.


Has this happened to anybody else? Has such a process worked out for anyone in the past? 

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PS: For those wondering about UK notifications, times, etc., here's the email I received on the timeline for notification some weeks back:


"As you are aware, the interviews are taking place February 21st-28th. You have already been notified of the date and time of your interview. Once the interview process is concluded on February 28th, the selection committee will take some time to decide on the final list of candidates to whom we will offer a Fulbright award. Once this decision has been made, we will notify IIE of the final list of selected candidates. Please be aware that IIE will contact you to notify you of the status of your application, i.e. whether or not you have been nominated for an award. We anticipate that this should occur by mid-March. Once IIE have confirmed the nominated candidates, the Fulbright Commission will be in direct contact with the successful candidates. Please share this information with your advisors." 


So it will be during EST workday, I assume. And probably later this week. 

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I'm also an applicant for the UK (partnership award), just found out about the site and glad to see this community exists!

So I got the IIE email saying I was a recommended candidate back in January, but since they I heard nothing from anyone on the UK end (no interview or anything).  I'm guessing that means I'm out of the running? Anyone else in that situation?

best of luck to everyone!

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One thing this got me thinking about though was frankly, why does it matter to know about notifications anyway? Short of congratulating people and trying to find patterns realistically until you get that special email all your own which informs you of your status what does having another thread with results only accomplish? I am super happy for the people for whom the waiting is over but the fact that Peru has reported doesn't really tell me anything, does it? It seems like just one more thing to agonize over. I find the spreadsheet really helpful because you can quantify the data and see it very quickly (don't forget you can sort it how you choose) but I also really, really like spreadsheets so that may just be me :-).


It's also a little frustrating in a way to think about how some people just want precisely what they can get out of this and nothing more, because I really do feel like this forum has some of that community feel. So while all of our comments are related to the overall application, waiting and final process some do have more tenuous links than others. Isn't that what a forum is about? Shouldn't we be able to come here and learn about teaching techniques, research ideas, other programs and so much more. Having a forum strictly for results kind of feels like the typical American neighborhood, the kind where everyone mows their own lawn and never, ever talks to the neighbors. I am glad I live in an atypical neighborhood. I guess I just think that for me participating fully means I get to benefit fully and a results only thread not only duplicates the spreadsheet but also provides an easy out for people not interested in being in an actual forum.


Ok, I am so going to stop running at the mouth and get back to my lovely spreadsheets and get something useful done! Daylight savings always messes me up.

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I'm a UK Fulbright applicant...been lurking this forum for a while, glad to be finally participating as I freak out about not hearing anything yet.

The one thing I wanted to ask about, though, is an aspect of my application process I haven't heard much about from anyone. After I was nominated by IIEE and notified about being a finalist, I was contacted by the UK Fulbright Commission and was told I had been nominated, by them, for a second award, should I accept being eligible for it. Of course I accepted. I was very surprised that they went through the trouble of doing this, as the program they proposed I had never heard of and it was fairly close to my interests. So I'm now eligible for two UK Fulbright awards. The second one they made me eligible for is far less desirable for my program and interests than the one I proposed in my application, at another university. During the interview, I asked about this and they said they nominated me for this so as to maximize my chances.

Has this happened to anybody else? Has such a process worked out for anyone in the past?

I have not heard of such a thing, but very cool/congrats! What program or school are you applying for, if you don't mind my asking?

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how's everyone holding up..i am loving all the comradery here :) i'd chime in on a conversation but i wouldn't know which to choose! i hope we all get to meet in d.c. somehow, at least for those with the mandatory orientation. 3/13/13 would've been a cool day to hear from fulbright but that's okay =P i was worrying every day but then realized i more than likely have weeks and weeks to wait so, just trying to chill, fill my life with alternative things to get very excited/very nervous about

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I have not heard of such a thing, but very cool/congrats! What program or school are you applying for, if you don't mind my asking?

Thanks! My field is philosophy and the program I proposed was at the University of Essex. What about you (as well as other UK Fulbrighters reading this)? 

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Hi Everyone!

I've been lurking for a while too. I've applied for the Fulbright Teacher Exchange. I got the email saying my app was approved on the day after Thanksgiving, interviewed a week later and was told I'd hear more in February.

When I didn't hear anything by Valentine's Day, I inquired. Guess what? Recommendation letter was sent January 2nd and went to my junk mail!

So now I'm waiting to hear if I've been matched. The email said dial matches will be made in late March and notifications will go out in early April., but everything they've done so far seems to be ahead of schedule.

Yes,I also have two paths planned, dependent on the email iI receive in about two weeks. I haven't been able to plan any summer trips, camp for my kids, etc. but I did have a friend in England buy me tickets to see Richard II at the Royal Shakespeare Company, just in case I will be there ;)

Welcome to all the longtime lurkers coming out of the woodworks!

Does anyone else feel like they're living in shrodinger's box? I have two clear life paths right now, and im sort of half-planning for both. that one email is going to instantly direct it one way or the other. Too nerdy of a reference?

Edited by jkebeas
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Thanks! My field is philosophy and the program I proposed was at the University of Essex. What about you (as well as other UK Fulbrighters reading this)? 

Biomedical engineering and Nottingham! I'm always a little worried about the partnership awards since there is just one for a particular school, but I can keep dreaming for now....

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I'm not a grad student anymore, but I've applied to teach in Croatia as part of the Fulbright Core program. But I've been checking in on this thread because I sympathize with all of those hating the wait for the Fulbright notification.


But I learned something today I thought I'd share. I called the CIES and learned that many of the notifications are delayed precisely because of the sequester, which has left them uncertain of what the final budget will be. Apparently, this waiting process has become common in recent years, even before the Sequester. But while they are confident things will work out, it has slowed many things down. Some notifications have gone out from various Fulbright programs, but they're holding back on notifying everyone.


I'd heard rumors of this, but it was confirmed for me today. 


Where was the source, if you don't mind me asking? Damn sequester...damn congress. What's important about cross-cultural exchange and education, anyway? *shakes head* If this is the case, I worry that smaller programs would be more at risk than larger ones.  Does anyone have any insight on this?

Edited by Porshyen
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I was thinking of this Beck: www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkCg-3nxT8E.

Hence the confusion. Anyway.

If I get an ETA, I'm going to have to load my external hard drive up with lots of movies and TV shows. Hopefully, at some point, I would be able to share some of them with my German students. I want them to know there is more on American TV than the Jersey Shore and Desperate Housewives!!!!


My Austrian students are all obsessed with Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, and Two and a Half Men. They are all dubbed/subtitled here. I think it's hilarious, also because I've never really watched any of those shows :P They do know Jersey Shore but not Real Housewives (which is the reality show, and I'm guessing what you meant) so I'm thankful for that since it's terrible.


Sharing different shows is a fantastic idea--I've used video clips in quite a few of my lessons and a couple of times have had students start watching the show because they thought the clip I shared was so interesting!

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Where was the source, if you don't mind me asking? Damn sequester...damn congress. What's important about cross-cultural exchange and education, anyway? *shakes head* If this is the case, I worry that smaller programs would be more at risk than larger ones.  Does anyone have any insight on this?


CIES is the Council for International Exchange for Scholars within the Institute of International Education (IIE) in the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs (ECA) at the State Department. CIES only administers the Scholars program, but I think it is a safe bet to assume if they've put the Scholars program on hold they've also put the Students program on hold as well.


As someone mentioned earlier, Fulbright said on its Facebook that the sequester wouldn't have a major effect on the program, but I think your concern is well placed- losing one grant for a large program is not so significant, but losing one grant for a country with only 5 grants to begin with is more serious.

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In reply to the UK thread, I have heard of being nominated for other awards before, in order to maximize your chances. Let's say the school you are applying to for a partnership has had lots of applicants, they might suggest another partnership school where less people have applied. Good luck! Now that Wednesday, the day I thought we might be notified has come and gone, I am somehow feeling more relaxed, because at this point it is anyone's game. I wish all of us the best.... how cool would it be to get the Fulbright and then meet each other during the orientation!?

Lots of love and luck to everyone!!

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My Austrian students are all obsessed with Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, and Two and a Half Men. They are all dubbed/subtitled here. I think it's hilarious, also because I've never really watched any of those shows :P They do know Jersey Shore but not Real Housewives (which is the reality show, and I'm guessing what you meant) so I'm thankful for that since it's terrible.


Sharing different shows is a fantastic idea--I've used video clips in quite a few of my lessons and a couple of times have had students start watching the show because they thought the clip I shared was so interesting!

Haa! Glad to hear there is more on TV than ridiculous reality shows. When I was in Germany in 08', the only American shows I remember seeing were Family Guy (dubbed, weird) and Room Raiders from MTV. Of course, I really didn't spend all that much time watching TV. Big Bang and HIMYM are much preferable to Jersey Shore, but those still aren't anything I would watch, and I'm sure they don't have as much access to less popular shows. Or older movies. One of the movies that I am definitely going to make sure to put on there would be The Sandlot. And probably The Princess Bride as well. And Goonies.
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is that one active? I feel like I checked it once and it was pretty empty.

 I looked at it last night, and it seems things are picking up a bit now that emails are going out. Still probably not as active as this forum, but I think you could definitely find out info on what countries have sent emails on Reddit.
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Aaaaand for another time waster: what's your favorite subReddit?

I like shittyaskscience and aww. Iwantout can be really helpful for long term travelling advice.

 Ha. I feel kind of bad brining up Reddit to all these people who are still in school. It is a damn good thing I didn't discover Reddit until after I graduated.

My favorite subs are AskReddit, WTF, Lifeprotips, thewalkingdead, Frugal, Sherlock, Loseit (trying to get in shape :) ), AMA, TIL, Explain Like I'm five, and Lanl_German. :D If you have an Iphone and don't already have it, you should download the Alien Blue app. Dear god, it's wonderful!

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Wondering if anyone else is ready to save ourselves the headache and go ahead and open our own thread for those of us who like to chit chat? I think I would rather not dealn with an angry mob. I am to the point where I am just here for the companionship anyway. The email will get here when it gets here; knowing that Austria or some other country received their emails is not going to make mine get here any faster. It seems like everyone applying to the same country gets their email around the same time, so knowing two minutes in advance hardly seems important.

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My Austrian students are all obsessed with Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, and Two and a Half Men. They are all dubbed/subtitled here. I think it's hilarious, also because I've never really watched any of those shows :P They do know Jersey Shore but not Real Housewives (which is the reality show, and I'm guessing what you meant) so I'm thankful for that since it's terrible.


Sharing different shows is a fantastic idea--I've used video clips in quite a few of my lessons and a couple of times have had students start watching the show because they thought the clip I shared was so interesting!


I had never before watched HIMYM until I came to Germany, where all the college students I knew were obsessed with it (my boyfriend included). I finally started watching it over there just to not feel so left out!

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And on the subject of splitting threads -- I personally am fine with what we have here, the mix of casual chatting and intermittent notifications; I'd rather not have multiple threads to check. That would also make it more confusing for people with questions to know where to ask, and increases the likelihood a question wouldn't get answered because people won't see it unless they are checking both threads.


I don't partake in much of the casual chatting, but it doesn't bother me... it doesn't really take that long to scan posts quickly to glean whatever useful information there is; if all you're interested in knowing is if anyone new has been notified, it'll be pretty obvious at first glance -- if you don't see anyone mentioning it on the most recent page, chances are nothing new has happened. This group is so hungry for news that I think we'll all latch on to whatever we can get :)

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And on the subject of splitting threads -- I personally am fine with what we have here, the mix of casual chatting and intermittent notifications; I'd rather not have multiple threads to check. That would also make it more confusing for people with questions to know where to ask, and increases the likelihood a question wouldn't get answered because people won't see it unless they are checking both threads.


I don't partake in much of the casual chatting, but it doesn't bother me... it doesn't really take that long to scan posts quickly to glean whatever useful information there is; if all you're interested in knowing is if anyone new has been notified, it'll be pretty obvious at first glance -- if you don't see anyone mentioning it on the most recent page, chances are nothing new has happened. This group is so hungry for news that I think we'll all latch on to whatever we can get :)

 I'm fine with that as well. I think, if I recall correctly, that there were maybe three people who said they were in favor of opening another thread. They can if they want to, I guess! :P
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