CrystalDee Posted June 25, 2013 Posted June 25, 2013 Thanks rtlc!! I don't think they can release it either, since she never replied! Congratulations, it must feel so good after a long two-year road to have done it!! So happy for you!! My FPA seems to have dropped of the face of the earth (although it IS summer)... she is a retired prof, geez, must be about 75+? and does the job on a volunteer basis. Very blunt and tells it like it is. Lol. She was very helpful through most of the process though. I am most definitely applying to grad school! My plan now is to teach at community college in San Diego for a year and apply with the next cycle of PhD apps in the field of English/Literature/Media Studies (or some amalgamation to that effect!) for fall 2014. I would love to do a Fulbright research-based program, or even apply for an arts Fulbright in creative writing at the PhD level to take a year and write a book somewhere else in the world at some point in a grad program!! That would be an AMAZING experience. And I agree; I have gotten the feeling more and more that the Fulbright ETA position is often (of course not in every case) geared towards a younger demographic. I'm sure there are reasons. And I know, poor CrystalDee I read all about her story on her and I think it's terrible! Thanks for dropping a line; it's good to know that Fulbright seems to like alternates to reapply, and picks them! Congrats again on your perseverance paying off!! Yeah, I think the Fulbright program is all geared toward younger applicants. I don't think non-traditional students should give up applying though. I have thought about re-applying just to kind of jab at the system a bit. But, I probably won't. I think alternates should reapply, especially if you are in that under 29 category. Good luck everyone! I would love to hear from you guys! You can find me on Twitter @claglsu ej124 and tspier2 1 1
lalakey Posted June 26, 2013 Posted June 26, 2013 Hi guys. No one's talking in the other thread so I wanted to ask advice. I sent out ten emails to German professors, all from recommendations that they were good, and gotten zero response... I am applying as a music applicant, so I sent my recordings, which have always impressed anyone I've ever sent them to, and still nothing. One professor responded and was, frankly, rude, and said I was too advanced for a Germany conservatory and should be getting an agent at this point in my life. (I know it sounds complimentary but it wasn't phrased very nicely.) So I figure that's a no. I can see from my youtube statistics (yes I'm a psycho) that someone from Austria and Germany viewed my videos... but no response. Should I start reaching out to more people? At this point the people I'm going to be contacting are randomer and randomer... like I have zero connection whatsoever to them and it is totally out of the blue...
moda Posted June 26, 2013 Posted June 26, 2013 Hi guys. No one's talking in the other thread so I wanted to ask advice. I sent out ten emails to German professors, all from recommendations that they were good, and gotten zero response... I am applying as a music applicant, so I sent my recordings, which have always impressed anyone I've ever sent them to, and still nothing. One professor responded and was, frankly, rude, and said I was too advanced for a Germany conservatory and should be getting an agent at this point in my life. (I know it sounds complimentary but it wasn't phrased very nicely.) So I figure that's a no. I can see from my youtube statistics (yes I'm a psycho) that someone from Austria and Germany viewed my videos... but no response. Should I start reaching out to more people? At this point the people I'm going to be contacting are randomer and randomer... like I have zero connection whatsoever to them and it is totally out of the blue... I'm not sure about the performing arts, but I successfully established my affiliation with my university randomly. I emailed dozens of professors explaining that I wanted to come to their university and work with their department. I was actually surprised at the number of positive responses I received. Another idea is to contact professors at universities that are "off the beaten path." One of the main goals of Fulbright is cultural exchange so some universities might be very excited to host a U.S. scholar (or musician). ej124 1
CrystalDee Posted June 26, 2013 Posted June 26, 2013 Hi guys. No one's talking in the other thread so I wanted to ask advice. I sent out ten emails to German professors, all from recommendations that they were good, and gotten zero response... I am applying as a music applicant, so I sent my recordings, which have always impressed anyone I've ever sent them to, and still nothing. One professor responded and was, frankly, rude, and said I was too advanced for a Germany conservatory and should be getting an agent at this point in my life. (I know it sounds complimentary but it wasn't phrased very nicely.) So I figure that's a no. I can see from my youtube statistics (yes I'm a psycho) that someone from Austria and Germany viewed my videos... but no response. Should I start reaching out to more people? At this point the people I'm going to be contacting are randomer and randomer... like I have zero connection whatsoever to them and it is totally out of the blue... have an interesting situation. I hope you can find someone. Also, school is out now. Maybe some of these professors are still working through their need to return emails. There are some German ETAs on this board, maybe they can help you find a contact. Good luck! ej124 1
ej124 Posted June 27, 2013 Posted June 27, 2013 Yeah, I think the Fulbright program is all geared toward younger applicants. I don't think non-traditional students should give up applying though. I have thought about re-applying just to kind of jab at the system a bit. But, I probably won't. I think alternates should reapply, especially if you are in that under 29 category. Good luck everyone! I would love to hear from you guys! You can find me on Twitter @claglsu Crystal I totally meant to vote up your comment and I accidentally clicked the down arrow and now it won't let me change it!!! No! Blast this system, sorry!! If there is a way I can undo an accidental downvote please share! I would think there should be! I followed u on Twitter, on a good note I've been looking into other grants and fellowships; I happened to stumble across the girl's website one day and it was really inspiring as it reminded me that there is really a HUGE amount of opportunity out there, beyond Fulbright, for funding for special projects and research. I couldn't believe how many grants she has received! I think half the battle, oftentimes, is access, and simply knowing where there ARE opportunities. I had never heard of half of these.
CrystalDee Posted June 27, 2013 Posted June 27, 2013 Crystal I totally meant to vote up your comment and I accidentally clicked the down arrow and now it won't let me change it!!! No! Blast this system, sorry!! If there is a way I can undo an accidental downvote please share! I would think there should be! I followed u on Twitter, on a good note I've been looking into other grants and fellowships; I happened to stumble across the girl's website one day and it was really inspiring as it reminded me that there is really a HUGE amount of opportunity out there, beyond Fulbright, for funding for special projects and research. I couldn't believe how many grants she has received! I think half the battle, oftentimes, is access, and simply knowing where there ARE opportunities. I had never heard of half of these. Hahaha! It happens no worries! I followed you also! Thanks for the info. I will check it out. Fulbright was new to me last year, so I am not giving up all hope. I hope you get bumped to selected! Thanks again! Which reminds me, I haven't tweeted in a while.
woodendress Posted June 28, 2013 Posted June 28, 2013 Hi guys. No one's talking in the other thread so I wanted to ask advice. I sent out ten emails to German professors, all from recommendations that they were good, and gotten zero response... I am applying as a music applicant, so I sent my recordings, which have always impressed anyone I've ever sent them to, and still nothing. One professor responded and was, frankly, rude, and said I was too advanced for a Germany conservatory and should be getting an agent at this point in my life. (I know it sounds complimentary but it wasn't phrased very nicely.) So I figure that's a no. I can see from my youtube statistics (yes I'm a psycho) that someone from Austria and Germany viewed my videos... but no response. Should I start reaching out to more people? At this point the people I'm going to be contacting are randomer and randomer... like I have zero connection whatsoever to them and it is totally out of the blue... I would also suggest emailing professors in Austria! I know of several Fulbright scholars this year that went to Austria to study music. CrystalDee 1
lalakey Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 I would also suggest emailing professors in Austria! I know of several Fulbright scholars this year that went to Austria to study music. Interesting. I actually was torn between going to Austria or Germany, and in the end chose Germany because my advisor said Germany gave out more awards... but I ended up looking it up and the chances are actually slightly better for Austria because there are less applicants... I emailed two professors in Austria but neither emailed me back. I have one other contact in Austria but I feel really awkward asking him for a letter of affiliation, but maybe I just have to hope for the best and do it. I was in touch with him last year and he didn't really seem to understand what the Fulbright was or how it would be appropriate for him to write me a letter saying I'd get in, but he was very encouraging and said he wanted me to come to Vienna... and I was like, well, if I get any money, then yes, I will... lol... Thanks for your response
woodendress Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 Interesting. I actually was torn between going to Austria or Germany, and in the end chose Germany because my advisor said Germany gave out more awards... but I ended up looking it up and the chances are actually slightly better for Austria because there are less applicants... I emailed two professors in Austria but neither emailed me back. I have one other contact in Austria but I feel really awkward asking him for a letter of affiliation, but maybe I just have to hope for the best and do it. I was in touch with him last year and he didn't really seem to understand what the Fulbright was or how it would be appropriate for him to write me a letter saying I'd get in, but he was very encouraging and said he wanted me to come to Vienna... and I was like, well, if I get any money, then yes, I will... lol... Thanks for your response I'm not sure about the study scholarships, but I am pretty sure you can apply for both Austria and Germany at the same time, as they are separate programs. Good luck!
ej124 Posted June 30, 2013 Posted June 30, 2013 Hahaha! It happens no worries! I followed you also! Thanks for the info. I will check it out. Fulbright was new to me last year, so I am not giving up all hope. I hope you get bumped to selected! Thanks again! Which reminds me, I haven't tweeted in a while. Ok guys, new development...........drum I got an email out of the blue today from my FPA: It said, "My reading of Jodi's last email is that you have been awarded a Fulbright. Congrats!" I never got any email from Jodi other than the last one designating me an alternate. Oh, universe, why must you toy with me!
zhaskin Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 Ok guys, new development...........drum I got an email out of the blue today from my FPA: It said, "My reading of Jodi's last email is that you have been awarded a Fulbright. Congrats!" I never got any email from Jodi other than the last one designating me an alternate. Oh, universe, why must you toy with me! Have your fpa forward that to you asap! Hopefully she's right and you're golden! ej124 1
ej124 Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 Have your fpa forward that to you asap! Hopefully she's right and you're golden! Z, I hope so too!!! I emailed her IMMEDIATELY back and asked her to send me a copy, explaining that I have been having difficulty receiving Fulbright emails for some reason. She never responded!! {banging head on the wall}. As I've mentioned before, she is a bit... along in years... a retired prof, and I was just thinking, oh no, what if she just made a mistake and misread something! Seriously, do I not have the craziest Fulbright luck ever, with all these disappeared emails, delayed responses, and cliffhanger evenings???? Another call to Jody tomorrow... Will let ya'll know. Let's hope this isn't one of those little errors... At this point I feel like anything could happen! We'll see
Snuffleupagus Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 Let usknow if you get it...fingers crossed... ej124 1
CrystalDee Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 Ok guys, new development...........drum I got an email out of the blue today from my FPA: It said, "My reading of Jodi's last email is that you have been awarded a Fulbright. Congrats!" I never got any email from Jodi other than the last one designating me an alternate. Oh, universe, why must you toy with me! Woohoo!! That's great! So happy for you!! ej124 1
ej124 Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 Woohoo!! That's great! So happy for you!! Let usknow if you get it...fingers crossed... Have your fpa forward that to you asap! Hopefully she's right and you're golden! Hey guys... would you believe it... I'M IN!!!!! Wow, what a journey!!! I am so thankful to each of you on this board to share frustrations, anxieties, and successes with. You have all been so sweet and supportive and I'm so glad I joined this community. So happy for everyone abt their upcoming adventures!!! and to you Brazil ETAers I can't wait to meet all of you!!!! CAP1486, Torrid and zhaskin 3
rtlc06 Posted July 1, 2013 Posted July 1, 2013 Hey guys... would you believe it... I'M IN!!!!! Wow, what a journey!!! I am so thankful to each of you on this board to share frustrations, anxieties, and successes with. You have all been so sweet and supportive and I'm so glad I joined this community. So happy for everyone abt their upcoming adventures!!! and to you Brazil ETAers I can't wait to meet all of you!!!! That's awesome! What a strange journey you've had!! Were you promoted? Or was the alternate thing a mistake from the beginning? So weird... ej124 1
ej124 Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 That's awesome! What a strange journey you've had!! Were you promoted? Or was the alternate thing a mistake from the beginning? So weird... I was promoted! Thanks! It has been a long, surprising road and I feel very grateful to have finally reached a destination.(well, not quite, but you know what I mean!)!
zhaskin Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 I was promoted! Thanks! It has been a long, surprising road and I feel very grateful to have finally reached a destination.(well, not quite, but you know what I mean!)! Congrats!!! Told you that there was a good chance you'd get bumped! ej124 and CrystalDee 2
ej124 Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 Congrats!!! Told you that there was a good chance you'd get bumped! You were right! I shouldn't have been so forlorn & blamed my old age Brazil doesn't mind 30-year-olds!! (Argentinw does, though just FYI to all ). To whoever is out there reading this as an alternate, I know you have heard this before and it won't make you feel all better, but I was bumped up not too long after becoming an alternate. I thought my chance was over. It does happen & although waiting is the WORST (trust me, I know, I started my app nearly a year ago!), don'r rule it out because you never know. By the way zhaskin, what is the Facebook group? I saw this one for Brazil 2014? Or is it another one? Do you have to write the moderator to get added? Thanks!! CrystalDee 1
Snuffleupagus Posted July 3, 2013 Posted July 3, 2013 Hey guys... would you believe it... I'M IN!!!!! Wow, what a journey!!! I am so thankful to each of you on this board to share frustrations, anxieties, and successes with. You have all been so sweet and supportive and I'm so glad I joined this community. So happy for everyone abt their upcoming adventures!!! and to you Brazil ETAers I can't wait to meet all of you!!!! congrats!!!
zhaskin Posted July 3, 2013 Posted July 3, 2013 You were right! I shouldn't have been so forlorn & blamed my old age Brazil doesn't mind 30-year-olds!! (Argentinw does, though just FYI to all ). To whoever is out there reading this as an alternate, I know you have heard this before and it won't make you feel all better, but I was bumped up not too long after becoming an alternate. I thought my chance was over. It does happen & although waiting is the WORST (trust me, I know, I started my app nearly a year ago!), don'r rule it out because you never know. By the way zhaskin, what is the Facebook group? I saw this one for Brazil 2014? Or is it another one? Do you have to write the moderator to get added? Thanks!! There is a general ETA one for everybody, and the one you posted is a Brazil only group. I think the moderator for the Brazil one actually works for Fulbright... still waiting for approval into that one. This is the general one for all ETA's regardless of region:¬if_t=group_comment_reply
ej124 Posted July 3, 2013 Posted July 3, 2013 congrats!!! There is a general ETA one for everybody, and the one you posted is a Brazil only group. I think the moderator for the Brazil one actually works for Fulbright... still waiting for approval into that one. This is the general one for all ETA's regardless of region:¬if_t=group_comment_reply Thanks Snuffleupagus! And thanks zhaskin, I will join the group
vPersie Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Any more news on alternates getting bumped up at all? I'd be interested in hearing any information on what funding overall is looking like... and if the Fulbright program has received anymore? I'm currently in my country doing my research on a smaller grant and it is too short of a time period to get it done
CallMeQueequeg Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 I am an Alternate to Hungary, and I have not heard anything yet. I'm hoping that if it comes, it's sooner than later, since it would complicate other plans I have made starting next month. I actually just emailed the Fulbright advisor from my school to see if she has heard anything that I haven't. So really just a lot a finger crossing this summer.
CrystalDee Posted July 9, 2013 Posted July 9, 2013 Still hanging around in Alternate land. Pretty sure that I won't get called up to the big leagues. You guys need to let me know how the training in D.C. goes! I am curious to know who meets up and see pictures etc. I am living vicariously here. Lol!!
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