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Fulbright 2013-2014


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  I have never played Civ V, but my boyfriend loves it. I'm not a huge computer gamer anymore. I prefer the Wii or Xbox!

It's all good. I still play a game or two every once in a while, though I actually don't think my wife has ever played a video game other than the couple times I have gotten her to play Goldeneye. I hope someone is doing a Fulbright, or wants to do one, about gaming culture - like the sports aspect of it in Korea, or neo-Zoroastrianism in Iranian-developed games (Garshasp is cool), or ... there are a million things I could think of that would rule to research related to video games! 

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Nice username! Haven't actually seen that movie, but generally a fan of Til Schweiger ;)

 Haha, thank you! The only thing better than a Til Schweiger movie is when he does one with Matthias Schweighöfer :D

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Alright guys...so I decided to post to this forum something almost entirely not Fulbright related but is pretty much where all my stress in waiting to hear my Fulbright decision is coming from... in the hopes that you guys may be able to help me...


so I've applied to and been accepted to 2 fabulous PhD programs and I need to decide between the 2...I was sort of waiting to hear about Fulbright before I make a final decision because I just feel like I don't know how I'll feel either way once I hear such life changing news (good or bad...) and that may change how I feel about the PhD programs...but then part of me wants to make the decision now without knowing about that because at the same time, I don't want those emotions to affect my decision...so here's the short of it...yes still long, but as concise as I can get it


Institution A would take less total time to graduation (by a year or 2), I would not have to uproot my life...meaning being able to keep the 10 Zumba classes I teach per week and the band I play in and the friends I've made and all that, I've already worked with the potential advisor and he's a really fabulous advisor, very well established, we work well together, BUT I don't particularly like the city that much, it's not the EXACT research I think I want to be doing, although I do know that I enjoy the research, it's just not exactly what I want, and they'll pay me less, granted for a lower cost of living place...


Institution B would take longer, I would have to take significantly more challenging classes (but I feel like that's worth it, why sell myself short...), has a much bigger name BUT it's been rumored that the program isn't quite what it used to be, that it's just riding on the coat tails of its past success without still being the fabulous program it was and possibly institution A is now a better program...but lacks the history to say for sure...my potential advisor is on my current supervisory committee and she has been by far the most helpful member, I've talked to a number of her past students who all say she's amazing to work with and super supportive, the research is exactly what I think I want to be doing, but granted I haven't yet done anything in depth in that area so I could end up not liking it...I think I would like the city much better...but I've never lived there so I don't know, I've been assured I would have no trouble finding new Zumba classes and I would hope I could find a better band to play in (I play oboe and the one at A is just bad...), and they'll pay me significantly more with way better benefits...so basically it's a big risk, I think I'd be happier there, but I don't KNOW...


Both places will let me defer if I get an award...I feel like without knowing about Fulbright, I really WANT to go to institution B, but every time I try to tell my current advisor (who recently left that institution to work where I am now...) he is like "oh I think you should think about ___ more," or, "oh didn't they tell you this? that could hurt you in the long run, you should think about that more"...but then when I go and talk to other professors they're like eh don't worry about that, it's not as big of a deal as he's making it out to be...so I just don't know what to do!  I feel like if I don't get an award, I may just want to do A to power through and finish earlier and not uproot myself...or I may just want to get out and change it up with B...if I do get an award I will definitely do B, I don't see any reason not to at that point, I'll already be losing my Zumba classes with being away for a year and I can't imagine trying to come back and pick up the pieces a year later...anyone else have any insight?  Anything you think I'm not considering and should be? 


It's really stressing me out because I keep wanting to just go and accept B right now and be done with it, I feel SO bad putting it off for so long when I feel like my heart just wants to accept, but my head is telling me to wait and make sure it's the best decision! Ah!!! what to do what to do?!


You finally broke me. I can't stand this forum any longer. Good luck everyone

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Even without making any analyses on the "data" (for lack of a better word) you've provided, and by just purely going with how you have presented the info and what you sound like you truly want, your heart is telling you B. Furthermore, you have the data to back up the decision, so it's not like you're making an emotional, knee jerk decision. Go with B. Plus, how amazing that you have such a supportive advisor at A who if you play your cards right you can still keep in your corner for years to come (hello, postdoc!). And finally, in 5 years, 10 years, no matter which program you choose, you will be where you want to be and you will be happy, because your situation will be what you make of it and you will make the best of it. It is so hard when you are in the thick of it to be able to step back and take the plunge to make the final decision (I have DEFINITELY been there!), but B is an awesome choice and a great opportunity for 5ish years.


...and then it will all be moot because of course the second you make your painstaking decision, you'll get the Fulbright and go to B anyway and all will be right in the world!


Agreed, it sounds like you already know which is the right decision for you. :)

 Thanks so much guys!  That's exactly what I needed to hear!  I think I'll just do it!

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Alright guys...so I decided to post to this forum something almost entirely not Fulbright related but is pretty much where all my stress in waiting to hear my Fulbright decision is coming from... in the hopes that you guys may be able to help me...


so I've applied to and been accepted to 2 fabulous PhD programs and I need to decide between the 2...I was sort of waiting to hear about Fulbright before I make a final decision because I just feel like I don't know how I'll feel either way once I hear such life changing news (good or bad...) and that may change how I feel about the PhD programs...but then part of me wants to make the decision now without knowing about that because at the same time, I don't want those emotions to affect my decision...so here's the short of it...yes still long, but as concise as I can get it


Institution A would take less total time to graduation (by a year or 2), I would not have to uproot my life...meaning being able to keep the 10 Zumba classes I teach per week and the band I play in and the friends I've made and all that, I've already worked with the potential advisor and he's a really fabulous advisor, very well established, we work well together, BUT I don't particularly like the city that much, it's not the EXACT research I think I want to be doing, although I do know that I enjoy the research, it's just not exactly what I want, and they'll pay me less, granted for a lower cost of living place...


Institution B would take longer, I would have to take significantly more challenging classes (but I feel like that's worth it, why sell myself short...), has a much bigger name BUT it's been rumored that the program isn't quite what it used to be, that it's just riding on the coat tails of its past success without still being the fabulous program it was and possibly institution A is now a better program...but lacks the history to say for sure...my potential advisor is on my current supervisory committee and she has been by far the most helpful member, I've talked to a number of her past students who all say she's amazing to work with and super supportive, the research is exactly what I think I want to be doing, but granted I haven't yet done anything in depth in that area so I could end up not liking it...I think I would like the city much better...but I've never lived there so I don't know, I've been assured I would have no trouble finding new Zumba classes and I would hope I could find a better band to play in (I play oboe and the one at A is just bad...), and they'll pay me significantly more with way better benefits...so basically it's a big risk, I think I'd be happier there, but I don't KNOW...


Both places will let me defer if I get an award...I feel like without knowing about Fulbright, I really WANT to go to institution B, but every time I try to tell my current advisor (who recently left that institution to work where I am now...) he is like "oh I think you should think about ___ more," or, "oh didn't they tell you this? that could hurt you in the long run, you should think about that more"...but then when I go and talk to other professors they're like eh don't worry about that, it's not as big of a deal as he's making it out to be...so I just don't know what to do!  I feel like if I don't get an award, I may just want to do A to power through and finish earlier and not uproot myself...or I may just want to get out and change it up with B...if I do get an award I will definitely do B, I don't see any reason not to at that point, I'll already be losing my Zumba classes with being away for a year and I can't imagine trying to come back and pick up the pieces a year later...anyone else have any insight?  Anything you think I'm not considering and should be? 


It's really stressing me out because I keep wanting to just go and accept B right now and be done with it, I feel SO bad putting it off for so long when I feel like my heart just wants to accept, but my head is telling me to wait and make sure it's the best decision! Ah!!! what to do what to do?!

 Take the risk, go for B! Of course, I usually choose the riskier option, but maybe that's just because I like a challenge! I think living in a city you like is BIG!! I am living in a city I practically despise at the moment, and it takes a huge toll on you. Almost every day I think, "What am I doing here?!"

A fews years back, a friend of mine had to make a choice between two grad schools and ended up taking the offer she thought she "should" take, but I just don't think her heart was in. She ended up really disliking the city, and was borderline depressed for the two years she was there. I am fairly sure that she ended up making the choice to go to school there because it was the safer option, and I think she got a bigger stipend. She was pretty miserable the whole time.

Sure, you might not end up in that sitation, but like everyone else has said, it sounds like you already know what your heart wants anyway!

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Another loooong time lurker here! Also, another Germany ETA applicant. I figured I'd been reading all of your posts for a while (and thoroughly enjoying them I must add), so I might as well jump on in! Here's hoping someone gets answers today :)

 Right on! Fellow Germany ETA applicant! High five! :)
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Alright guys...so I decided to post to this forum something almost entirely not Fulbright related but is pretty much where all my stress in waiting to hear my Fulbright decision is coming from... in the hopes that you guys may be able to help me...


so I've applied to and been accepted to 2 fabulous PhD programs and I need to decide between the 2...I was sort of waiting to hear about Fulbright before I make a final decision because I just feel like I don't know how I'll feel either way once I hear such life changing news (good or bad...) and that may change how I feel about the PhD programs...but then part of me wants to make the decision now without knowing about that because at the same time, I don't want those emotions to affect my decision...so here's the short of it...yes still long, but as concise as I can get it


Institution A would take less total time to graduation (by a year or 2), I would not have to uproot my life...meaning being able to keep the 10 Zumba classes I teach per week and the band I play in and the friends I've made and all that, I've already worked with the potential advisor and he's a really fabulous advisor, very well established, we work well together, BUT I don't particularly like the city that much, it's not the EXACT research I think I want to be doing, although I do know that I enjoy the research, it's just not exactly what I want, and they'll pay me less, granted for a lower cost of living place...


Institution B would take longer, I would have to take significantly more challenging classes (but I feel like that's worth it, why sell myself short...), has a much bigger name BUT it's been rumored that the program isn't quite what it used to be, that it's just riding on the coat tails of its past success without still being the fabulous program it was and possibly institution A is now a better program...but lacks the history to say for sure...my potential advisor is on my current supervisory committee and she has been by far the most helpful member, I've talked to a number of her past students who all say she's amazing to work with and super supportive, the research is exactly what I think I want to be doing, but granted I haven't yet done anything in depth in that area so I could end up not liking it...I think I would like the city much better...but I've never lived there so I don't know, I've been assured I would have no trouble finding new Zumba classes and I would hope I could find a better band to play in (I play oboe and the one at A is just bad...), and they'll pay me significantly more with way better benefits...so basically it's a big risk, I think I'd be happier there, but I don't KNOW...


Both places will let me defer if I get an award...I feel like without knowing about Fulbright, I really WANT to go to institution B, but every time I try to tell my current advisor (who recently left that institution to work where I am now...) he is like "oh I think you should think about ___ more," or, "oh didn't they tell you this? that could hurt you in the long run, you should think about that more"...but then when I go and talk to other professors they're like eh don't worry about that, it's not as big of a deal as he's making it out to be...so I just don't know what to do!  I feel like if I don't get an award, I may just want to do A to power through and finish earlier and not uproot myself...or I may just want to get out and change it up with B...if I do get an award I will definitely do B, I don't see any reason not to at that point, I'll already be losing my Zumba classes with being away for a year and I can't imagine trying to come back and pick up the pieces a year later...anyone else have any insight?  Anything you think I'm not considering and should be? 


It's really stressing me out because I keep wanting to just go and accept B right now and be done with it, I feel SO bad putting it off for so long when I feel like my heart just wants to accept, but my head is telling me to wait and make sure it's the best decision! Ah!!! what to do what to do?!

Hey there, i am currently in a PHD program right now and i think what is most important is mentorship. A program may have a great reputation, but to have an advisor that is well connected is also great. I know of several people who are sitting in jobs they don't  like after graduating from a reputable university ( it can go either way). I see the value of moving out of a familiar city and reestablishing in a new place. I find that it is healthy character development and will be a great way to expand your network. Ultimately, pick the grad school that you can get the most research support in, i have honestly found that is what counts. Let all decisions be made around this.  Peace and Pasta!  :rolleyes:  :D

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In reply to the UK thread, I have heard of being nominated for other awards before, in order to maximize your chances. Let's say the school you are applying to for a partnership has had lots of applicants, they might suggest another partnership school where less people have applied. Good luck! Now that Wednesday, the day I thought we might be notified has come and gone, I am somehow feeling more relaxed, because at this point it is anyone's game. I wish all of us the best.... how cool would it be to get the Fulbright and then meet each other during the orientation!?

Lots of love and luck to everyone!!

That would be awesome - hopefully we all get it!! Any day now!

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UK Partnership Finalist here...posted a few weeks back about not receiving an invitation for an interview. No email from the UK yesterday either. Part of me is wondering if they ever even got my application from IIE after the first round as I haven't heard a word from the UK Fulbright folks. Maybe because I applied At-Large? Oh well. Hope the communication everyone else is receiving is indicative of good things for you guys! Best of luck (and sanity) to the UKers (and everyone else, why not) over the next few days!

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UK Partnership Finalist here...posted a few weeks back about not receiving an invitation for an interview. No email from the UK yesterday either. Part of me is wondering if they ever even got my application from IIE after the first round as I haven't heard a word from the UK Fulbright folks. Maybe because I applied At-Large? Oh well. Hope the communication everyone else is receiving is indicative of good things for you guys! Best of luck (and sanity) to the UKers (and everyone else, why not) over the next few days!


You should call IIE, in my opinion, and ask about your application. If there was a mistake, regardless of whether it can be fixed now, IIE should be aware so it doesn't happen to someone else in the future. Plus, if there wasn't a mistake, I'm sure it would give you peace of mind to know that your application at least made it to the UK committee and was considered. Just my perspective, its up to you of course and I don't want to intrude- but it seems like you have a legitimate concern to raise given that no one else in the forum has mentioned being in a similar situation.

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Long time lurker, figured I would post to introduce myself.  I am applying for the full research grant for Germany, specifically Berlin though with short trips to Bremen and possibly to Basel, Switzerland.  Second time around, last year I made it to the final decision but was knocked out.  If I don't get it this year, well there's no third chance!  I will have to condense my research time to 5-6 months in Germany funded (quite modestly) by my university.  Hi all! 


That's cool. What are you planning on doing research on? I applied to DAAD and Fulbright to do biochemistry research at the Freie Universität in Berlin. 

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UK Partnership Finalist here...posted a few weeks back about not receiving an invitation for an interview. No email from the UK yesterday either. Part of me is wondering if they ever even got my application from IIE after the first round as I haven't heard a word from the UK Fulbright folks. Maybe because I applied At-Large? Oh well. Hope the communication everyone else is receiving is indicative of good things for you guys! Best of luck (and sanity) to the UKers (and everyone else, why not) over the next few days!


Hey GTComb! I am actually in a similar situation as you; I was recommended for the next round, but have since then heard nothing about an interview or received the e-mail that was sent out yesterday. I spoke to my Fulbright Advisor about this and she received an e-mail from the Fulbright UK folks saying that not all institutions require an interview and that at this point everyone is still in the game. That gave me some peace of mind, however it's still really frustrating that no one has bothered to let us know that decisions are en route to us. I'm not sure what it all means, but if you do contact IIE, let me know what they say. Hopefully there is some rhyme and reason to it all and it is not just a mistake that may cost us the grant...

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That's cool. What are you planning on doing research on? I applied to DAAD and Fulbright to do biochemistry research at the Freie Universität in Berlin. 

I am researching German colonialism in Africa during the nineteenth century, specifically focussing on the relationship between missionaries and the Ewe.  The Ewe being the primary ethnic group in the former colony of Togoland.  This is part of my dissertation, I usually get the question, "why don't you go to Togo?" I say, my documents are in German and primarily located in Germany at the Bundesarchiv and state archive in Bremen. Even better, the missionary groups are still actively participating in Africa today, so it makes it a current topic. I hopefully will also be affiliated with FU Berlin!   

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Hey GTComb! I am actually in a similar situation as you; I was recommended for the next round, but have since then heard nothing about an interview or received the e-mail that was sent out yesterday. I spoke to my Fulbright Advisor about this and she received an e-mail from the Fulbright UK folks saying that not all institutions require an interview and that at this point everyone is still in the game. That gave me some peace of mind, however it's still really frustrating that no one has bothered to let us know that decisions are en route to us. I'm not sure what it all means, but if you do contact IIE, let me know what they say. Hopefully there is some rhyme and reason to it all and it is not just a mistake that may cost us the grant...

I think they've been doing this long enough it's unlikely they'll have forgotten about your application! I just think not every place requires an interview.

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I think they've been doing this long enough it's unlikely they'll have forgotten about your application! I just think not every place requires an interview.


I think so, too... my reference to it being a mistake was a, if not slightly paranoid, reply to the suggestion made by WC205:



You should call IIE, in my opinion, and ask about your application. If there was a mistake, regardless of whether it can be fixed now, IIE should be aware so it doesn't happen to someone else in the future...


In any case, we'll all know soon enough about the decisions, so there is no use worrying about what one cannot possibly control.

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I feel like there is a slight chance for the UK today.... please please please

Ha I wish, but I trust my FPAs in saying that it takes a good 2 days to get approval. I'm hoping for no later than Monday.

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When you all say you contacted IIE, who exactly are you referring to? I can't seem to find contact info for them specific to the Fulbright Program. 

Edited by SyrRg
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