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SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship/CGS Doctoral Scholarship 2013

Mike D.

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Also I received an award with a score of 16.74, was ranked 7 out of 26 in my category... so I think it really depends on the applications in your respective category.. again wishing you the best of luck! I think you will get it! :)
Thanks so much! I'm really hoping for SSHRC, but if I don't get it, the odds seem pretty good that one of the FRQSC winners would also get SSHRC, right? That's good to know about your score, too - thanks for sharing. :)
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The FRQSC results are now out - I just got my notification and I didn't receive an award. Out of 18 applicants in my discipline, they gave out 5 awards - and I ranked 6th. I guess this is good news? I think my SSHRC application was a lot stronger, so I'm staying hopeful. For any other FRQSC applicants out there, here's my score (please share yours if you received an award - I'd love to know more about how they grade the applications):


Dossier universitaire (6 pts): 5.117

Aptitude et experience en recherce (6 pts): 5.113

Qualite et interest scientifique du projet du recherche (8 pts): 7.15

TOTAL (20 pts): 17.4


I think my lack of publications probably lowered my research experience marks a bit. I'm happy being ranked first on the waiting list, though, and it seems like a good score - I really hope this means my SSHRC has a good chance!

Hey! Can you post this in the fqrsc thread? Would be helpful. What category where you in? I was ranked 5th out of 18 in 06B & received it.

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Thanks so much! I'm really hoping for SSHRC, but if I don't get it, the odds seem pretty good that one of the FRQSC winners would also get SSHRC, right? That's good to know about your score, too - thanks for sharing. :)

Yes, but depends on the year I guess. For sure if you get superSSHRC then you accept that, but I heard that FQRSC funds you till your 5th year and since I'm entering my 3rd I'm better off taking that, that is if I get the SSHRC and have to choose...

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SSHRC letters have not been sent yet. SSHRC's twitter account says that the letters will be mailed in late April.


Based on the comments I read here, I'm now pretty sure that I have no chance. :(  Poor undergrad GPA (now in PhD program), no research assistantships, one peer-reviewed publication, one article submitted to publication, one national conference, two international conferences (in one of them I received an Honourable Mention for a paper I submitted to the conference's Graduate Paper Award), not a whole lot in terms of scholarships, save for a Graduate Fellowship and a Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship, plus a few minor awards such as travel grants. Sigh... Sigh indeed. :(

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SSHRC letters have not been sent yet. SSHRC's twitter account says that the letters will be mailed in late April.


Based on the comments I read here, I'm now pretty sure that I have no chance. :(  Poor undergrad GPA (now in PhD program), no research assistantships, one peer-reviewed publication, one article submitted to publication, one national conference, two international conferences (in one of them I received an Honourable Mention for a paper I submitted to the conference's Graduate Paper Award), not a whole lot in terms of scholarships, save for a Graduate Fellowship and a Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship, plus a few minor awards such as travel grants. Sigh... Sigh indeed. :(


I'd not be so quick to jump to conclusions. If you were nominated out of your university, that's a good indicator that you're at least competitive. 

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I'd not be so quick to jump to conclusions. If you were nominated out of your university, that's a good indicator that you're at least competitive. 


Thanks for the encouraging comment. Still, last year's statistics show that my university (Simon Fraser) forwarded 55 out of 63 applications, so not much of a filter there... I tried to highlight my project's originality, relevance, and contributions to knowledge, and I have an experienced supervisor, but I'm afraid that won't suffice. Oh well, nothing to do now but wait. I could definitely use the money for fieldwork!

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Thanks for the encouraging comment. Still, last year's statistics show that my university (Simon Fraser) forwarded 55 out of 63 applications, so not much of a filter there... I tried to highlight my project's originality, relevance, and contributions to knowledge, and I have an experienced supervisor, but I'm afraid that won't suffice. Oh well, nothing to do now but wait. I could definitely use the money for fieldwork!

Wow, 55 out of 63! Concordia sends about 49 out of over 100...


And don't fret, honestly. I have bad undergrad grades too... I know they have been haunting me forever, but I have some faith. It's also my third time applying to SSHRC for my doctoral studies. Ouch.

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SSHRC letters have not been sent yet. SSHRC's twitter account says that the letters will be mailed in late April.

 sshrc said : Doctoral results on track for end of April, Master’s mid-May. Applicants will be notified by mail. Watch your mailbox!


In my opinion results have been send otherwise why should I watch my mailbox?

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 sshrc said : Doctoral results on track for end of April, Master’s mid-May. Applicants will be notified by mail. Watch your mailbox!


In my opinion results have been send otherwise why should I watch my mailbox?


"On track for end of April" means that if all goes as planned, that's when the letters will start being mailed. In other words, you should watch your mailbox around that time, once results are released (hopefully sometime next week).

On the other hand, maybe they meant that we should receive the letters by then (as opposed to them mailing the letters at the end of the month), so really, "on track for end of April" is a rather ambiguous statement that would require clarification. :) 

Furthermore... Oh whatever, we'll just have to wait.

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"On track for end of April" means that if all goes as planned, that's when the letters will start being mailed. In other words, you should watch your mailbox around that time, once results are released (hopefully sometime next week).

On the other hand, maybe they meant that we should receive the letters by then (as opposed to them mailing the letters at the end of the month), so really, "on track for end of April" is a rather ambiguous statement that would require clarification. :)

Furthermore... Oh whatever, we'll just have to wait.

 I guess it depends if you are optimistic or pessimistic!! :)

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Last year the first person to post got the news on April 30. And, for those of you in the States, it took about 4 days to go from Ottawa to NYC (they sort it again in Buffalo). I got the news May 3rd.


The first phase was much slower getting out than last year, so I'm hoping that all that was dealt with and they'll mail out the second phase results on schedule!

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When they say "watch your mailbox," it means nothing. They said that same thing a bunch in their twitter feed over the last two years, and historically speaking, it does not indicate that the result have been sent. They will explicitly state that "the results for the doctoral competition have now been mailed." I anticipate that this means that they'll be posted late next week, which was my original estimate.

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hahaha,...It is refreshing to see that no only iPhone releases can garner some speculative attention. 


haha, here is an interesting phd project: commodity production and the effects of speculation anxiety on the consumer. 


Do i see a SSHRC proposal in there...? any takers?

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Ok... here is a question for the knowing... What's up with this... :


Individuals who apply through a Canadian university for either a master’s scholarship or a doctoral award will first receive notice of the results of their application through their university’s faculty of graduate studies or equivalent.




Does that mean that the admin knows the results before we do? And if so, how early...?

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Ok... here is a question for the knowing... What's up with this... :


Individuals who apply through a Canadian university for either a master’s scholarship or a doctoral award will first receive notice of the results of their application through their university’s faculty of graduate studies or equivalent.




Does that mean that the admin knows the results before we do? And if so, how early...?


I just talked to the SSHRC scholarship co-ordinator at my school and was told that sometimes students will actually receive the results before the school does, so as for being notified by them, they may do it before or after I find out.  Not very helpful but that seems to reflect the experiences of students who've applied for other Tri-Council awards, of which I read some heard in writing first and some heard from their school first.


I wish that from that statement I could believe we would find out the results sooner.. but it appears that's not the case!  Here's to continuing waiting anxiously for my mail in the next few weeks.

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I don't understand the SSHRC. It's not the first year that they are giving awards... They could at least give us a precise date... And what is this message on twitter (using twitter but sending papers...) "end of April" and watch your mailbox... For Vanier there a date given but not for this one... very weird and unprofessionnal... Maybe they are waiting for the Vanier people to accept or refuse their award to redistribute the sshrc awards these people may have won as well...

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