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Does anyone know if Waterloo or Lakehead sent out offers of acceptance for MPH yet? If not, then when?


I contacted the coordinator at Waterloo yesterday. She said that all applications have been reviewed and decisions have been made. They are just waiting for the final approval from the department. She said that everyone should hear back by mid-April. If you don't, then you are part of a small pool of applicants on the waiting list.


If anyone gets in or rejected, please post it on here! I've been checking Quest everyday.

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Hey everyone, I am a first year MSc student studying clinical epidemiology at the U of A. Best of luck to everyone applying into the world of public health. I know this is a nerve-racking time for those applying and I can remember coming on this blog last year and checking out everyone's stats to see how they compare to mine...that didn't help my anxiety levels much. I was accepted in mid-late April last year, so give the application process some time if you haven't heard from the school(s) that you applied to. Here were my stats going in:


cgpa = 3.3  :wacko:

undergrad: exercise physiologist/kinesiology 

experience: about 3 years in the field, which some would consider "public health" experience since it was all clinical work

applied to: U of A MPH epi and MSc Epi (originally from the Vancouver area)


My cgpa obviously isn't the greatest but that didn't stop me from applying to only one school, luckily I was probably accepted based on my work experience. No need to become anxious just because people in this thread have 3.8s and 3.9s. Grades might help you in grad school (and getting in to grad school), but if you plan to work outside of academia after graduation then you should know that nobody cares about your gpa - mostly personality, work experience, and sometimes publications. What should also be stated is the importance of the TYPE of experience that you have...not simply the fact that you have public health experience, if that is the case. This was beneficial for me because my supervisor has a background in physiotherapy and much of my work experience was working in physiotherapy clinics. This was a likely the driving factor for why I was accepted into the program. It's a great program, and I've taken some very interesting courses. I begin my thesis work at the end of April. 



*For those accepted into the U of A MPH/MSc epi program*


The SPH at the U of A doesn't have the greatest track-record for communicating to students before going in to the program, and there is usually a huge sense of confusion leaving you with feelings of "what now?" (Actually, I'm sure most public health programs are like that in the country). I was completely lost when I arrived to Edmonton and wasn't sure who to talk to for information regarding the program, thesis work, and expectations of grad school. I had lots of questions and you probably will too. To help alleviate some of the confusion you can send me a private message and I will do my best to answer your questions.

What's it like to live in Edmonton? How difficult are my classes? Publications? Is the U of A SPH a good school? What is the campus like? Ask me anything! Classes are a bit chaotic at the moment, to say the least, so I may not be able to response immediately. I haven't used the PM function on here, so in the event it's lame/weak, we can communicate via email or facebook. 


Congrats to those who have been accepted! To those who have been rejected, don't give up! 

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Does anyone know if Waterloo or Lakehead sent out offers of acceptance for MPH yet? If not, then when?

My Lakehead online application status was changed to "admitted" on March 1st. I've yet to receive the official offer letter.

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Congratulations for all who got acceptance letters, I am waiting Guelph response may be late April,

is anybody here joined Guelph MPH??


all accepted students would you plz share your GPA with us to know the average ??



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My Lakehead online application status was changed to "admitted" on March 1st. I've yet to receive the official offer letter.

Yeah mine is stuck at incomplete, because I can't send the official proof of degree yet because I'm graduating this spring.

Edited by Artificial_Ignorance
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Yeah mine is stuck at incomplete, because I can't send the official proof of degree yet because I'm graduating this spring.

From what I'm aware, they do make decisions based on the unofficial transcripts they receive and if you are recommended for admission they give the ok to the grad office which processes the letter. It seems to be taking a while. Good luck, hope everything works out!

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To anyone waiting to hear from SFU, I called them a few moments ago and was told that due to a technical difficulty they will be letting people know by early next week.


Happy waiting!

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To anyone waiting to hear from SFU, I called them a few moments ago and was told that due to a technical difficulty they will be letting people know by early next week.


Happy waiting!

Thanks for the information. I pray it comes out positively in Jesus name. Best of luck to all those waiting for SFU as well.

Edited by Cima
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Hey everyone, I am a first year MSc student studying clinical epidemiology at the U of A. Best of luck to everyone applying into the world of public health. I know this is a nerve-racking time for those applying and I can remember coming on this blog last year and checking out everyone's stats to see how they compare to mine...that didn't help my anxiety levels much. I was accepted in mid-late April last year, so give the application process some time if you haven't heard from the school(s) that you applied to. Here were my stats going in:


cgpa = 3.3  :wacko:

undergrad: exercise physiologist/kinesiology 

experience: about 3 years in the field, which some would consider "public health" experience since it was all clinical work

applied to: U of A MPH epi and MSc Epi (originally from the Vancouver area)


My cgpa obviously isn't the greatest but that didn't stop me from applying to only one school, luckily I was probably accepted based on my work experience. No need to become anxious just because people in this thread have 3.8s and 3.9s. Grades might help you in grad school (and getting in to grad school), but if you plan to work outside of academia after graduation then you should know that nobody cares about your gpa - mostly personality, work experience, and sometimes publications. What should also be stated is the importance of the TYPE of experience that you have...not simply the fact that you have public health experience, if that is the case. This was beneficial for me because my supervisor has a background in physiotherapy and much of my work experience was working in physiotherapy clinics. This was a likely the driving factor for why I was accepted into the program. It's a great program, and I've taken some very interesting courses. I begin my thesis work at the end of April. 



*For those accepted into the U of A MPH/MSc epi program*


The SPH at the U of A doesn't have the greatest track-record for communicating to students before going in to the program, and there is usually a huge sense of confusion leaving you with feelings of "what now?" (Actually, I'm sure most public health programs are like that in the country). I was completely lost when I arrived to Edmonton and wasn't sure who to talk to for information regarding the program, thesis work, and expectations of grad school. I had lots of questions and you probably will too. To help alleviate some of the confusion you can send me a private message and I will do my best to answer your questions.

What's it like to live in Edmonton? How difficult are my classes? Publications? Is the U of A SPH a good school? What is the campus like? Ask me anything! Classes are a bit chaotic at the moment, to say the least, so I may not be able to response immediately. I haven't used the PM function on here, so in the event it's lame/weak, we can communicate via email or facebook. 


Congrats to those who have been accepted! To those who have been rejected, don't give up! 

Hey! thank you for all the information. I am from Toronto so I am a bit hesitant to move to Edmonton but I was wondering how your experience has been so far? and what is the difference between pursuing an mph with a specialization (epidemiology) and a general one (the one offered at UBC) I am a bit confused about which school to attend and I don't know if not having a specialization would put one at a disadvantage after completing the degree! 


any advice would be really appreciated

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To anyone waiting to hear from SFU, I called them a few moments ago and was told that due to a technical difficulty they will be letting people know by early next week.


Happy waiting!

Thanks Kmila! That helps...axiously waiting! 

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From what I'm aware, they do make decisions based on the unofficial transcripts they receive and if you are recommended for admission they give the ok to the grad office which processes the letter. It seems to be taking a while. Good luck, hope everything works out!

Hey Artificial_Ignorance and TR_JM, does that mean they look at the final marks from the Spring term as well? 

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I received an acceptance letter from U of T today, for the MPH in Epidemiology. It arrived in the mail and from the postmark was sent yesterday, so keep an eye on your mailboxes for those who applied to that program as it seems they're getting out acceptances earlier than I was expecting!

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I received an acceptance letter from U of T today, for the MPH in Epidemiology. It arrived in the mail and from the postmark was sent yesterday, so keep an eye on your mailboxes for those who applied to that program as it seems they're getting out acceptances earlier than I was expecting!

Hi there - wondering if you were asked to send in your official transcripts prior to this?

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Hi there - wondering if you were asked to send in your official transcripts prior to this?



I received an acceptance letter from U of T today, for the MPH in Epidemiology. It arrived in the mail and from the postmark was sent yesterday, so keep an eye on your mailboxes for those who applied to that program as it seems they're getting out acceptances earlier than I was expecting!

congratulations! did your status change on their website? 

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Hi there - wondering if you were asked to send in your official transcripts prior to this?

No, I was not. I didn't receive any emails or anything at all prior to getting this letter in the mail. In the letter it does ask that I send in the official transcripts before Aug. 31 at the latest, but preferably as soon as possible, as a condition of the offer.


congratulations! did your status change on their website? 

Thank you! No, it didn't - my status still says "Under Review".

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No, I was not. I didn't receive any emails or anything at all prior to getting this letter in the mail. In the letter it does ask that I send in the official transcripts before Aug. 31 at the latest, but preferably as soon as possible, as a condition of the offer.


Thank you! No, it didn't - my status still says "Under Review".

Thanks for the clarification :)

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My application status for U of S changed to "dept recommend" today and was wondering if anyone knew what this meant? I am not sure whether to freak out with excitement or not yet! haha

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My application status for U of S changed to "dept recommend" today and was wondering if anyone knew what this meant? I am not sure whether to freak out with excitement or not yet! haha

That's really good! It means that the actual department would like to accept you. They have to wait for Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies admissions to approve it since they usually make the final decisions. So you should probably expect an official letter of acceptance from them soon :) 

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That's really good! It means that the actual department would like to accept you. They have to wait for Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies admissions to approve it since they usually make the final decisions. So you should probably expect an official letter of acceptance from them soon :)

Thank you for the info! I will save the celebration until I get an actual letter in the mail :) Wasn't expecting anything from Saskatchewan so soon!

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I received an acceptance letter from U of T today, for the MPH in Epidemiology. It arrived in the mail and from the postmark was sent yesterday, so keep an eye on your mailboxes for those who applied to that program as it seems they're getting out acceptances earlier than I was expecting!

congratulations !! that's wonderful.  I was wondering if you knew when you were expected to hear back from U of T ?  I applied to the MPH Health Promotion and they said everyone will know their status as of mid-April and they will start sending out acceptances late March .. nothing yet for me though.  Thanks!

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