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PhD applications for 2013-2014 chit chat...


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Yes. Technically, they don't create the wait list until after interview weekend, but I'm supposed to let them know if I accept an offer somewhere else so it sounded like a wait list email to me.

Thanks for the information!

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EcoBren, are you interviewing with Yale too? 

Yep, had my interview this morning. It went really well--a lot of people crammed around one computer! But it was actually really fun and made me want to go there all the more!

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Curious if anyone has had news out of Northwestern yet. Thanks! 


I'm a current student in the RS department at Northwestern. We were told that final decisions were hopefully being made by the end of today, maybe by the end of the week. Admitted student weekend is March 8-10, so phone calls will be made soon!


Good luck.

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I'm a current student in the RS department at Northwestern. We were told that final decisions were hopefully being made by the end of today, maybe by the end of the week. Admitted student weekend is March 8-10, so phone calls will be made soon!


Good luck.

Thanks, JD. I remember last year they announced around the end of January. 

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For those interested, invites to the admitted student weekend at UNC-CH have gone out, Feb 22-24. 


Via email? I haven't heard anything from anyone and I'm getting nervous. I know it's still early though. 

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Via email? I haven't heard anything from anyone and I'm getting nervous. I know it's still early though. 

Yep, via e-mail from the DGS, a couple of weeks after we received admittance from the website. 

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More UVa action on the results search. Anyone know of a JCA person who has been accepted to UVa, or otherwise have info about their process? Compared to years past, this seems early for them to be rolling out decisions. Also, I thought this was odd when I applied, does anyone know why UVa does not ask for a writing sample? Anyone heard anything from SMU?

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NTstudent: It is weird UVA does not ask for a writing sample. I would also like to know about their process. In an email exchange with my POI there she mentioned that I should send her my writing sample and she would put it in my file. 

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More UVa action on the results search. Anyone know of a JCA person who has been accepted to UVa, or otherwise have info about their process? Compared to years past, this seems early for them to be rolling out decisions. Also, I thought this was odd when I applied, does anyone know why UVa does not ask for a writing sample? Anyone heard anything from SMU?



The professors themselves usually do like to see writing samples, but the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences would rather streamline the admissions process as much as possible. For them, it really is a numbers game. I was advised to sneak in a writing sample in the same file I used to upload my CV, but the applicant file (the actual, paper file) only includes transcripts, SOP, and test scores. Department secretaries are advised to discard everything else. The professors are able to see the writing sample if they access your online application, but it's probably best to ask your POI before you apply if he/she would like to see one and e-mail it to them directly. 


From what I understand, faculty from each program reviews the applications independently and has a small meeting in which they compile their top choices.  Then, the department at large meets to make the final decisions and barter for spots/applicants/money/etc.


I haven't heard anything from JCA, but I'll be sure to report if there are any rumblings. It does seem a bit early, but the SIP program is much smaller and conducts its business a bit differently. 

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That is interesting about UVA not requiring writing samples in their application.  I didn't catch that when I was filling it out.  Hopefully it doesn't hurt one's application to fail to somehow provide them with a writing sample.  It shouldn't considering that they don't mention it anywhere on the Department's 'How To Apply' page, but I certainly would feel better now if they had one from me.

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I am the UVA SIP applicant from the results page. I had a short skype interview todaywith my POI there. 2 things to note about the interview:


1) I got the sense that they are very much still in the process of narrowing people down, not necessarily close to making decisions.

2) I actually emailed a copy of my writing sample to the grad office, which was not passed along. My POI said seeing a writing sample would be helpful. I emailed him one directly.


SIP is a really unique program and the POI seemed really nice. I am very excited to have gotten an interview.


Good luck everyone.

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And today we forfeit the best excuse of why we haven't heard from our programs yet: that it was still January.


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It's so frustrating to me that UVa doesn't require a writing sample, but then encourages it in personal conversation. I discussed the process with two different professors via e-mail and neither mentioned it. I couldn't get a face-to-face meeting because neither was able to attend SBL this year. Still, this would seem like a rather important detail to mention. Not to mention that a writing sample is probably the best indicator of somone's actual ability as a scholar. I think this is indicative of the way higher education, particularly in the US, often merits reputation over actual ability. Sorry for the rant, this is just so frustrating to find out after the application process that I could have submitted a writing sample had I gotten the right information. What does everyone else think? Am I just being bitter? Anyone here who applied to JCA that did submit a writing sample?

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It's so frustrating to me that UVa doesn't require a writing sample, but then encourages it in personal conversation. I discussed the process with two different professors via e-mail and neither mentioned it. I couldn't get a face-to-face meeting because neither was able to attend SBL this year. Still, this would seem like a rather important detail to mention. Not to mention that a writing sample is probably the best indicator of somone's actual ability as a scholar. I think this is indicative of the way higher education, particularly in the US, often merits reputation over actual ability. Sorry for the rant, this is just so frustrating to find out after the application process that I could have submitted a writing sample had I gotten the right information. What does everyone else think? Am I just being bitter? Anyone here who applied to JCA that did submit a writing sample?

I think you're right on. Even though I didn't apply to UVa, I had a similar rant all typed up about an hour ago, Of course, it would've been an outsider's perspective, but commiseration's worth something, I hope. To be perfectly honest and tactless, to not require (but secretly want) a writing sample seems bass-ackwards.

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