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HGSE Fall 2013


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At this point I think we all just need to be put in an induced sleep until the decisions are out. Refreshing my feed every 10 seconds is not helping me. Checking this blog over and over again has definitely not been good for my mental stability.


Good luck to all! Here's to all of us going to great schools regardless of HGSE's decision!

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Do we all get the same email notifying us to check our status? Or is the email slightly different dependent upon whether or not you got in (or perhaps the sender of the email is different)?


Anyone have a clue?

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Wow, what will you guys do if the decisions aren't released today? Lots of anxiety in this thread...


i aint even anxious, bro.


u askin all dem questions

askin all dem questions

makin' statements...



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CQE, you FREAKED ME OUT for a minute.


Do we all get the same email notifying us to check our status? Or is the email slightly different dependent upon whether or not you got in (or perhaps the sender of the email is different)?


Anyone have a clue?


I thought you asked if we all had already gotten this email and I checked my Gmail and spaaaazzed out. Hahaha. So much for the calming yoga I just did. :P

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CQE, you FREAKED ME OUT for a minute.



I thought you asked if we all had already gotten this email and I checked my Gmail and spaaaazzed out. Hahaha. So much for the calming yoga I just did. :P


From downward dog to flying squirrel?






I really didn't mean'ta conf00z u.

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The e-mails should all be the same just saying your admissions decision is ready to view. Waiting for the page to load and log in is probably the longest 30 seconds ever.


Hope it comes this evening for you all! Would hate to have you all stressing later into the week/month!

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Even though I've been murdering the refresh button all day, I really haven't expected anything until right about meow.


However, I definitely expect to hear something within the next two hours given the times that decisions were sent out the past couple of years. We are now in that two hour window, peeps...



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I got the financial aid status email. They really shouldn't send that today.. Or wait, if I got it later than some of you, does that mean I'm rejected?

I think it's more likely because I sent my tax papers last week. :). Good luck guys!!!

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Greetings from the UK! Kept refreshing my email everywhere I had wifi, but I guess today is not the day. :(


Starting to look like that may be the case...


However, last year or the year before, they didn't hear back until 6:20 EST (probably around 12:20 AM for you).  So, we have roughly another 50-60 minutes before I completely give up on today.

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Greetings from the UK! Kept refreshing my email everywhere I had wifi, but I guess today is not the day. :(


Enjoy your trip, nicolemae! A trip to the UK sounds wonderful.




Like CQE, I'm holding out hope until 6:30 or so. Then, who knows? I guess I'll just feel really dumb, heh.

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Starting to look like that may be the case...


However, last year or the year before, they didn't hear back until 6:20 EST (probably around 12:20 AM for you).  So, we have roughly another 50-60 minutes before I completely give up on today.


6:23 EST to be exact :). Just looked my acceptance e-mail up. I remember doing this thread last year and after 530 passed figured I wasn't going to get anything. Was sitting in my office with a friend working on some stuff when he heard me stop typing my paper because the e-mail came in. Would have been the most awkward time to get the e-mail if I had gotten rejected. Not sure how I held it together as I opened it.

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Wow! Haha thanks to ALL of the current students for your moral support and tidbits of information. It's keeping us sane! I have an early start to my day tomorrow so I have to be off to bed :( not sure if sleep will even come, but I shall try! You guys are all so awesome.

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6:23 EST to be exact :). Just looked my acceptance e-mail up. I remember doing this thread last year and after 530 passed figured I wasn't going to get anything. Was sitting in my office with a friend working on some stuff when he heard me stop typing my paper because the e-mail came in. Would have been the most awkward time to get the e-mail if I had gotten rejected. Not sure how I held it together as I opened it.


Would you please share the decision link? Minus your student ID #, of course. If you want to share, then you could replace your ID # with X's.


I want to give it a shot with my ID #. :rolleyes:




I feel like I'm cracking the Da Vinci Code over here. Wuddup, Tom Hanks?!

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Would you please share the decision link? Minus your student ID #, of course. If you want to share, then you could replace your ID # with X's.


I want to give it a shot with my ID #. :rolleyes:




I feel like I'm cracking the Da Vinci Code over here. Wuddup, Tom Hanks?!



I want to vote this up so hard but reached my quota!! And I thought I was being sparing! :(

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Would you please share the decision link? Minus your student ID #, of course. If you want to share, then you could replace your ID # with X's.

I want to give it a shot with my ID #. :rolleyes:


I feel like I'm cracking the Da Vinci Code over here. Wuddup, Tom Hanks?!

I've been out of the system for awhile, I feel like they boot people to prevent just that haha

I am sure you'll find out soon! I hope for your stress/anxiety levels it is tonight!

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