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Lets get 2013 underway

Usual format for posts:

Undergrad Institution: (School or type of school, such as big state, lib arts, ivy, technical, foreign (what country?)... Overall Reputation in Engineering?)



GPA in Major:

Overall GPA:

Length of Degree: (Are you graduating after 3, 4, or 5 years?)

Position in Class: (No numbers needed, but are you top? near top? average? struggling?)

Type of Student: (Domestic/International, male/female, minority?)

GRE Scores:




TOEFL Total: (if applicable, otherwise delete this)

Research Experience: (At your school or elsewhere? What field? How much time? Any publications (Mth author out of N?) or conference talks etc...)

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: (Within your school or outside?)

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: (Such as tutor, TA, organization officer etc...)

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Applying for [ MS ] or [ PhD ] at:

School - Department - decision/date/funding

School - Department - decision/date/funding

School - Department - decision/date/funding

School - Department - decision/date/funding

Posted (edited)

Undergrad Institution: University of Western Australia

Major(s): Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

GPA in Major: 71%

Overall GPA: 71%

Length of Degree: 6 year dual degree

Position in Class: Above average

Type of Student: Australian

GRE Scores:

Q: 168

V: 162

W: 4.0

Research Experience: 1 year honours thesis, 6 month chemistry research project

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Nada

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 12 weeks nitric acid plant internship, 12 week cement plant internship

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: 2 semester exchange at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Applying for PhD at:

Chemical Engineering: Penn State, Virginia Tech, Notre Dame, Auburn, LSU, Clemson, Utah, Kentucky, Kansas State

Environmental Engineering: Iowa

Edited by wink_e

I'll bite :rolleyes: This is the second round for me. All rejections last year <_<

Undergrad Institution:Accredited international university. Top in my country.

Grad Institution: Top 50 U.S. university (M.Sc.)

Major(s): Mechanical Engineering

GPA in Major: 3.85

Overall GPA: 3.64 (3.63 for M.Sc.)

Length of Degree: 4 years

Position in Class: No idea. Probably top 10%.

Type of Student: International, F.

GRE Scores:

Q: 168

V: 163

W: 4.5

TOEFL Total: 118

Research Experience: 2 month research internship abroad, published research project in Senior year, Master's thesis research. Spent the last year doing research with a couple of profs. In total, about a dozen publications (conference + journal) first author in 4.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: undergrad Dean's honor list. Big name conference award in my senior year.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: In the past did TA, RA, currently an instructor.

Applying for PhD at:

Virginia Tech:

University of Maryland-College Park:

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Accepted - Nov. 6 - Full TA.

University of Washington-Seattle:

University of Colorado-Boulder:

Arizona State University:

North Carolina State University:


Undergrad Institution: Liberal Arts

Major(s): Physics, Chemistry

GPA in Major: 3.80 +

Overall GPA: 3.80 +

Length of Degree: 4 years

Position in Class: Top 5%, though unreported

Type of Student: Domestic

GRE Scores:

Q: 80% +

V: 80% +

W: 80% +

Research Experience: 2+ years, including an REU.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's List and some awared nominations

Applying for PhD at:


North Carolina State University, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, Arizona State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, The University of Florida, The Pennsylvania State University, The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The University of Maryland, Vanderbilt University, The University of Michigan at Ann-Arbor, Purdue University

Posted (edited)

Undergrad Institution: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

Major(s): Materials Engineering


GPA in Major: 3.84

Overall GPA: 3.89

Length of Degree: 4 years

Position in Class:1/60 in department, top 5/1000 in school of engineering for my year

Type of Student:Domestic, white male

GRE Scores:

Q: 170 (99%)

V: 154 (61%)

W: 4.5 (73%)

Research Experience:

1 quarter of traveling abroad to collect data/work on a robotics research project under an NSF grant (invited to continue my research/travel again next quarter)

3 quarters of computer vision research

One 1st author conference paper (in review) for a computer graphics project

One 3rd author journal paper (in review) for robotics

1 quarter satellite antenna design research with CubeSat

senior design project building/programming a robot to map out a building with some well known algorithms


a few scholarships

Alpha Sigma Mu materials engineering honor society

11/11 dean's lists, 3/3 president's lists bla bla bla have they stopped reading yet?

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:

Internship at an ROV and manipulator arm manufacturer

TA and lab assistant for chemistry for engineers II for 1 year

Led study sessions for ~15-20 students in calc IV, mechanics of materials, statics, and chemistry classes for 2 years

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Should have some solid recommendations. All 3 will discuss different research projects I have been a part of during my undergraduate. All 3 went to top schools, and I am on good terms with them all!! :)

I don't know if this will be seen as positive or negative, but, in sophomore year I was not allowed to change majors to computer science since my school was facing budget cuts. Instead, I taught myself Java and C++ over summer and joined a robotics research team to tailor myself without actually switching majors. I went out of my way to take lots of other classes not required for my major (summing up to roughly the same amount of units as a minor) which I got A's in without taking the prerequisites, and am still on track to graduate in time as a materials engineering student. However, this may be construed as a weak point since I don't have the same background in dynamics/controls as some ME and EE students. Blah. We will see!

Applying to:

Stanford - Aeronautics and Astronautics MS

MIT - Aeronautics and Astronautics Ph.D

CMU - Robotics Ph.D

GA Tech - Mechanical Engineering Ph.D

Caltech - Control and Dynamical Systems Ph.D

Berkeley - EECS Ph.D

Cal Poly - CS MS (backup)

Fingers are crossed so hard that I have lost circulation... and the applications just went in!! Good luck to all! I hope everybody here is pleasantly surprised with the results of their admissions!!!

Edited by zecone13

Undergrad Institution: Princeton

Major(s): Earth Sciences


GPA in Major: 3.75

Overall GPA: 3.7

Length of Degree: 4 years

Position in Class: High? don't know exactly

Type of Student:female

GRE Scores:

Q: 790

V: 730

W: 5.5

Research Experience:

lots of undergrad physical science lab and modeling research, 2 summers of unrelated earth science fieldwork and modeling research, 1 published abstract from a AGU conference


a few scholarships, department honors and awards for independent work, school specific grants for research

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:

worked for the past year in energy/finance industry

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

none? pretty good academically/research wise, but am applying to a field different from the one i majored in undergrad and have connections/experience in

Applying to:

Stanford - MS&E

Berkeley - Energy Resources Group


UW - Policy and Tech PHD

2 down..2 to go as of now!


Undergrad Institution: Top-50 Ranked Engineering University

Major(s): Mechanical Engineering

GPA in Major: 4.00

Overall GPA: 4.00

Length of Degree: 4 Years

Position in Class: 1 of approx. 130?

Type of Student: American Male

GRE Scores:

Q: 169

V: 162

W: 4.5

Research Experience:

I'm now in my second year of research work with a prominent medical device design / bioengineering lab at my university. My first year consisted mostly of smaller projects and helping out graduate students with their thesis work, though I had some experience designing test chambers for various equipment (I got lots of testing, machining, and fabrication experience that year). This year I've taken over a major design project from one of the grad students who has moved on to modeling and analysis, so I've really had a chance to get my hands dirty over the past few months with design, prototyping, and testing. Unfortunately I don't have any publications yet.... but I'm hoping to have two completed this spring, hopefully this doesn't count as a strike against me.


- Major scholarship from a prominent professional engineering society

- Undergraduate research grant through my university

- Scholar in a program sponsored by a Fortune-10 company

- Dean's List all semesters

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:

- Research Assistant (Fall 2011 to Present)

- Two internships with Fortune-10 company mentioned above (for the longest time I expected to go right into industry.....) Looking back I wish I could have used these summers for research, but, eh.....

- Physics TA for a semester

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

- President for a highly active engineering society (~250 members, ~25 events per year)

- I've gotten to know many of the department professors EXTREMELY well, so I have 4 very, very strong rec letters (especially from my research advisor, who I've known since my first day freshman year)

- I don't ever sleep :P

Applying to all MechE departments, with a PhD being the end-goal for all schools:

MIT, Stanford, CalTech, Georgia Tech, UC Berkeley, Columbia, Cornell, U-Michigan at Ann-Arbor, U-Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, CU Boulder, RPI


Just trying to add to the pool of information. I hope someone can find this useful. I'll try to remember to update with admits/rejections

Undergrad Institution: Small,regionally well respected engineering school

Major(s): Electrical Engineering (focus in low power integrated circuit design)

Minor(s): Mathematics

GPA in Major: 3.99

Overall GPA: 3.85

Length of Degree: 4 years (took one quarter off for internship)

Position in Class: No ranking done at school, but probably at least top 5%

Type of Student: Domestic, white male

GRE Scores:

Q: 164

V: 156

W: 4.0

Research Experience: ​3 month REU in applicable area of research, co-author on conference paper; Undergraduate research project currently in progress, will write publication and present at undergraduate research conference in Spring

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's List...not much else

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 6 month internship at Intel; Lab assistant/helper for lower level EE courses; Summer internship at electric company; IT department student worker during school year; Officer for Tau Beta Pi

Other Stuff:

-I know my professors very well, so all 3 letters of rec should be fairly strong; one from REU advisor

-My school doesn't really do any large amount of research at all (and none at all in my area), so just being able to get a couple opportunities was nice. I tried to emphasize this on my applications. I'm not sure if they really care though :/

Applying for PhD in EECS/ECE Department at:


U Minnesota

U Mich



U Texas


Posted (edited)

Undergrad Institution: Duke University (top 3 BME program, top 30 ECE program)

Major(s): Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering (applying for electrical engineering, concentration in signal processing or bio-electrical engineering)

Minor(s): Chemistry

GPA in Major: 3.90

Overall GPA: 3.88

Length of Degree: 4 years

Position in Class: Top 10%?

Type of Student: Asian male

GRE Scores:

Q: 170 (99%)

V: 164 (94%)

W: 4.5 (73%)

Research Experience:

1 summer of unrelated research in a biotech lab

1 semester senior design project designing and implementing a Sleep Apnea monitoring and therapeutic device

Will be doing an independent study in Embedded Medical Devices and Systems next semester


Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society

Dean's List with Distinction

likely Magna Cum Laude

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:

Teaching Assistant in the ECE department (computer architecture, signal processing) - 4 semesters

Internship at OmniVision Technologies working with optical sensor verification, in the field of signal and image processing - 1 summer

Internship at a optical fiber communications lab at a university in Beijing - 1 summer

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Engineers without Borders - worked on a team designing and building a water storage and distribution system for a rural village in Uganda

Fairly extensive volunteering experience

Letter of recommendations are solid

Applying for [ MS ] at:








U Mich



Edited by schai

Undergrad Institution: Medium Private School
Major(s): Physics, Mathematics
Minor(s): German
GPA in Major: 3.98
Overall GPA: 3.96
Length of Degree: 4 years
Position in Class: well...good.
Type of Student: Non-diverse  -_- 

GRE Scores:
Q: 800
V: 710
W: 5

Research Experience: 4 different since HS, 3 in lab environment, 1 summer at nat'l lab and 3 at college doing experimental physics, co-authored recently submitted paper. (well, accepted now, but they had to wait until just after my apps were in)  :mellow: 

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Goldwater HM, SPIE Scholar, Full Tuition + 3 Research Grants at home university, other misc.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: TA'd a math class, private and volunteer tutor

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: I have spent the past 21 years of my life resume building as hard as possible.

Applying for PhD at:
(in no particular order)


UIUC - Materials Science & Engineering

Stanford - Materials Science & Engineering

Johns Hopkins - Materials Science & Engineering
MIT - Materials Science & Engineering

Northwestern - Materials Science & Engineering

Yale SEAS - Applied Physics

Harvard SEAS - Applied Physics

Caltech - Applied Physics

Berkeley AS&T - Applied Physics


Wish me luck! Hope everyone else gets in to their dream schools  ;)


Thanks to all who have posted their information on the forum. I hope this is helpful for future applicants.
Undergrad Institution: Public university, well-regarded engineering program
Major(s): Mechanical Engineering
Minor(s): English
GPA in Major: 3.99
Overall GPA: 3.99
Length of Degree: 4 years
Position in Class: Top 2%
Type of Student: Male white domestic

GRE Scores:
Q: 167 (96%)
V: 170 (99%)
W: 4.5 (76%)

Research Experience: 2 years in area of graduate focus (thermal-fluid systems). Second author of conference paper.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Various school scholarships.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: One industry internship, TBP.

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Extensive leadership positions in community service organizations. Involvement in engineering outreach programs.

Applying to earn a terminal Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at:
Michigan - Pending
MIT  - Pending
Stanford  - Pending
UC Berkeley - Accepted Dec 17 / Funding pending
UC San Diego -  Pending
UC Santa Barbara -  Pending
UT Austin -  Pending

  On 12/28/2012 at 8:23 PM, NoHayBanda said:

Thanks to all who have posted their information on the forum. I hope this is helpful for future applicants.


Undergrad Institution: Public university, well-regarded engineering program

Major(s): Mechanical Engineering

Minor(s): English

GPA in Major: 3.99

Overall GPA: 3.99

Length of Degree: 4 years

Position in Class: Top 2%

Type of Student: Male white domestic

GRE Scores:

Q: 167 (96%)

V: 170 (99%)

W: 4.5 (76%)

Research Experience: 2 years in area of graduate focus (thermal-fluid systems). Second author of conference paper.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Various school scholarships.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: One industry internship, TBP.

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Extensive leadership positions in community service organizations. Involvement in engineering outreach programs.

Applying to earn a terminal Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at:

Michigan - Pending

MIT  - Pending

Stanford  - Pending

UC Berkeley - Accepted Dec 17 / Funding pending

UC San Diego -  Pending

UC Santa Barbara -  Pending

UT Austin -  Pending


Congrats on the UCB acceptance!


Undergrad Institution: Medium private university, top 10 in BioE
Major(s): Bioengineering
Minor(s): Global Health
GPA in Major: 3.9/4.0
Overall GPA: 3.9/4.0
Length of Degree: 4
Position in Class: N/A
Type of Student: white domestic female

GRE Scores:
Q: 168 (99%)
V: 169 (97%)
W: 5.0 (92%)

Research Experience:

  • 1.5 years at my school, listed as 2-3 author on a few presentations and publications to be submitted, but nothing published yet
  • REU at very prestigious school, good LOR but no pubs from this

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's List for a few years, semifinalist in outside competition (not well known)

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: grader for a few classes

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: strong LORs, one from a very well known PI

Applying for PhD with tissue engineering/regenerative medicine focus at:
Stanford - Bioengineering
UC Berkeley - Bioengineering
U. of Michigan - Biomedical Engineering (got an e-mail out of the blue in Oct offering to waive my app fee)
U. of Wisconsin - Biomedical Engineering

Duke - Biomedical Engineering - e-mail from POI on 12/19 about setting up call, seemed informal

Columbia - Biomedical Engineering

Harvard - SEAS Bioengineering



Pretty much driving myself crazy waiting for decisions at this point, which I'm sure y'all can relate to...


Undergrad Institution: State school, around 50 overall ranking in my field
Minor(s): mathematics
GPA in Major: 4.0
Overall GPA: 4.0
Length of Degree: 4
Position in Class: Top junior award; no official numbers.
Type of Student: Boring - domestic, white male.

GRE Scores:
Q: 170
V: 166
W: 4.5

Research Experience: Advanced manufacturing group for the last year - very informal though. Also, summer research (again not very formal) at an international university. No publications, but a conference presentation in the spring.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: A number of awards in my department. A handful of scholarships--some music, some engineering.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 20hrs/week engineering tutoring for the last 2 years for the university. Also, online physics tutor (tutor.com).


Summer internships in controls at a DOE facility and also at a commercial vehicle company

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Projects in industry related to proposed research. Leading university undergraduate team in various fabrication projects.

Applying for Mech Eng. PhD (when possible) at:

MIT - Waiting

UC Berkeley - Waiting

Cornell - Waiting

Carnegie Mellon - Waiting

UT Austin - Waiting

Georgia Tech - Waiting

Duke - Interviews coming up



Undergrad Institution: Top private school in my country (but not known outside my country)
Major(s): Telecommunications engineering
GPA in Major: 96%
Overall GPA: 96%
Length of Degree: 4 years
Position in Class: 1/18 in my major & undergraduate valedictorian (for the entire university)
Type of Student: International, male, Latin American

GRE Scores:
Q: 166
V: 167
W: 4.5

TOEFL Total: 119/120

Research Experience: Final year project on antennas (not related to my intended specialization). Presented at a regional IEEE student conference and publishing an article in my school's technical journal. Unfortunately, my school has no summer breaks, which I could have used to do research.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Graduated with honors (Summa cum laude), and 2nd place at my school's undergraduate research competition.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Tutored in math (algebra to diff. equations), general physics, electromagnetics, and circuits (2 years). TAed in labs for general physics, electromagnetics, electronics, and communication systems (2 years).


School hired me after graduation as Lab Instructor for several courses in circuits, electronics, and communications.

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Volunteered doing research on university student attitudes toward science, teaching applied math to youth at risk, and at an IEEE outreach program.

Applying for [ PhD ] at:

UT Austin - Electrical & Computer Engineering - waiting

Purdue - Electrical & Computer Engineering - waiting

UPenn - Electrical & Systems Engineering - waiting

Northwestern - Electrical Engineering - waiting

U. Rochester - Optics - waiting

U. Central Florida - Optics - waiting

  • 2 weeks later...

Undergrad Institution: University of Maryland, College Park
Major(s): Mechanical Engineering
Minor(s): Physics
GPA in Major: 4.0
Overall GPA: 3.96
Length of Degree: 4 years
Position in Class: Top
Type of Student: White/Hispanic domestic male

GRE Scores:
Q: 166
V:  165
W:  4.0

Research Experience:

-REU at UC Berkeley working on a test platform for a bio-inspired climbing robot (Summer 2011)

-REU at University of Michigan on analyzing walking performance of micro-robots using a dynamics simulation (Summer 2012). Conference paper in progress (1st or 2nd author probably).

-3 semesters at undergrad institution on experiments/dynamics simulation to improve efficiency of jumping milli-robots. Gave poster presentation at an undergraduate research conference.

-2 semesters and continuing at undergrad institution on analyzing and testing the effectiveness of using a dynamic tail to steer a walking robot. Paper accepted for publication in an international robotics conference (1st author). Will complete and defend a thesis on this research for my university's engineering honors program.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Full merit scholarship awarded by my university, Goldwater National Scholarship, Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honor Society

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Semester of tutoring experience freshman year, TA for introduction to engineering design course fall of senior year.

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Strong performance on two projects designing/testing robots, strong letters of rec from faculty research advisors, including one well known in the field of robotics.

Applying to PhD program (when possible), interested in robotics research:

University of Maryland, College Park - Mech. Eng. - Waiting
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Mech, Eng. - Interview (Notified 1/14/2013)

UC Berkeley - Mech. Eng. - Interview (Notified 12/19/2012)
Harvard - SEAS Mech. Eng. - Waiting
University of Pennsylvania - Mech. Eng. - Waiting

Stanford - Mech. Eng. - Waiting

Northwestern - Mech. Eng. - Waiting

Carnegie Mellon - Robotics - Waiting


Undergrad Institution:regular Indian institute according to Delaware my GPA from here is 3.79
Major(s): Chemical Engineering

GPA in Major: 3.79
Overall GPA:3.79
Length of Degree:4 
Position in Class: dont think it matter after 6 years :P 
Type of Student: international,  


masters - City College-CUNY, Chemical Engineering, Thesis based, GPA 3.52

GRE Scores:

I guess should be OK for an international student ?

Research Experience: nearly 5 years, academic as well as industrial, hands-on experimentalist, a patent in my name , no papers, works on polymer powder processing (patented technology), Anti-fouling coating and currently composite structure

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: nothing major

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:Research associate  

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Applying for [ MS ] or [ PhD ] at:

PhD Chemical - Utah, Washington-Seattle,Ga.tech,Florida,Notre Dame

PhD Materials -


Undergrad Institution: One of the best universities in Asia/Pacific (rank: top 15 by Times in civil engineering)
Major(s):Civil Engineering
GPA in Major: 4.0
Overall GPA: 3.91
Length of Degree: 3 years
Position in Class: 3/215
Type of Student:  international male

GRE Scores:
Q: 170
V: 154
W: 4.0

Research Experience: UC Pavement Research Center (lab of UC Berkeley) for 3 months; UC Davis (research assistant) for 3 months; Imperial College London (research assistant) for two months; HKU (research student) for one year

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: A variety of scholarships; Undergraduate Research Fellowship; University Research Awards; Dean Honours Lists every year

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: China Three Gorges Corporation; China Development Bank; KPCB

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: one recommendation from Professor at UC Berkeley and one recommendation from Department Head and Chair Professor at HKU.

Applying for [ MS ] or [ PhD ] at: PhD: Princeton, UC Berkeley, Stanford; MS: MIT (civil & TPP), Columbia (Financial Engineering)


Anyone applying to PhD/MS in Structural Engineering? Have any schools released their admission decisions yet?

Posted (edited)

Undergrad Institution: The College of New Jersey (small state school, good reputation in and around NJ, fairly unknown outside of the Northeast)
Major(s): Biomedical Engineering
Minor(s): Mechanical Engineering 
GPA: 3.134
Length of Degree: 4 years
Type of Student: Domestic, female

GRE Scores:
Q: 690
V: 520
W: 5

Research Experience: At TCNJ. My experience was primarily in Bioinstrumentation, in the development of "smart" garments for the unobtrusive measurement of various biosignals. Three conference presentations with IEEE style abstracts published in the conference proceedings. First author on one, second on two.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: I developed a tutoring center at the School of Engineering and was very active in SWE (president of section for two years and I'm on a national committee)

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Applying for [ MS ] or [ PhD ] at: It varies by school

University of California, Irvine- MS in Biomedical Enigneering

University of Minnesota- MS in Biomedical Engineering

University of Iowa- MS in Biomedical Engineering

Oregon Health and Science University- PhD in Biomedical Engineering

University of Strathclyde- MSc in Biomedical Engineering- Bioengineering Department- Accepted 1/17/2013

University of Edinburgh- MSc by Research in Cardiovascular Biology- School of Medicine

University of Nottingham- MSc in Stem Cell Technology- School of Clinical Science

University of Manchester- MSc in Biomaterials- School of Materials

University College London- MSc in Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering- Mechanical Eng Department

Keele University- MSc in Cell and Tissue Engineering- School of Medicine

Cardiff University-MSc in Tissue Engineering- School of Dentistry and Biosciences

Edited by melissaam

Undergrad Institution: State School, decent reputation
Major(s): Chemical Engineering, Chemistry
Minor(s): none
GPA in Major: 3.6
Overall GPA: 3.6
Length of Degree: 4.5 years
Position in Class: idk
Type of Student: Domestic female

GRE Scores:
Q: 800
V:  530
W:  5.0

Research Experience:

2 REUs, 1 semester flow research under Environmental Engineering Dept.

2 technical papers, both of which were presented at conferences.

1 paper under consideration (4th author)


Awards/Honors/Recognitions: University scholarship, Tau Beta Pi, Deans list, etc.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: SWE, various volunteering activities, nothing special

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: I think my double major might give me a boost. :)

Applying to PhD program:
North Carolina State, ChE...waiting

Vanderbilt, ChE...waiting

Auburn, ChE...waiting

Ohio State, MSE...waiting

Carnegie Mellon, MSE...waiting

Georgia Tech, Chemistry...waiting


I know OSU has gotten back to some people but has anyone heard from the rest?


Undergrad Institution: Small, Unknown Liberal Arts School
Major(s): Electrical Engineering
Minor(s): Mathematics, Physics, (Computer Engineering - may or may not qualify for this, have to talk to program head to verify a course substitution)
GPA in Major: 4.0
Overall GPA: 4.0
Length of Degree: 4 years
Position in Class: Top
Type of Student: Male Domestic

GRE Scores:
Q: 163 (89%)
V: 161 (86%)
W: 5.0 (92%)

Research Experience:

2 REUs in Nanotechnology (Northeastern University), 1 Year-long project in embedded system development


Awards/Honors/Recognitions: University scholarship, Dean's List, School's IEEE Leadership Award

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: University's IEEE Club President, various other clubs, nothing outstanding, Math/Physics Tutor for past 4 semesters, RA/TA for a Bioinstrument Design course (developed three laboratory exercises for students)

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Strong relationships with recommending professors (one from REU).  Conference paper pending.

Applying to PhD program:
University of Pennsylvania - Electrical and Systems Engineering PhD

Drexel University - Electrical Engineering PhD

Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute- Robotics PhD

Yale University- Engineering and Applied Sciences PhD

University of Michigan - Electrical Engineering: Systems PhD

Worcester Polytechnic Institute- Robotics Engineering PhD

Northwestern University - Electrical Engineering PhD


Undergrad Institution: Bilkent University, Turkey

Grad Institution: Bilkent University
Major(s): Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Overall GPA: B.S. 3.87, M.S. 4
Length of Degree: B.S. 4 years, M.S. 3 years
Position in Class: 12th out of 150 students in B.S.
Type of Student: International

GRE Scores:
Q: 149
V: 165
W: 4.0

TOEFL Total: 114

Research Experience: 9 publications (6 first authorship), including first authorship in Phsyical Review Letters, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Applied Physics     Letters

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Both TA & RAship


Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: Reviewer at Optics Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Light: Science & Applications, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Photonics and Nanostructures; A lot of conference publications and presentations.

Applying for PhD at:

Stanford EE
Berkeley EE
CalTech EE
Cornell EE

Purdue EE

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