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Who Wants To Bet On Acceptances/Rejections?

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Ok, so I officially have so much to do that I can't do any of it. Instead, I've wasted my time doing this.

At that link is a list with all/most programs and the first day they notified last year. This basic idea was stolen from something that was done for MFA programs when I applied to those a few years ago. I found it helpful and it meant I didn't have to constantly search the results board. Clearly, it's not at all done, but feel free to add to it. I'll continue to update as I get bored.


Benefit from the the fruits of my anxiety.

thanks! :D

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Glad you guys can use it. :) I added it to my signature so it's easy to find whenever you need it. It seems that February 8th was last year's day of reckoning. 


How is everyone holding up? It's almost January!

Edited by asleepawake
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Glad you guys can use it. :) I added it to my signature so it's easy to find whenever you need it.


How is everyone holding up? It's almost January!

It's my birthday.... and I'm checking GC and worrying :Phttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTWOpMN_95U'>I'll stand by all this drinking if it helps me through these days... it takes a long time just to get this all straight

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I told myself I'd stay off this forum until at least the second of January. Yeah, so... that worked out. If only I could channel this nervous energy into writing chapters for my thesis...

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Ok, so I officially have so much to do that I can't do any of it. Instead, I've wasted my time doing this.

At that link is a list with all/most programs and the first day they notified last year. This basic idea was stolen from something that was done for MFA programs when I applied to those a few years ago. I found it helpful and it meant I didn't have to constantly search the results board. Clearly, it's not at all done, but feel free to add to it. I'll continue to update as I get bored.


Benefit from the the fruits of my anxiety.

That is very helpful! I thought some of the places I applied to had later notification times. It is good to see some aren't as late as I originally thought.

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That is very helpful! I thought some of the places I applied to had later notification times. It is good to see some aren't as late as I originally thought.


Don't forget that they're just first notifications. A lot of schools keep on notifying over a matter of weeks or longer. I imagine we'll still all be glued to the results board in January anyway, but this decreases the amount of searching needed. :)

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May I?


168/146/4.5  (Q and AW scores are embarassing, but writing sample is solid)

3.34 (undergrad), 3.8 (post-bac teaching certification), 3.75 (MA) 


Please see signature.



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Soooo, I'm going to be the one more-than-underqualified one here posting about non-Top 100 schools that I may or may not get into. Here it goes:


GPA: 3.24 overall, 3.51 post-transfer, 3.6 in the major

GRE: 152 V, 4.5 AW


Applying: Humboldt State (my alma mater), University of Maine - Orono, Florida Atlantic University


Areas of Interest: Kerouac and the Beats, Franco-American Studies in Literature, LGBTQ Studies, Gender Identity Issues

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Soooo, I'm going to be the one more-than-underqualified one here posting about non-Top 100 schools that I may or may not get into. Here it goes:


GPA: 3.24 overall, 3.51 post-transfer, 3.6 in the major

GRE: 152 V, 4.5 AW


Applying: Humboldt State (my alma mater), University of Maine - Orono, Florida Atlantic University


Areas of Interest: Kerouac and the Beats, Franco-American Studies in Literature, LGBTQ Studies, Gender Identity Issues


You'll get in, cuz why not? The real question is what are you going to do with that PhD. Community college teaching? High school teaching? It will be very hard to get a university-level teaching position with your degree. But I'm sure you've already thought about that.

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You'll get in, cuz why not? The real question is what are you going to do with that PhD. Community college teaching? High school teaching? It will be very hard to get a university-level teaching position with your degree. But I'm sure you've already thought about that.


Story of our lives. I'll see where life takes me on this one.

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Man, I thought my anxiety level was bad. You've definitely got the Ph. D. in pretension...


Ps. Not everyone gets into the Ivies, nor do they need to. And I'm sure teaching at a state school or community college (which tasted heavily of condescension) is not quite as degrading as being a homeless pickpocket, which some people want to make it seem. There is more to great minds/ideas than a brand name. 


In other news, good luck all! :) 

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Here it goes--for the sake of anxiety relief:


BA Rutgers University

GPA: 4.0 (overall)

GRE: 162V/158Q/5AW


Applying to: Duke, Chapel Hill, Columbia, UPenn, Brown, WUSTL, Maryland


Field: Victorian


We shall see...

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Man, I thought my anxiety level was bad. You've definitely got the Ph. D. in pretension...


Ps. Not everyone gets into the Ivies, nor do they need to. And I'm sure teaching at a state school or community college (which tasted heavily of condescension) is not quite as degrading as being a homeless pickpocket, which some people want to make it seem. There is more to great minds/ideas than a brand name. 


In other news, good luck all! :)


I'm confused, was this directed at me? I never said teaching at a community college was bad. But teaching at a state school, or any other university level, is incredibly competitive (in the humanities especially) and the fact is that you need to have a certain pedigree to even be considered for those jobs. I'm not passing judgment on whether or not the hiring system is fair, just telling it like it is. This is a moot point to argue, because the job market speaks for itself. It has nothing to do with pretension.

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Soooo, I'm going to be the one more-than-underqualified one here posting about non-Top 100 schools that I may or may not get into. Here it goes:


GPA: 3.24 overall, 3.51 post-transfer, 3.6 in the major

GRE: 152 V, 4.5 AW


Applying: Humboldt State (my alma mater), University of Maine - Orono, Florida Atlantic University


Areas of Interest: Kerouac and the Beats, Franco-American Studies in Literature, LGBTQ Studies, Gender Identity Issues

Out of curiousity, are you planning to continue on to a PhD after your MA? and if so, do any of the schools you're applying to have info about whether their students are successful at getting into PhDs? Because while I'm more reticent to pronounce your future dismal than DontHate is, s/he right in saying that pedigree matters. I'm sure you've thought about these things, I'm just wondering.

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I attend one of these supposedly horridly less-than programs beet-nik has mentioned. I've gotten an excellent education here. I've been fully funded for 3 years. I probably won't get into my top schools, but I don't think that my current school will be the reason. My institution's name may not be helping me, but I don't feel that it's completely hindered me either. A lot of people from my program have gone on to various PhDs (and, of course, a lot of people haven't). I don't know of anyone going on to a top-10 (though I'm only thinking of people who've graduated over the past 5 years or so).

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I would like to know how you have drawn to the conclusion that "pedigree matters". Is this a legitimate statement, or something that you have observed, have an inkling of? Because I find such statements incredibly hard to believe at face value. Indeed, the idea that a well-respected graduate committee would even consider "pedigree" is rather insulting to their criticial expertise, scholarship, and reputation.

Edited by Porridge
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I would like to know how you have drawn to the conclusion that "pedigree matters". Is this a legitimate statement, or something that you have observed, have an inkling of? Because I find such statements incredibly hard to believe at face value. Indeed, the idea that a well-respected graduate committee would even consider "pedigree" is rather insulting to their criticial expertise, scholarship, and reputation.


 If you notice, I was referring to beet-nik's choice of graduate institutions; I know nothing about where s/he did her undergraduate degree. When I say pedigree, I don't mean that when you apply to PhD programs, you'd better have an ivy league bachelors degree in your back pocket. Lord knows I sure don't. What I meant is that it's extremely important to have a PhD from a great program for a variety of reasons: Great schools will have better research opportunities and resources, better funding to allow you more time to do consistently superior work, better teaching opportunities (with significant exceptions at some high ranked schools) and faculty connections that could really help your word of mouth appeal on the job market. Basically, I'm not saying that the school itself will make you better, because great work can be found anywhere. However, it's undeniable that better schools will give you a better chance at a TT job. I tend not to put significant value on the Ivy's myself (crucify me if you must) so please don't think I'm hating on small school education; I think I've made it clear in other threads that that is my own pedigree.

Edited by dazedandbemused
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Well, that's a causal fallacy if ever I have seen one. "University X hires A. A comes from university B. Therefore University X will only hire from university B."


If you can provide me with some genuine evidence then, there might be something to your observation. But really, anything else feels like speculation. I really don't what such statement as "pedigree matters" serves other than to scare off potential candidates (competitors) to your own perceived benefit.

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