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Acceptance Freakout Thread

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When I was in the English department, this was my number one goal (you can check the UT Austin and other threads from last year if you've forgotten :P ). I may have migrated to the linguistics department, but I can still say congratu-fucking-lations, that is an awesome program and you are going to have such an incredible time there. The cohort from GC last year was amazing...you'll have to go pet Fiona Thunderpaws' cat and give Marlowe a high five for me. 


Yeah, I do remember! Everyone from last year seemed like such awesome people, and I got really good advice from at least two of them. I can't wait to meet them, and also my own cohort-mates! I haven't officially accepted yet, seeing as how I haven't even heard from at least 8 schools, but at this point I can't think of anything that would stop me from doing so.

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Anyone else panicked about possible Michigan acceptances today? 


Haven't people already received Michigan acceptances? Or am I'm getting confused with another B1G school?


I'm a little unsure about my chances at Michigan...

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Survey sez, one person got an English and Education acceptance at Michigan? And another got a Comparative Literature acceptance. But otherwise, it looks like they've been quiet so far.


Eeeeeeek, do we really think that's happening today? Where did this idea come from?

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I still haven't OFFICIALLY heard from a single of my 15 schools. I obviously have some assumed rejections, but this is seriously ridiculous. If I hadn't received an e-mail from one of my schools telling me to expect good news soon, I'd be going totally completely crazy.


Sorry, just needed to vent.

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I still haven't OFFICIALLY heard from a single of my 15 schools. I obviously have some assumed rejections, but this is seriously ridiculous. If I hadn't received an e-mail from one of my schools telling me to expect good news soon, I'd be going totally completely crazy.


Sorry, just needed to vent.


that's great that you have some unofficial good news. pulling for you, man!

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Yes, actually me and another person from my MA cohort here both got accepted and we are planning to visit.


very cool! if you happen to be up there on friday 2/22, let me know. looks like there are a couple grad seminars, & i've got a conference to go to that weekend so i'll be [sort of] in the area.

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i know it's not an acceptance, but my assumed davis rejection just turned out to be a waitlist. first positive news i've gotten this cycle & i. am. STOKED.

Congrats! :)  :)  I have been waiting on Davis too. Hopefully, I hear some kind of news from them.

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Question for you all: do you feel like you're driving your friends CRAZY with all of your grad school talk? Only two of my friends are applying at all this year, and they both applied to 1-2 programs that they pretty much know they'll get into. They don't talk about it very much.


Meanwhile, I feel as if every other sentence I've spoken since October has been related to my applications somehow. I hear myself doing it, I think "stop, stop, no one cares!", and yet I can't help myself. Word vomit! I keep apologizing for it and I know they love me anyway, hah, but I hate that I've become like a broken record. Maybe it's not as annoying as I think it is.

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I can't believe it; I was sure I was out of the running, but I just received my acceptance to UB.  I want to jump up and down and blather ecstatically.  I feel like the little engine that could.  I've lost my command of the English language.



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I can't believe it; I was sure I was out of the running, but I just received my acceptance to UB.  I want to jump up and down and blather ecstatically.  I feel like the little engine that could.  I've lost my command of the English language.



woahwoahwoah CONGRATULATIONS, you got it!

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Oh thank you. I'll try the usual channel again, and if no luck, I'll let you know. Thanks so much for the generousity (have I spelt that right?)!

Hey there,


I'm a current and future UB student, I'd be happy to do so if it's permissible (I haven't copied from the special collection, so I don't know how it's regulated).  I should be up there in a week or so (I'm currently student teaching and don't go often), so PM me what you want and I'll try to snag you a photocopy.

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