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Acceptance Freakout Thread

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 So.... glad to see I'm not the only one who isn't spending today in a champagne bubble bath eating truffles (the chocolate kind)... This is the best  Valentine's Day ever, you guys!


I've been eating a shitload of Cadbury eggs... does that count?

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About the whole TA convo, It's interesting to learn of some programs *requiring* first year TA.  I asked my schools about it because I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to live on stipend alone and I really wanted to get into teaching as early as possible, but I guess none of them offer it first year. Berkeley said you weren't even allowed to, the rest said they'd prefer you didn't and the maximum is 10 hours/week if you do. Apparently you can apply for the same positions as other grad students, but appointments go by rank of seniority so you're probably not even going to get one as a first-year. I *wish* they required it :/

UCs impose an absolute 18 quarter limit for TAships, so that might also factor into their reasoning.  But, then again, after six years in whatever program, you'd probably be able to find work as an instructor at other institutions.


TA-ships are additional to the stipend??? Jealous!


I think NYU allows students to TA while on fellowship, but I haven't heard of any other program that allows that...

Edited by claptrap
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I've already been admitted into my top choice, but selfishly I want another admittance to stroke the ego. Come on Minnesota and Iowa!


I know, I feel bad about it but I kind of want a third acceptance myself. My first one felt like a slight inevitability because of my current positioning, and the second one still feels like a serious fluke. Ah, the need for validation!

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I know, I feel bad about it but I kind of want a third acceptance myself. My first one felt like a slight inevitability because of my current positioning, and the second one still feels like a serious fluke. Ah, the need for validation!

I know! I have two acceptances myself. Well done on Austin!

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Except generally comp lit students have the option to teach foreign language classes, which is considered much more marketable than adding yourself to the already flooded pool of English PhDs qualified to teach freshman comp. I suppose there would be a high demand for language instructors in the most popular languages, like Spanish and French.


For what it's worth (and this is coming from someone barely above a decaf), this is what I've gleaned from speaking with a few DGSes:


It seems like a lot of programs are fellowship-funded the first year, but, outside of that, most of the teaching (especially early on) tends to come in foreign language departments, especially those noted above. The difference between English Departments and, say, Spanish departments is that it seems most schools have puny foreign language departments when compared with the generally-robust English departments, yet nearly as many students have to satisfy a foreign language requirement (meaning a huge need for teaching "Hola. Como te llamas?" and the like). 


And as for NYU, they do allow teaching on top of fellowship funding, but, it seems there's a maximum of teaching allowed, and you can either use it to fund a 6th year or use it as supplemental funding for the 5 years, but not both (and 5 years really isn't very long. But if you had an outside fellowship, it seems that wold be a game changer, though I have no solid evidence).


Of course, I'm not an expert, but I wanted the opportunity to creep towards upping my coffee rating, too.

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I've already been admitted into my top choice, but selfishly I want another admittance to stroke the ego. Come on Minnesota and Iowa!


I haven't been admitted anywhere, and one of those is my top choice. Save some programs for the rest of us!

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I really wasn't sure I'd get in anywhere, so my one so far feels great! If it's the only one I get, I'd still be ecstatic! 


That's how I felt until I received my first notification too. Congrats and let the the great feelings sink in!

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I should perhaps post that in the 'Plan Bs' thread, but I am no longer freaked out about acceptances/rejections, so I am here for the fun now.


True, I have my moments where I just really wanna find out, but if I don't get in, there is this degree in Berlin which I never finished, and now I really feel like it: French, English and perhaps Akkadian, Sumerian and Hittite. We'll see...

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I really wasn't sure I'd get in anywhere, so my one so far feels great! If it's the only one I get, I'd still be ecstatic! 


Oh, don't get me wrong, one is amazing! And I got lucky enough to get accepted to my top 2 schools. I'm just, as patientagony says, a natural born pessimist, as well a a long-term sufferer of imposter syndrome.

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Congratulations to everyone on their acceptances!


I was contacted by UW-Madison a few weeks ago for a fellowship nomination. Still, is that an unofficial acceptance? :/


I am currently waiting on UMass and UChicago (for which I'm assuming rejection)


CUNY also e-mailed for an interview. I have no idea what to expect! Any tips? HELP!CUNY also e-mailed for an interview. I have no idea what to expect! Any tips? HELP!

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Oh, don't get me wrong, one is amazing! And I got lucky enough to get accepted to my top 2 schools. I'm just, as patientagony says, a natural born pessimist, as well a a long-term sufferer of imposter syndrome.


I think most academics / intellectual types in the humanities suffer from impostor syndrome. I know I always have. Anyone take the Myers-Briggs personality test? I bet 75% of us are INFP's....

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I think most academics / intellectual types in the humanities suffer from impostor syndrome. I know I always have. Anyone take the Myers-Briggs personality test? I bet 75% of us are INFP's....


INTP, actually. I think it means I hate people, but not as much as INTJs. Or something like that.

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