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I received mine last Friday around the same time as emvtgse, except I'm in Europe so it was 1:30am! And it listed my scholarship, as well as my federal loans & work study.

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Mine said nothing about loans or work study :(  I really hope that was due to the mistake on my FAFSA, and once I've corrected it they'll offer me some.  (I accidentally left out a decimal, making my savings seem like $365,000 instead of $3,650.)

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Thanks.  I emailed to inquire, and they said that a loan package had been created for me and details would be sent shortly.  So it seems the first email wasn't all the information we're to receive.

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WOW. So so so glad I checked up on this thread - I never would have known aid letters were out. What the heck is up with them going to everyone's spam? 


Sigh. Seeing the numbers shake out, Teachers College is looking so much cheaper than Harvard and if I wasn't torn before, I sure as heck am now. 


Also anyone else super annoyed at getting the EXACT SAME email from TC about signing up for admit day FOUR days in a row?! I was it the first time TC, thanks plenty! 

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I didn't get that--err...I guess I should say those emails. My personal favorite so far has been the email about the March 25th online chat session, which I received halfway through the chat.



Oh my gosh, I got that too!! Literally got the email 20 minutes into the session but ignored it initially because the subject line was, "happening today!" so I was like, "oh, must be this evening" (because almost everything else online has happened in the evening) and then realized two hours later I'd missed it. Womp womp. I realize I should be organized enough to know when my webinars are, but seriously not helping TC! 


Not to hate on Columbia! Penn has proven itself equally hilarious in their email communications. I particularly enjoyed their "Congratulations on your acceptance to the GSE!" email that in the entire email, made no indication at all exactly which GSE they were referring to. 


Oh admissions, how I do not envy their jobs.....

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Since they're doing this in waves, I wonder how the order is selected? I filled out my FAFSA almost two months ago at this point, and even double checked to make sure I had it sent to TC. I've checked my spam folders too, and nada. It's looking more and more like it'll be TC for me, which I'm excited about, but I'm getting a little anxious that we're rolling into the beginning of April and I've still not gotten an award letter. Glad to know I'm not the only one in this position!

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I'm really hoping that I can get into university housing, I really would like to live at Whittier, but I didn't fill out my housing form until last week.

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I am trying to figure out the range of aid offered to people in EdD programs at TC.  I've yet to come across anyone, in any program, receiving the typical doctoral "package" (i.e., remission of tuition/fees + stipend).  Do they just not fully/close-to-fully fund?  Note: I'm talking specifically about the EdD and not the PhD.  Many thanks!

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I read somewhere else on this forum that TC does not have access to Columbia's endowments, and therefore is not able to fully or close-to-fully fund their EdD.  


Of course, this was hearsay and I can't even remember the source, but that's what I understood.

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wjdavis: for what it's worth I think your plan makes good sense.  The one piece of advice that I've gotten from just about everyone is that it's not smart to incur tremendous debt to get a doctoral degree in education...which would certainly be the outcome of an EdD at TC.  Don't get me wrong -- I think TC's quality/reputation is amazing, and it's near the top of my list too.  But it's also expensive, huge (in enrollment) and located in a run-down building.


I happen to love Colorado.  UC-Boulder's School of Education is well-regarded (top 30 in US News), they have a PhD in your field and they guarantee at least three years of full funding...

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I think at TC you really have to prove why you personally should be funded when they have so many people just clamoring to join the school. I got some money as a masters student but it took presenting them with another offer to get a substantial amount that would enable me to attend. Further, most masters students won't receive any scholarship money their second year due to the fact that most of those grants come from enrollment services. Thus it can be a bit misleading to come in expecting continued funding only to realize it isn't there. Their financial aid leaves a lot to be desired but, at the end of the day, it doesn't surprise me.

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  • 2 months later...

Well, believe it or not, I was just offered a little funding at Teachers College yesterday!



Did anyone on here apply for a Zankel Fellowship?  If so, has anyone heard back yet?

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I haven't heard anything back yet. I was actually looking into Colorado once I completed my MA at Teachers College. That full funding looks pretty good. I think Ohio State is similar for their Ed. Leadership ph.d.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

Anyone apply for Fall 2014 entry to TC? I got invited to interview for the M.Ed in School Psychology program earlier today :)


Congrats! I applied for the Measurement and Evaluation PhD for Fall 2014. No word yet.

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  • 1 month later...

Time to bump this thread!


I applied for a MA-TESOL. What about you guys? Anybody else apply for the same program? Have you heard anything yet, or have any information about when decisions are to be expected?


Judging from the data on the results page, it seems last year's decision (for TESOL) came mid-March. Here's to hoping it comes earlier this year!

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My possible adviser told me this a couple of days ago


"'ll be making the decisions very soon, but often formal letters don't get issued until March 15th. I expect to recommend that you be granted admission..."  :) 

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That's awesome sphera, congrats! I have no adviser to ask or I would. I spoke to admissions today, and they also said to expect a decision around mid-March. I wish it was coming sooner -- I feel like I am living in limbo.

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Has anyone applied to Mathematics Education (PhD) and been notified in any way? (accepted, rejected, interviewed anything) I haven't heard anything from them yet, and it feels like I should be getting ready for my rejection letter. :(

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