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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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Can anyone tell me rather Valdosta State, Florida Atlantic, and LSU- Baton Rouge sent out decisions?  I've been following this thread and notice those schools have not been mentioned.


I have not heard from Valdosta either! I called them the other week and asked when we should hear from them and the lady who I spoke with told me it would be about 6-8 weeks after March 1st (deadline for app). I said okay so about April 15 and she said that she hopes so. However, with VSU having rolling admissions I am not sure how on top of deadlines they would be for Fall. Idk. :( Has anyone noticed that the portal looks different when you go to check your app status? I can't seem to figure it out now. 

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I have not heard from Valdosta either! I called them the other week and asked when we should hear from them and the lady who I spoke with told me it would be about 6-8 weeks after March 1st (deadline for app). I said okay so about April 15 and she said that she hopes so. However, with VSU having rolling admissions I am not sure how on top of deadlines they would be for Fall. Idk. :( Has anyone noticed that the portal looks different when you go to check your app status? I can't seem to figure it out now. 


I saw your post on the waitlist thread about being accepted from your WL. I just wanted to congratulate you! That is awesome!!

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I am on 2 waitlists, and i'm very anxious to hear from either of them. One school said there were 15 seats left but won't tell me what spot I am in the waitlist, and the other school won't give me any info about how many are on the waitlist or how many spots are left. I'm just crossing my fingers that I get something positive within the next week. I am keeping high hopes for anyone else whose top choices are in the waitlist, and for anyone who has not yet received any acceptances yet. Cheers!

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Okay, this is too stressful. Should I be annoying and email the 4 schools I have yet to hear from? I can't wait any longer. I mean, I can. But like....Ughhh. Someone tell me to shut up.


Hi there. I am in the same situation as you except I am waitlisted at one school, not two. I am wondering if you have sent LOCIs (letters of continued interest) to your wait list schools? You can even do that for the ones you have not yet heard from. It shows that you are interested and committed. Good luck! I know EXACTLY how you feel but keep heart, things work out in the end. :)

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Hi there. I am in the same situation as you except I am waitlisted at one school, not two. I am wondering if you have sent LOCIs (letters of continued interest) to your wait list schools? You can even do that for the ones you have not yet heard from. It shows that you are interested and committed. Good luck! I know EXACTLY how you feel but keep heart, things work out in the end. :)
How did you send your LOIC's to your schools?
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Hey! just want to put USF FB group on here, so everyone could start joining!! Had to make a new one because people that did not already attend USF could not join!!




Help spread the word please!! and thanks Jmar for noticing it early!! :D

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Anyone going to GW?? Is there a facebook group? 


I am!!!! I don't think there's a Facebook group yet, but let me know if you find one or want to start one. Glad to finally hear someone else is going to GWU - I've barely heard them mentioned on these forums.

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I think it's too late for an LOC and I don't think it would push me up on a waitlist or help speed up the process. I wouldnt even know where to start without sounding desperate :/


I don't think it's ever too late...at the very least, it won't hurt. Likely they are still considering applicants so why not put your name out there?

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I got into SIUC (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale) today off of the waitlist. Now I have finally have a couple of options to compare, and I am very grateful for this. I am still expecting to hear from more schools though and i stilll don't know what to do. So, waitlisters, be patient. :)

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I got into SIUC (Southern Illinois University at Carbondale) today off of the waitlist. Now I have finally have a couple of options to compare, and I am very grateful for this. I am still expecting to hear from more schools though and i stilll don't know what to do. So, waitlisters, be patient. :)


May I ask how you were contacted...email?

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Off topic, but maybe those of you who already committed to a school can relate with me or give me some mental comfort? 


(summary: STRESSED beyond control... trying to take it one day at a time, but dealing with spouse's job hunt, moving, budget adjustments, feeling like the grad school thing will somehow fall through... )



I feel like life is tumbling out of control in many ways.  I am on my 6th year teaching, decided to go back to school for SLP, a new passion of mine, but going on campus (complete change of lifestyle).  I even called the graduate school yesterday just to make sure that my registration / confirmation of attending this Fall has been processed.  As soon as I had confirmation from my prof that I am going there in the Fall, I made the decision known to my principal and promptly submitted the "taking a sabbatical / continuing ed" resignation paperwork so that they can recruit someone to come fill my shoes at this little rural school (hard to find people who want to come here).  Things are working out on that front, so I feel good about it.  But now I'm literally freaking out about the "what ifs" -- what if my grad program hasn't really processed my enrollment?  what if they call me in a few weeks and say they gave my spot away because I didn't complete some kind of online script to enroll / confirm registration?  what if they call and the program is completely cut by the state budget in July?  what if I am left without a grad school and without a job come August?  AGH!! 


I won't feel peace about resigning at the end of my contract (teacher) until I see "registration" or "student detail schedule" on the student data online showing what classes I'm taking and ENROLLED in for the fall... I confirmed with the professor on March 12th, via email twice since then, and again last Friday on a department visit/tour.  I also called the graduate school yesterday to verify everything.  Just growing SO anxious.  I know it's going to happen, somewhere deep down, but since I turned down the other three programs where I got an offer of admission, one of those being a funded offer, I'm thinking in the back of my mind "what if this dream program falls through????"  I also have to take 3 summer classes... 1 at UAA, 1 at USU, and the last one as a non-degree stud with my Fall program... I'm registered for the first two already, but my Fall program is REALLY dragging their feet and tuition / fees are due by May 6th (and it's also the first class calendar-wise to start in May) ... this is coming up SOON!!!



On top of it all, my course this semester - intro to audiology - is in its final two weeks.  I'm freaking out a bit about that as well.  There is one module left, plus studying for the final exam.  I have a few classmates who will get together with me via skype this weekend to go over the material for the final but that adds more to my to-do list between now and Saturday as well... UGH!  



And of course since I'm a music teacher, my schedule with the end of the year only gets worse - final pk through 2 concert, EOY awards, 5th grade graduation, field day (I'm the DJ), the k-2 dance and the 3-5 dance (I'm the DJ and announcing the event for both), pressured to give money I don't have to a cause that I don't care about by a principal I'm leaving in June... and at the same time, trying to sell my townhouse (even though it's near the grad program, we want to be closer than a 35 min commute), looking for potential apartments in the event that it sells soon, packing up our rental house, finding my husband a new job in the new area, preferably in June so we can cut out our second housing expense for our current living location for jobs.... yeah, stressed is a word, might describe it a bit... UGH!  GIVE ME THE CHOCOLATE!!!  (and maybe a martini.)



Okay, had to get that out there.  Help me feel better. 


(ETA the summary for those who didn't want to read the whole post)

Edited by kcald716
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kcald, I have complete confidence in you as an individual (from reading your past posts) that you will be able to get through the summer and you'll be fine in graduate school. Just take it easy, 1 day at a time, get things done systematically, and don't think of everything at once. That will just overwhelm you.
If the school says that they have registered you and you have your seat, there is no doubt in my mind that you will be in that program. You have considered everything before committing to that program, and you are just getting last minute jitters that will pass through when you finally find yourself in a classroom seat at the first day of class. Please, do not panic.  You will be fine!! (huggggggggggg) lol


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Thanks, slpf13!  Hubby is out of town for work tonight, so I'm going to get some food, pour myself a cosmo, do some studying... wait, probably should do the studying first, LOL!  What a long day at work it has been!  

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It's a rough time of year for everyone in or attached to a school, and your entire life is about to change as well. Panic shouldn't be unexpected. When it comes up, give yourself permission to feel it/be paranoid about your admission falling through for like 15 minutes, then jump into another activity.


ETA: In the past 5 years, I've gotten married, had a child, moved 3 times, left 2 jobs, had my husband leave 2 jobs, completed a 2nd BS, bought a house, put it on the market, and been admitted to grad school, not all in that order. Change is stressful. You can't deny it, and you have to find a way to acknowledge your stress and let it out, because if you hold it in, your base-level anxiety will seep out in ways that drive you and everyone around you crazy.

Edited by kingspeech
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Yup, I have to get my house ready to put on the market, move 2000 miles away to Boulder, find housing, bring my pets with me, and then dive into 18 credits of coursework. I try not to think about it too much because I will get these things done, and it's so much to process if I view it in one big lump!


Kcald, I know you're passionate about SLP. Your teaching and music/voice experience will help you more than you know. Also, I think you will enjoy and gain a lot from in-person classroom experiences. Everything will be great!

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Wouldn't sending a letter of continued interest to a school I got waitlisted for be pointless if they gave me a specific number ranking?


Well, it can't hurt your chances though. You should try sending one, it's not like they'll rank you lower for doing so.

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