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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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I got my second wait list from Central Missouri. They updated my info saying I was a grad student for speech pathology for fall 2013 so I thought for sure that meant I was accepted. Oh well, the accepted have until March 15th, then they will pull off wait list.


That second degree program at SIU-E is looking good now. I just want to bang my head against a wall <_<

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I got into NYU!!! I just received an email this morning expecting a rejection and I see "Congratulations..."  :D


The bad news is that I missed the FAFSA deadline for NYU (February 2, so early!) but I really like NYU's program and if I don't get in anywhere else, I'll just have to make it work out with a lot of loans I suppose :/


I'm in the same boat! I've been so used to turning in my FAFSA in March to meet the deadline for undergrad, that it honestly didn't even occur to me to fill it out until now. i'm going to turn it in ASAP and see what happens.

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I'm new to the thread, but I just wanted to say that reading this had helped me get through the stress of waiting. The support in this forum really shows the caliber of people going into our field, and I wish nothing but the best for all of you.

For those of you who got accepted to Emerson, I hope to meet you at the accepted students day soon!

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DShenge, I also applied to the University of Utah. I saw that your other two choices were both in GA. How did you choose Utah?


My wife is from Utah.  We lived out there for a year, so we both feel more comfortable with the University since we know the area.  It is important for us to be close to family, because we have a child/children (1.5!).   In hindsight I think I should have applied to more schools.  

Edited by DShenge
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My wife is from Utah.  We lived out there for a year, so we both feel more comfortable with the University since we know the area.  It is important for us to be close to family, because we have a child/children (1.5!).   In hindsight I think I should have applied to more schools.  


Makes sense!

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Looks like I am in the same boat now too kcald since I got my second wait list. I may hear something from another school before that, but March 15 is the only date that I know for sure coming up. Everything will be on about that day or the week after. Good luck to everyone and congrats to everyone who has been accepted!

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Looks like I am in the same boat now too kcald since I got my second wait list. I may hear something from another school before that, but March 15 is the only date that I know for sure coming up. Everything will be on about that day or the week after. Good luck to everyone and congrats to everyone who has been accepted!


Aw, at this point I'd LOVE to have gotten wait-listed, since there aren't any acceptance notices sitting in the mail box.  Thankfully, from what I've been told by grad admissions secretaries, they do go to the wait-list because like most of us - people generally apply to multiple places.  Now for you, it's just a matter of how high up on the waitlist you are!  Stay positive!  Maybe we'll be at WCU or App State this Fall, who knows!!!  Keeping you in my prayers for people wanting to hear good news!!  :)

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Anyone else on the T-minus 14 days countdown? Gonna have to keep myself busy (and positive) in the meantime!!!

Should I have a 14 day countdown too? I feel like I should :P

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Aw, at this point I'd LOVE to have gotten wait-listed, since there aren't any acceptance notices sitting in the mail box.  Thankfully, from what I've been told by grad admissions secretaries, they do go to the wait-list because like most of us - people generally apply to multiple places.  Now for you, it's just a matter of how high up on the waitlist you are!  Stay positive!  Maybe we'll be at WCU or App State this Fall, who knows!!!  Keeping you in my prayers for people wanting to hear good news!!  :)



Thanks that is very sweet of you! I am trying to stay positive because I know that many schools do go to their wait list and several people got accepted off the wait list at several schools last year according to the results page. Also, I could be looking at two rejections right now which would just be a joy killer. But I just want an official acceptance somewhere so I can have a big load off my shoulders. Luckily, I have a back up plan in case I do not get in anywhere but I am still hoping for the best! Five more schools to go with every school still an option, so there is still a lot to be hopeful for.

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Should I have a 14 day countdown too? I feel like I should :P

I'm such a goof that I decided to put it in my signature.  I get on TGC just about every day anyway, so I'll be updating as I wait ... mindless stuff like that helps take the load off, and remind me that I still have time to wait.  



Anyone up to anything good this weekend?


 I'll be studying / doing audiology on Saturday (pretty much all day), and going to celebrate my new niece's dedication service at church on Sunday.  Looking forward to it!  Warned my brother ahead of time that I don't really want to answer a bunch of grad school questions from the family - 1, because the event is about my niece and her parents, and 2, because I am so anxious about the whole thing, as are many of you.  We'll get there, one step at a time, one day at time... counting it down!! 

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I'm in the same boat! I've been so used to turning in my FAFSA in March to meet the deadline for undergrad, that it honestly didn't even occur to me to fill it out until now. i'm going to turn it in ASAP and see what happens.


I wonder if this happens a lot for NYU. I hope they make some exceptions for us!

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The bad news is that I missed the FAFSA deadline for NYU (February 2, so early!) but I really like NYU's program and if I don't get in anywhere else, I'll just have to make it work out with a lot of loans I suppose :/


I don't understand how schools can have a FAFSA deadline that early. My understanding is that brokerages/holding companies/etc. don't have to mail out tax forms until February 15, so if you have stocks, mutual funds, an IRA, etc., you may not even have your documents in time to prepare your taxes and FAFSA for February 2. I know I didn't get some of my 1099-Bs until around Feburary 19, so I was scrambling to finish everything up this week.

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I don't understand how schools can have a FAFSA deadline that early. My understanding is that brokerages/holding companies/etc. don't have to mail out tax forms until February 15, so if you have stocks, mutual funds, an IRA, etc., you may not even have your documents in time to prepare your taxes and FAFSA for February 2. I know I didn't get some of my 1099-Bs until around Feburary 19, so I was scrambling to finish everything up this week.


I don't understand it either and was surprised to see it wasn't March like many other schools. The fine print on the website states to just estimate based on your previous tax form but I didn't have a job last year so the numbers are quite different now for me.


It doesn't help that NYU is notorious for having a pricey tuition.

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Ahhhh I got a phone call offering me an academic scholarship and research assistantship  :D  :D  :D. This seriously feels like a dream come true. I am sort of in shock. I was not pleased about having to take two years off before applying (I am out of field), but i guess things do work out. Turns out it gave me the time to gain indispensable research experience, bolster my resume, and concentrate on the GRE. My most important take away message through all of this is that hard work and persistence ALWAYS pays off, but not always as quickly as you would like it to. I hope everyone gets great news soon. If you don't, just imagine how much better your GRE scores, research experiences, etc. could be next fall. Another year could be the difference between your dream school vs. a school you are just sort of excited about. BEST OF LUCK!!





Accepted: UMN-TC, GWU, Rush, Emerson



Interview: BU

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I'm so annoyed with myself! I feel like my emotions are a repeating cycle of "I'm never going to get in anywhere!" to "Oh please, I'm so wonderful, I have to be accepted somewhere!".


This up and down situation needs to end soon. 

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I'm so annoyed with myself! I feel like my emotions are a repeating cycle of "I'm never going to get in anywhere!" to "Oh please, I'm so wonderful, I have to be accepted somewhere!".


This up and down situation needs to end soon. 


I hear ya!  I'm experiencing something similar.  I go through a short mild cycle of depression, then I put myself back together, and it repeats every couple of hours.  It's hard to see other people getting acceptances from schools that apparently notify a lot sooner than where I've applied.  It makes me think I should have applied more places, including places that historically notify a lot sooner, just so I would know that I at least have one option for grad school.  Ah well, it will happen soon enough... hopefully sooner than 13 days from now! 

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