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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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Yeah, it was kinda bizarre because initially my online status said ACCEPTED, but then i got an official rejection email o.0 ASU is actually pretty competitive and is a top research school with some well-known faculty members, and I think i am pretty much in their league. Oh well, their loss ;) all we need is one acceptance, right?!


Oh god, what?! That sucks!


And sorry, didn't mean to put a spotlight on a rejection, especially when you received an acceptance to Vandy today, which is really all that matters! Congrats again!

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That is a bittersweet decision. Congrats to you for having some great options!


I suppose it's important for you to consider if you're ever going to pursue a PhD since ranking and reputation seem to matter quite a bit for that purpose (or so I've read again and again).


Thank you! After grad school I want to be an SLP in an elementary school and I don't think I would ever pursue a PhD, so it makes the decision all the more difficult.  I know Eastern is the perfect fit for me, but I don't know how I could pass up Iowa's offer, which is also a great school.  I don't know how I am going to decide, but I am very grateful to be in this position.  I hope to decide soon, so that I can open up an opportunity to someone out there who is on the waitlist, and also to add an assistantship to someone's already exciting acceptance :)

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Yeah, it was kinda bizarre because initially my online status said ACCEPTED, but then i got an official rejection email o.0 ASU is actually pretty competitive and is a top research school with some well-known faculty members, and I think i am pretty much in their league. Oh well, their loss ;) all we need is one acceptance, right?!


I was trying to figure out if I was hallucinating...I could have sworn earlier your signature said that you had gotten into ASU!  That really sucks...but congrats on Vandy!

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Oh god, what?! That sucks!


And sorry, didn't mean to put a spotlight on a rejection, especially when you received an acceptance to Vandy today, which is really all that matters! Congrats again!

Hahaha no worries, I actually think the whole thing is rather hilarious! It just shows how unpredictable this whole process is:) and thanks!


Thank you! After grad school I want to be an SLP in an elementary school and I don't think I would ever pursue a PhD, so it makes the decision all the more difficult.  I know Eastern is the perfect fit for me, but I don't know how I could pass up Iowa's offer, which is also a great school.  I don't know how I am going to decide, but I am very grateful to be in this position.  I hope to decide soon, so that I can open up an opportunity to someone out there who is on the waitlist, and also to add an assistantship to someone's already exciting acceptance :)

I'm in a similar position-- i really want to work in public schools, and i know the demand is so high that they'll take anyone.  I think it's more important to be somewhere where we are happy and included than somewhere that the US News decided is #1!


I was trying to figure out if I was hallucinating...I could have sworn earlier your signature said that you had gotten into ASU!  That really sucks...but congrats on Vandy!

nope, not hallucinating! :P thanks, and congrats on your multitude of acceptances! I hope your visit goes well; you have tons of great options to choose from :D

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Congrats!!! Did you receive a letter in the mail or did they email you?

Thanks!  I received a letter in the mail today.  I already live in the area, so anyone further away may find out a little later.  

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I'm in a similar position-- i really want to work in public schools, and i know the demand is so high that they'll take anyone.  I think it's more important to be somewhere where we are happy and included than somewhere that the US News decided is #1!


I totally agree with you. It is just easier said than done!  Another factor is the fact that I am currently an undergrad at Iowa, and I have been happy and treated very well here too.  That just adds to the difficulty of the decision, along with another offer that I just received.  It will be a tough decision.  Congrats on your acceptance and good luck with your decision! We will all end up where we are supposed to :)

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Hahaha no worries, I actually think the whole thing is rather hilarious! It just shows how unpredictable this whole process is:) and thanks!


I'm in a similar position-- i really want to work in public schools, and i know the demand is so high that they'll take anyone.  I think it's more important to be somewhere where we are happy and included than somewhere that the US News decided is #1!


nope, not hallucinating! :P thanks, and congrats on your multitude of acceptances! I hope your visit goes well; you have tons of great options to choose from :D


An SLP that I spoke during observations said that all schools have great professors, no matter where you go, so grad school is really what you make of it.  In other words, even if you go to a school that might be lesser ranked accd to US News (which I don't think employers really care all that much about anyways) you can seek out professors that you connect with and who have done research in areas that you are interested in and really learn a lot by going above and beyond what the coursework requires.  You can have a great experience, maybe an even better experience, than at a more "prestigious" school.

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Yeah, it was kinda bizarre because initially my online status said ACCEPTED, but then i got an official rejection email o.0 ASU is actually pretty competitive and is a top research school with some well-known faculty members, and I think i am pretty much in their league. Oh well, their loss ;) all we need is one acceptance, right?!


That sounds suspicious to me. Did you follow up? 


There was one year, where the University of Toronto SLP program accidentally sent a "Congratulations on your acceptance...!!" email to the people they had just rejected a few days earlier. It had been a coding error, supposedly. My point is that, in this case, the initial response from the school was the correct one. The later email was just an error. 


ETA: Here's the article about it.

Edited by Inny
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Just got an email from Western Carolina. Anyone know if everyone was considered for second round decisions?

Same here. I emailed Dr. Odom asking that question. I'll post the reply when I find out. Another month of waiting...ugh.

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Same here. I emailed Dr. Odom asking that question. I'll post the reply when I find out. Another month of waiting...ugh.

I wonder if we are already ranked or not. This sucks!

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I wonder if we are already ranked or not. This sucks!

If it helps anyone waiting for Western or Appalachian, I am going to turn down the offers just as soon as the online system lets me. I love their programs but I think I have a better fit at ECU and have already made the decision to go there. S, hopefully in a matter of days the wait list will be populated and hopefully you guys will get calls!

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Literally have not heard a peep. I tempted to call and see if they can give me any idea. I am giving them till Friday tho before I get too nervous!

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An SLP that I spoke during observations said that all schools have great professors, no matter where you go, so grad school is really what you make of it.  In other words, even if you go to a school that might be lesser ranked accd to US News (which I don't think employers really care all that much about anyways) you can seek out professors that you connect with and who have done research in areas that you are interested in and really learn a lot by going above and beyond what the coursework requires.  You can have a great experience, maybe an even better experience, than at a more "prestigious" school.


I could not agree more with this! Pretty much any program, at any level, is what you make of it. You can do the bare minimum for certification in a top tier program and get less out of it than going above and beyond in a "lesser" program. Having worked in chem and biochem labs as an undergrad hrmityhmmm years ago... I always loved the smaller groups. It seemed like there was so much more room for exploration and gaining experience. I kind of felt sorry for the undergrads that went with the big names and spent all their time washing glassware. Totally different field I know, but I can't help but think that the takeaway isn't at least somewhat the same. 


Take care!



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I was waitlisted to App State. Does anyone know if they actually reject anyone, or is everyone on the waitlist if they don't make it in first decision? Not necessarily my first choice, but just wondering!

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If you received the email from Western today about the April 16th wait, does this mean we are wait listed or were just still in the running and could be rejected later?

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If you received the email from Western today about the April 16th wait, does this mean we are wait listed or were just still in the running and could be rejected later?

People who got accepted this week have until April 15th to respond, after which they will be notifying anyone about open spots. I would think that the notification about April 16th communication is that those people are likely to get accepted but they are waiting for the first round to respond.

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People who got accepted this week have until April 15th to respond, after which they will be notifying anyone about open spots. I would think that the notification about April 16th communication is that those people are likely to get accepted but they are waiting for the first round to respond.
Thank you! That gives me some hope:) the little that I have left anyway ha ha
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Dutt0054, do you think that by working as an SLP has helped you to be a better applicant? I'm really considering doing this if I don't get into school. Last year I applied to 4 schools and was put on 3 waitlists and never got off any of them. I thought by working as a rehab tech would give me more experience but it hasn't worked in my favor yet.

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For Appalachian State University, the response period is quick for first round of acceptances... They only have until March 22nd to respond. This bodes well for anyone wanting to go there, too!

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Dutt0054, do you think that by working as an SLP has helped you to be a better applicant? I'm really considering doing this if I don't get into school. Last year I applied to 4 schools and was put on 3 waitlists and never got off any of them. I thought by working as a rehab tech would give me more experience but it hasn't worked in my favor yet.

I would assume that it has helped because it has given me sooo much experience, but I obviously am still struggling to get in, but my stats aren't the best so if they don't look at other things besides my GPA and GRE  they would never know about my experience and would most likely deny me. The positive part about this is that if you don't get in...atleast you are getting paid to gain the experience. Since I work for a small town where they have a hard time finding someone, my pay is similar to someone that has a masters degree at a bigger city and obviously the medical/dental/vision benefits are nice too. I believe you can work in MN for 3 years with this temporary license...you have to reapply every year, but my boss says she has figured out how to get 5 years lol so obviously she has a hard time finding someone and wants to keep them around as long as possible. She has already told me that if I don't get into grad school she would love to have me back next year.

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