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Dejected After First Rejection?


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I just got my first decision back - a rejection from Carnegie Mellon's Robotics Institute.  I had expected it, not that I feel that I was unqualified, just that the program is intensely competitive.


Nevertheless, I find myself feeling dejected and more than a little worried about my remaining applications.  I have a good GPA (4.0), GRE scores (161/163/5), three research projects (but no published papers), a good idea of what I want to study (multi-agent systems), and I applied to several schools (7).  I feel as if I'm qualified, but I have a nagging, unshakable feeling that I'm going to be rejected everywhere.  I suppose I'm wondering if I'm alone in feeling this, and looking for any stories of triumph after initial defeat to buoy my spirits.

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Highly doubt you will be rejected in all 7 places! Just think positive and you will be ok. I think this whole thing isn't that stressful, it's sorta just like dating. Be yourself, give it your best shot, and if they say no to you... well then IT IS THEIR LOSS! Someone out there will want you, don't worry about it.


In the meantime have a Cookie, they make everyone happy.

Edited by Deadmeat
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Man, I felt this way even before I got my first rejection.  After seeing several Berkeley admits on this site and not receiving anything, myself, I became convinced that I would be rejected there.  And, naturally, since Berkeley was going to reject me, all the other schools were going to reject me, as well.


While I turned out to be right about Berkeley, RubyBright is right: the rejection has made the acceptances that much sweeter! :)


Try to hang in there, folks!

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I received 2 rejections a few weeks ago in a 4 day span, one was expected, the other a bit of a surprise, Im waiting on 6. I have been thinking a lot about getting completely shut out, but I'm trying to be more rational, you are not alone!! :)

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I'm in the same boat. I got my first rejection yesterday and it was the first school I have heard from. Though I didn't really think I had a chance with this program, I can't help but be riddled with self-doubt as well and feeling like I have to start pursuing Plan B or making a Plan C already. It's not helping that I've also been job-hunting for the past few months in order to make some extra money, and that hasn't been fruitful either. I'm trying my best to stay positive and keep busy with other activities. I also have 7 other schools to hear from! I can't wait for this whole waiting game to be over and it's rather comforting to know that I'm not alone!

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There's something about grad school rejections that really shake confidence.  You pour your heart and soul into your applications, and then to think, "What's wrong with my application?  What's wrong with me?" -- it's torturous.  The thing is, grad programs often just aren't able to really give their candidates the time they deserve, and really amazing candidates -- much like yourself! -- get overlooked.  What you need to do is shake your fist toward the sky, say "F you, Carnegie Mellon" and just remember how hard you worked on your applications.  You sound like a really valuable asset to any team, and I am positive that more than one program would love to take you in.  I bet your first rejection is also your last.


Best wishes!

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I got rejected from a school that I thought of as a "safety school". I was disappointed for about a week thinking I won't be admitted anywhere, since the safety school rejected me. However, I heard back from another school and guess what? I was admitted. 


Don't worry. It happens, and another school will accept you  : ) 

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I got rejected from a school that I thought of as a "safety school". I was disappointed for about a week thinking I won't be admitted anywhere, since the safety school rejected me. However, I heard back from another school and guess what? I was admitted. 


Don't worry. It happens, and another school will accept you  : ) 


Thanks for sharing that. Much needed in a time like this. 

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In graduate school you will suffer countless rejections with a few victories. get ready to pound your head against the wall. if you can't get over it now, there is no sense in continuing. I am absolutely serious. Even professors with excellent publication records sometimes lose their research grants and have their manuscripts turned down. Take this as a very good lesson in composure.

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1 out of 7, from a school that you didn't anticipate acceptance. Why would you feel hopeless?

Don't let the anxiety get the best of you. All you can do is wait. Stick in there.

This. CMU is a top university so it's only natural that a lot of people that apply there (even good candidates) will get rejected. You have 6 other chances, so give yourself a break and try focusing on the positive results that will be coming soon.

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