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Just called GW to ask about MPA/MPP decisions and I was told they just started reviewing applications this week and that decisions wont be made until sometime in March (about 4 weeks).


Does this sound right?  The results for the last few years in the database here show notifications going out as early as mid-February.


Anyone have any idea when GW will make decisions?


I applied to GW also and have not heard back yet. I would imagine if that is what they told you then it must be true despite the fact that it does seem like they have sent out decisions earlier in the past.


Did you call the program or admissions? The program reviews and the. sends out their "reccomended for acceptance" letters and then admissions makes the final call and then those decisions go out.


Has anyone else contacted GW to find out when they will start sending out decisions?


I was told the middle of March but you should give them a call to check for yourself :)


I've just been a lurker so far, but I thought it might be helpful to let you know that I just received my acceptance email from GW Trachtenberg (MPA Program) today at 5:30pm.  The email just said accepted with consideration for funding, and it gave some info about visitation days.  My application was in by mid-December, if I recall correctly. Good luck, everyone  :)


I've just been a lurker so far, but I thought it might be helpful to let you know that I just received my acceptance email from GW Trachtenberg (MPA Program) today at 5:30pm.  The email just said accepted with consideration for funding, and it gave some info about visitation days.  My application was in by mid-December, if I recall correctly. Good luck, everyone  :)


Received the same email. Anxious to hear about funding! Good luck to all.

Posted (edited)

For those who received an e-mail: were you MPA or MPP?  I know amostell said MPA.





edit: Accidentally skipped a word originally.

Edited by Rugger

Got the acceptance email today at 5:30 too for the Trachtenberg MPA program. Being considered for funding.


Got my acceptance email at 5:30 also. I am pretty pumped after the long wait! I am choosing between GW and American but will probably go with GW.


"You have been named as an alternate for a University Fellowship and Graduate Assistantship for the 2013-2014 academic year. We have only a limited number of these awards available, not nearly enough for all deserving applicants. So while we cannot offer you an award at this time, we may be able to in the near future."


Just saw this in my acceptance letter.  Does anyone know how this works?  So if a certain number of people offered an assistantship turn it down by April, I have a shot at it? I'm hoping this means there's still a chance of other merit-based aid, half-tuition or whatnot.  No one at the GW admissions office will answer at the moment.


GWU's Admissions PC is out until March 5, which explains the lack of pick up on the phone call. Sent an email to a generic address, but when I called 2 weeks ago, word was early to mid-March.


Clarification -- that's MPP. Based on the thread, it seems MPA decisions are out, not so with MPP?


If any Trachtenburg MPP applicants have heard, appreciate the head's up!


I was just notified this morning that I was wait listed at GW for the MPA. *sigh* Does anyone have any experience with this? How likely it is to be accepted off the wait list?


MPP applicants -- hopefully this week! Email from GWU today.. "Hello! As a current student, I know how tough the waiting game can be. All the applications are with the head of the MPP program right now, so it shouldn't be too much longer. I think we are hoping decisions get sent out sometime next week. Please let me know if you have any more questions!"


thanks for that reidjmay - its going to be a long week!


For those that got into the MPA - what did the email say about timeframes for funding?


Has anyone who applied to Elliott heard from them?


I don't think anyone has. Looking at past trends however we might hear something from them at the end of next week. 

Posted (edited)

I got an acceptance on 2/28, but didn't receive any merit aid so I won't really be looking further into attending the school. Good luck to everyone who's still waiting for good results - hopefully you get my spot!


edit: sorry, just to clarify this is for the MPA program.

Edited by skemp

MPP applicant here - haven't received a formal admissions letter, but I just got an email about funding. Seems like a weird order in which to do things, but I assume it means admissions decisions have been made?

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