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Fulbright 2014-2015


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Can anyone corroborate Islavic12's post regarding her FPA claiming that notification emails would be sent on Tues 1/28 after 5:00pm?


Hi, everyone!  I am new to the forum- sort of- I have been lurking the past few days trying to squash the Fulbright induced anxiety.  Got an account to confirm that I also heard from my FPA today saying we would be notified after 5 on Tuesday 1/28.


Good luck everyone... if we make it that long!

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Did your FPA mention why they were sending out notices later than expected? If it is indeed Tuesday, then they would be breaking their 5 year-streak of Thursday/Friday notices. I somehow feel there is a lot going on behind the scenes that we are clueless on.

No- my FPA only said as I quoted about the notification, then offering himself available for career advice once we find out the outcome next Tuesday. Unfortunately, there was nothing more explaining the specified date

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I just tweeted a guy I found on twitter who says he got an email...I'll post if I get a reply!


He got an email today from Fulbright or that he got an email stating it'd be on Tuesday that we'd find out? /panic like crazy

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He just wrote that he had gotten an email today from his advisor, no details at all. I'm hoping he will tweet me back! Hopefully, he doesn't think I'm a full blown stalker...even though I question that myself with all of this! haha

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He just wrote that he had gotten an email today from his advisor, no details at all. I'm hoping he will tweet me back! Hopefully, he doesn't think I'm a full blown stalker...even though I question that myself with all of this! haha


I literally just made a twitter so I could see if he had posted more info...I'd generally feel a bit awkward, but this is Fulbright. There is no shame or judgement! 

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He just wrote that he had gotten an email today from his advisor, no details at all. I'm hoping he will tweet me back! Hopefully, he doesn't think I'm a full blown stalker...even though I question that myself with all of this! haha

Stalking is absolutely allowed when it comes to something like this.  We're all in it together!


Seriously though, 5 more days?!  My heart can't handle it!

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I just want to say to everyone good luck! I hope we all get recommended and that the waiting is worth it (if only for more waiting). Judging by the stress, I think it is safe to say everyone worked so hard on this and that you all are really passionate about your projects. I hope the next few days go by quickly and that the results are positive. It has been wonderful venting with you all :)

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By coincidence, I am rooming with a girl who is here from Mozambique on a Fulbright. I have been keeping her up to date on the rumors about the notifications.

She came bursting into the apartment around 5:30 saying she can't stand waiting anymore and did I get any news. I told her about Tuesday and she yelled "NOOOO!!! Why are they doing this to us?!!!"

I love my roommate.

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Also that they don't check their email.


This. This is true. So very true. 


By coincidence, I am rooming with a girl who is here from Mozambique on a Fulbright. I have been keeping her up to date on the rumors about the notifications.

She came bursting into the apartment around 5:30 saying she can't stand waiting anymore and did I get any news. I told her about Tuesday and she yelled "NOOOO!!! Why are they doing this to us?!!!"

I love my roommate.


Your roommate sounds delightful :) 

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Either you did not ask or, like my FPA, they are most likely out of the loop. 


My FPA is of no help. She just glances over my applications and then that's it. And last year when I was having difficulty accessing my deleted email account, she KNEW I didn't get into the finals but CONTINUED to tell me to ask Fulbright to send me an email because she "didn't want to ruin it for me." Eventually, after emailing Fulbright three times, they sent me the rejection email. Thanks a LOT FPA for making me go through all that for a rejection email.

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My FPA is of no help. She just glances over my applications and then that's it. And last year when I was having difficulty accessing my deleted email account, she KNEW I didn't get into the finals but CONTINUED to tell me to ask Fulbright to send me an email because she "didn't want to ruin it for me." Eventually, after emailing Fulbright three times, they sent me the rejection email. Thanks a LOT FPA for making me go through all that for a rejection email.


I'm sorry to hear that :( My FPA is equally of no help (in fact, like yours, she was kind of detrimental to the process -- lost letters of recommendation, gave incorrect info, etc.), which is why I did not bother to ask. I hope this time around works out for you!

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I'm sorry to hear that :( My FPA is equally of no help (in fact, like yours, she was kind of detrimental to the process -- lost letters of recommendation, gave incorrect info, etc.), which is why I did not bother to ask. I hope this time around works out for you!

I am in the same boat. Mine was downright rude! Did you say so in your survey of the process? I did, because I think the FPA for my school needs to be replaced, and soon.

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