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Fulbright 2014-2015


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Still waiting to find out from Denmark. According to the spreadsheet, this upcoming week is when decisions normally go out (except for last year, when it was much later). Looks like they have mostly gone out on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Those seem to be common days for other countries too, I think? Does there actually seem to be a pattern there, or is it a coincidence? Just trying to figure out when I might get the email... 

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I was recommended for an ETA to South Korea, and this suspense is making me so anxious. I should be editing my thesis right now, but I have been reading this thread and trying to figure out when they will send out notifications. Here's hoping there will be really great news in the email inbox this week! 

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Attention applicants to India! I just got word from another applicant that emailed USIEF that they plan on notifying us by the end of NEXT week. Hoping each of us receives good news.Good luck to all Fulbright applicants! 

Edited by fulbright_to_India
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*Bites nails nervously* thank you! Do you know where in the Caucasus? 




Also, I heard back from the Central Asian representative...no idea when we'll receive news. 

Edited by Kj002
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So I called Eileen O'Malley (Europe & Eurasia PM) on Friday to ask, first, about the April 15 notification date rumor and, second, about Malta.


The first is probably more interesting to all of you: Ms. O'Malley said that April 15 is, as always, the date by which they HOPE notifications will go out, but there are no guarantees. I think they may be putting more pressure on country committees than last year (since a few that usually notify in late April or May have done so in March this year), but April 15 is just the date they hope for.


Aaaand Malta hasn't said a word to the US office, so Ms. O'Malley told me it's a waiting game, like last year.

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Any Dominican Republic applicants out there? I'm currently on a research Fulbright in the DR and will overlap with your grant term (I didn't start until February of 2014 and am planning to overstay). I'm currently living/working on the North coast (it seems like most grantees are typically in or around the capital) but PM me anyway if you're selected. I'd love to get in touch when you arrive and if you need any questions answered/help from within the country I'd be happy to see what I can do. You should find out relatively soon - I think we heard back in early May last year. Good luck!

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The best to us both, Paigeb! :-) And here's to not losing our minds and collapsing from the anxiety! We will both know soon...sounds like April is the important month for us both!

Yes! Good luck and keep us posted  :)

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Twice in the past has Korea sent out applications on this day (March 31st) and once on April 1st. Could today be the day? Hmmmm......only time will tell.


Do they always come out during the 1600-1700 timeframe? I heard sometimes they send them out early around lunch time too...not sure if that is a rumor or not? People who got notifications already, what was your time stamp? Much appreciated...


Hurry up and wait...



Edited by USA.J
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Are there any other folks out there who applied to Peru? I only see a few on past years' excel sheets but I'm sure there must be more of us! 


I feel like I check my email every five minutes nowadays. :) Also, to folks who are concerned about April 15th graduate school deposit deadlines-- most of the programs that I had applied to that allow for a one-year deferment give you up until early August to request that deferment, and you don't lose your deposit. That might be true of your programs, too. 


Sending good vibes to everyone. 

Edited by eatyourgreens
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Do they always come out during the 1600-1700 timeframe? I heard sometimes they send them out early around lunch time too...not sure if that is a rumor or not? People who got notifications already, what was your time stamp? Much appreciated...


Hurry up and wait...




I received my notice at 4:36 PM, but I think the people from last year heard back from France between 11:00-1:00. It varies.

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Also, I might be going crazy but I could have sworn that the Fulbright site listed 8 research grants for Peru when I applied- now it's listed as only 5. I know funding might be an issue and perhaps that's causing cuts in the number of grants available, but has anyone else observed something like this?

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Also, I might be going crazy but I could have sworn that the Fulbright site listed 8 research grants for Peru when I applied- now it's listed as only 5. I know funding might be an issue and perhaps that's causing cuts in the number of grants available, but has anyone else observed something like this?


Malta was supposed to have two grants last year. When they updated the statistics last month, they said they had only given one. The "projected number" for last year stayed at two until then! So yeah, it happens...

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