GnosisExchange Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 (edited) Hello fellow SSA applicants, I was placed as an alternate for a Full Research Grant to South Africa. I was also surprised that the board went quiet. I think everybody is holding their breath for MozartGirl. I hope she got it... and congratulations to all the others out there who did too! I definitely am. She has been so lovely and seems so passionate about her project. I think the only Eurasian country to send out notifications is Moldova, and those were sent out late last week. The other countries (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, and the Caucasus) have yet to hear, and much of the Balkans is also silent on the news front. I'm an Armenia applicant, but I'm really pulling for you Ukraine and Russia applicants. I know that the Fulbright program stayed operable during the brief war between Russia and Georgia in 2008, but obviously this situation is more tenuous and fraught with uncertainty. My impression is that the State Dept. will try to keep the program going unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances. I'm hoping that the situation right now doesn't devolve into something that would qualify as that type of circumstance. Fingers crossed for you guys. It must be so hard to have to worry about this on top of the general Fulbright stress. Good luck to all of the Ukraine and Russia applicants . P.S. Sorry about the weird font. I was doing Japanese homework and didn't noticed I forgot to change the input function. Edited April 22, 2014 by GnosisExchange Shogun1, sirmixalot and SmarteyMartey 3
Shogun1 Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 Still waiting on Russia ETA news, so I completely feel your pain/anxiety. I'm reeeeeally hoping that we hear back this week (/today). I can't maintain this lifestyle of stress feasting each day that I don't receive a notification - it's becoming quite costly and horrifying. lol Agreed!!!!! Since I was recommended in January, I havent slept, have started eating poorly.....this is very difficult for the body and mind!!
Anahid Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 Maginz you applied for Armenia too? Research or ETA?
Shogun1 Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 (edited) I think the only Eurasian country to send out notifications is Moldova, and those were sent out late last week. The other countries (Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, and the Caucasus) have yet to hear, and much of the Balkans is also silent on the news front. I'm an Armenia applicant, but I'm really pulling for you Ukraine and Russia applicants. I know that the Fulbright program stayed operable during the brief war between Russia and Georgia in 2008, but obviously this situation is more tenuous and fraught with uncertainty. My impression is that the State Dept. will try to keep the program going unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances. I'm hoping that the situation right now doesn't devolve into something that would qualify as that type of circumstance. Fingers crossed for you guys. I hope Ukraine and Russia stay operable as well!! It would be such a shame if a geopolitical crisis ended a fantastic oppurtunity for many applicants. Would fulbright defer the winners in case the program is closed down to another year/safer time period?? Edited April 22, 2014 by Shogun1
Shirtless Putin's Horse Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 Maginz you applied for Armenia too? Research or ETA? I applied full research. This is actually my third time applying in four years (was an alternate one year and then dutifully and rightfully rejected another year because of some problematic, vague wording in my research proposal). Sigh. It would be lovely if we could both fill those projected two research spots, but this process never disappoints in being unpredictable. At least if it doesn't end up happening for me this year, I have a really solid grad school option where I received fellowships to study Armenian and Russian and funding to do research in Armenia next summer. So I'll make it back one way or the other, but of course Fulbright would be ideal. Best of luck to you! As odd as it might sound (although the Armenian community both in general and academically is pretty tight-knit), I actually think my friend and former classmate knows you. I'll message you so as not to divulge personal details on the forum.
kwiat Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 (edited) Alternates, don't lose hope! I was originally an (A) for the Taiwan ETA program, but additional funding became available within a week of finding out. With that, Taiwan ETAs - hello! Let's talk. Edited April 22, 2014 by kwiat sirmixalot 1
blue_bird Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 My fingers are still crossed for those of you who are waiting for final notifications. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for those of you who are waiting to hear about Russia and Ukraine given the current crisis. For those of you who have been accepted, has anyone received any details about grant payments, residence permits, etc? I was told almost two weeks ago that I would be hearing from the Binational Fulbright Commission program manager "soon" but no more details have been forthcoming. I realize August/September seems like a long way away, and I'm sure I'm just over anxious, but I was wondering if anyone else from other countries had heard anything and what the normal procedure is. Thanks to all of you awesome people on this board and good luck again to those who are still hanging in there! Try to take care of yourselves as well as possible.
rosecoyote Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 Seriously - I don't post on here very much, but I keep checking to find out about MozartGirl! Congrats to everyone who received the award, and condolences to those who didn't. It really is such an honor to have made it this far.
Anahid Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 Really? No notifications? anyone else live in DC? I went on a date with a state department guy. Couldn't get anything out of him and the date was less than ideal. I tried, GradCafe! normando13, spainbound15, coopfing and 1 other 4
Rachelrushing Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 (edited) So many gif emotions... Level Annoyed: Level Anxious: Level Bored: Level Cleaning (or Angry Cleaning): Level Braff: Level Beaker: I think I'm at Level Cleaning. Edited April 22, 2014 by Rachelrushing normando13 1
internationalexplorer Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 Really? No notifications? anyone else live in DC? I went on a date with a state department guy. Couldn't get anything out of him and the date was less than ideal. I tried, GradCafe! HAHAHA. love this. just left DC and am anxiously waiting... waiting waiting. China, come on!
Croatiaeta Posted April 22, 2014 Posted April 22, 2014 Hey y'all, first time poster but long time lurker. I applied to Croatia (I know there are a few other Balkans people out there!). I actually heard from my school that they have already received notification of my status but I have not. So I went to go email Eileen O'Malley to ask for an update and when I got to the website I realized she apparently no longer works there and is not the PM for Europe. Any one know what's up with this? Anyone think this shift in staff might be part of the hold up?
Sel386 Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 Hey y'all, first time poster but long time lurker. I applied to Croatia (I know there are a few other Balkans people out there!). I actually heard from my school that they have already received notification of my status but I have not. So I went to go email Eileen O'Malley to ask for an update and when I got to the website I realized she apparently no longer works there and is not the PM for Europe. Any one know what's up with this? Anyone think this shift in staff might be part of the hold up? When did that happen? I just emailed with her this past Friday.
Croatiaeta Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 No clue, but look at their website:
eatyourgreens Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 NS for Peru Full Research Grant. Oh well! Upward and onward. Going to graduate school for an MPH/JD dual degree, so I have great stuff to look forward to. And I don't have to give away my cat for a year! Things work out. PS to folks who are waiting-- the message was actually in my spam! It came in on April 17th but I didn't see it until I searched through my junk mail this evening. Good luck to everyone who is still waiting! Y'all seem like extraordinary folks and I am sending you all good vibes for P notifications and great years abroad.
sirmixalot Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 No clue, but look at their website: When did that happen? I just emailed with her this past Friday. I went to email her today and saw the same thing! I thought that I was just on a different site than I was before when I found Eileen's name. But that would make sense.
Rachelrushing Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 Ugh. This is so frustrating. I'm applying for the Full Research to Croatia. I emailed Sasa the other day and she told me the email Eileen. This does not sound promising. What are you applying for? ETA or Full Research?
Croatiaeta Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 I applied for ETA. I'm hoping we hear soon! I emailed Walter Jackson, I will keep you posted if I hear something!
GnosisExchange Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 My fingers are still crossed for those of you who are waiting for final notifications. I can't even imagine how difficult it must be for those of you who are waiting to hear about Russia and Ukraine given the current crisis. For those of you who have been accepted, has anyone received any details about grant payments, residence permits, etc? I was told almost two weeks ago that I would be hearing from the Binational Fulbright Commission program manager "soon" but no more details have been forthcoming. I realize August/September seems like a long way away, and I'm sure I'm just over anxious, but I was wondering if anyone else from other countries had heard anything and what the normal procedure is. Thanks to all of you awesome people on this board and good luck again to those who are still hanging in there! Try to take care of yourselves as well as possible. Congratulations! it's great to see Alternates get it!
Rachelrushing Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 I applied for ETA. I'm hoping we hear soon! I emailed Walter Jackson, I will keep you posted if I hear something! Me too! I can't wait for this to finally be real, one way or the other.
donthatedontkill Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 Congratulations! it's great to see Alternates get it! Are alternates from other programs being promoted? I'm trying to hold onto whatever glimmer of hope I can.
Mozartgirl53 Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 Hi everyone! First off, no I haven't heard yet on Zambia. They are waiting on my official transcript. I got an email today from transcript national clearing house informing me it had been sent out. I payed for overnight express (once it got out) and therefore I'm really hoping Jermaine gets it tomorrow. I think it will be Thursday at the very latest. After my panic attack the other day (the only one I've ever had), I needed to step away for a day or so and calm myself down. Frankly, I'm embarrassed out how badly I freaked out over a missing transcript! I think it was that I (hopefully) accept a (NS) if better projects or applicants were to be the reason. What freaked me out was the idea that an oversight by the clearing house for transcripts could trip me up. However, I do believe now that will not be the case. I've had a couple of very personable emails from Jermaine, including when I emailed him today saying the transcript was in the mail, and it's clear to me now that it is just a procedural matter which way it goes, it will not be because someone messed up on mailing the transcript out. Jermaine thanked me again for taking care of it so quickly and said he and his colleagues will be an eye out for it. So I'm guessing (hoping?) they'll send my notification once they have their i's dotted and t's crossed. After recovering from my emotional trauma (haha), I injured my elbow and haven't been able to type until tonight! I probably shouldn't be now, but I didn't want you guys to think I had dropped out of sight. Here's to finding out tomorrow!!! And you guys in this forum, I have decided, will be the FIRST to know! You have all been so incredibly supportive and you are the people who really, really get it, meaning we have all shared this thrilling, exasperating roller coaster. GnosisExchange, jrk2115, rosecoyote, and every one of you beautiful colleagues who have become friends... THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! You have no idea how good it feels to read your notes of encouragement! It is because of you that I have not gone completely insane throughout this process. I have really come to love our little group and actually will be a little sad once all the notifications are in and we go our separate ways, for some of us until Fulbright 2015 forum gets started, and for others of us, off to grad school or work or to far-flung places to carry out our research and teaching. I hope people will come back here during the next year and post updates; I know that I, for one, am very interested to hear about how we're all doing! Thanks again for your tremendous support, and not just to me but to everyone in the forum! I think we're all better people from going through this experience together. kdzhexon 1
Mozartgirl53 Posted April 23, 2014 Posted April 23, 2014 (edited) To my SSA cohort: Maliyazi, thanks for making that last brave call to Jermaine and letting us know the decisions are IN! I too am a bit confused about why notifications seem to be trickling in. I know in my case it's because of the transcript boondoggle, but it seems it's not just me, so... who knows? CONGRATULATIONS on your alternate selection for the ETA Kenya grant! I really, really hope you end up getting to go! You are so passionate about Kenya and about teaching that it would be nuts for the State Department to ultimately give you a NS! You are the person they talk about all the time on the Fulbright website-- you are an ideal ambassador for a program of cultural exchange and friendship building between nations. Meupatdoes, I'm so sorry. I was really rooting for you! I thought your proposed project for Ghana was brilliant and inspired! Please, please, don't give that up! It may be a Fulbright another year, it may not be a Fulbright at all, but something just as wonderful! What you do is vitally important, not just for Ghana, but for the world. I know we're all going to be saying "we knew meupatdoes way back when..." Take time to grieve, then get back up on that horse and keep a'going! I expect great things from you. mbrefo, I don't know you as well as the others, but I'm glad you came out of "lurker status" to let us know about your alternate status, also in Ghana. Thanks! I can't remember the typical number of grants for Ghana, but here's hoping BOTH you and Meupatdoes make it over there. :-) jrk2115, congratulations on alternate status for South Africa! All I know of South Africa is the airport in Johannesburg, which in my humble opinion is one of the nicest ones in the world! LOL I do hope you get to go. We need strong ties to South Africa and I hope you can be a part of that. If, ultimately, you don't go, I encourage you to continue your project and find another way. I'm convinced you will get there! sweater, I'm sorry your project was not funded. :-( I know you were SSA, but don't know the country. I do know, however, this isn't the end of the road for you, just a new beginning! Stay strong! Other SSA folks out there... let us know! We want to be here for each other, to celebrate or console one another. So far, SSA is a tough one. Really tough. But I think a dedicated group such as ourselves will find a way to build bridges of friendship with Africa. President Obama said recently that he wants our relationship with African nations to "be one of trade, not one of aid." And I really do think our little group here is going to be a part of that, one way or the other. KEEP THE FAITH! Edited April 23, 2014 by Mozartgirl53
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