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Fulbright 2014-2015


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AH ... so just called the US embassy in Bangladesh and the woman I spoke to said "oh, we already processed the applications, conducted interviews and sent our results back to IIE in the US"....which is all great and fine, EXCEPT THAT I DIDNT HAVE AN INTERVIEW. So of course I start to freak out, and try my hardest to casually ask this nice lady if they interviewed everyone. She says they only interviewed those candidates that they needed further clarification from regarding their project. Not sure if she just said that because she could sense the panic in my voice, or if that's really the case. In any case, needless to say, I'm slightly freaking out.  :/ 


Was anyone else in this situation? Where other people from your country got interviews but you didn't? Is this a horribly bad sign?

I didn't have an interview (and was shocked to hear that someone else on the forum had!) and I got my ETA.

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I didn't have an interview (and was shocked to hear that someone else on the forum had!) and I got my ETA.


Ah thanks, GnosisExchange. That makes me feel a bit better. I applied for a research grant, but hoping its the same deal where not getting an interview isnt a bad sign.

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Hey, everyone! I found out at today that my A changed to a P for a Colombia ETA! :-D


Hi Donthatedontkill, CONGRATULATIONS!!! It's great to see those (A)s turn into (P)s!! Let's all root for the other waiting alternates!!!

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I didn't have an interview (and was shocked to hear that someone else on the forum had!) and I got my ETA.

Hi Hina, I agree with GnosisExchange. From what I've gleaned on this forum, it seems it is honestly what they say it is-- a way of gathering further information when they may be on the fence. I don't think you need to worry that you didn't get one-- it's as likely it's a good sign as that it's a bad one. I know-- it doesn't make the wait any easier! We're still rooting for you Hina!

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Hi Olioliwoo! Very interesting, LOL! Did he say they know about our forum in a good way or in a those-people-are-crazy kind of way? . If anything, I would hope they would see our complete dedication to our country, our scholarship, and our desire to bring nations closer together.

After attending, how are you feeling about reapplying next year if the (A) doesn't become a (P)? I'll support you in whatever way I can.


It was I guess kind of neutral, just recognizing that sometimes something an IIE staff member tells one person can be brought back here and cause a frenzy (which is true).


After attending, it made me realize that I need to just start the application process with the assumption that I don't go from A to P. There is so much to do and my final research, internship, work, graduation, and potential job hunt are going to eat up a serious chunk of my time this summer. Mr. Claudino gave me some good advice on the areas I think were the weakest in my application so I'll focus on addressing those things first.

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I just received the best news in my inbox this morning. :)









Hey, everyone! I found out at today that my A changed to a P for a Colombia ETA! :-D 





Congratulations you guys!!!!!!! So excited for you :D


Donthatedontkill, your gif reminded me of this song "Suddenly (It Happens to You)" from a Cinderella musical, "The Slipper and the Rose."




Suddenly, suddenly it happens and the dream comes true,

Wonderfully, beautifully it happens and your world is new,

Magically, you're holding the golden prize,

Mystically, your castles begin to rise,

Suddenly, dizzily you're spinning with the thrill of life,

Suddenly, thirstily you're drinking in your fill of life,

But secretly you just can't believe it's true,

When wonderfully, beautifully!

Suddenly it happens to you.


P.S. If you haven't done so already, don't forget to put both the A and P dates in the "notification date" column on the spreadsheet. Keep the A to P dream alive for 2015-2016!!!

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Hi Hina, I agree with GnosisExchange. From what I've gleaned on this forum, it seems it is honestly what they say it is-- a way of gathering further information when they may be on the fence. I don't think you need to worry that you didn't get one-- it's as likely it's a good sign as that it's a bad one. I know-- it doesn't make the wait any easier! We're still rooting for you Hina!


Mozartgirl53, I hadn't thought about it that way...that it might actually be a good thing that they didn't need an interview from me to gather more information. When I was interviewed by my alma mater, they too didn't have too many comments to give me, but assured me that it was a good thing and that my application was strong.


Anyway, at least now I know that the decisions have been made and it's likely at the state dept at this point... so I should be finding out very soon!! eeeek :/


Also, I am SO excited that you got it!!! :D You definitely deserve it. 

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Hey, everyone! I found out at today that my A changed to a P for a Colombia ETA! :-D 










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It was I guess kind of neutral, just recognizing that sometimes something an IIE staff member tells one person can be brought back here and cause a frenzy (which is true).


After attending, it made me realize that I need to just start the application process with the assumption that I don't go from A to P. There is so much to do and my final research, internship, work, graduation, and potential job hunt are going to eat up a serious chunk of my time this summer. Mr. Claudino gave me some good advice on the areas I think were the weakest in my application so I'll focus on addressing those things first.

That seems like a really smart plan. It's good that he had useful advice and that you are keeping a positive (yet realistic) attitude.

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So I guess I'm a little confused--what exactly is our next step? Like obviously we need to fill out forms, but what about things like visas? It'd be great if Jonathan Akeley would give some input. I'm so lost!

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So it's 5:57am Central... could today be the day? Or will I spend all day obsessing for no reason?

<closed eyes, sitting arms outstretched> I wish, I wish, I wish-- C'mon notifications. --- TODAY!!

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It was I guess kind of neutral, just recognizing that sometimes something an IIE staff member tells one person can be brought back here and cause a frenzy (which is true).

After attending, it made me realize that I need to just start the application process with the assumption that I don't go from A to P. There is so much to do and my final research, internship, work, graduation, and potential job hunt are going to eat up a serious chunk of my time this summer. Mr. Claudino gave me some good advice on the areas I think were the weakest in my application so I'll focus on addressing those things first.

As usual, I totally agree with GnosisExchange. I'm really glad you went to the seminar and that you have a game plan. It sounds like a great way to proceed. I still really hope you get to go, but if not, I will cheer you all the way next year! Which kinda means now, doesn't it? Like you said, get a jump on it now, before summer comes upon you. You are an amazing woman; don't forget that!

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So I guess I'm a little confused--what exactly is our next step? Like obviously we need to fill out forms, but what about things like visas? It'd be great if Jonathan Akeley would give some input. I'm so lost!

You will be contacted with more information (probably over mail). If it has been a while, consider verifying that they have the right mailing address (my award acceptance forms were lost in the mail for a while because there had been a mistake in the address). I would also recommend getting started on the medical clearance form stuff. It can take a while if you need to update your vaccinations or take multiple medical exams--like if your country requires HIV tests for visas or if, like me, you need an x-ray for the TB test (the country I was born in vaccinates everyone against TB so the skin test comes back positive no matter what). 


Congrats on Mongolia, BTW!

Edited by GnosisExchange
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Mozartgirl53, I hadn't thought about it that way...that it might actually be a good thing that they didn't need an interview from me to gather more information. When I was interviewed by my alma mater, they too didn't have too many comments to give me, but assured me that it was a good thing and that my application was strong.

Anyway, at least now I know that the decisions have been made and it's likely at the state dept at this point... so I should be finding out very soon!! eeeek :/

Also, I am SO excited that you got it!!! :D You definitely deserve it.

Thanks Hina! Yeah, I think at this point probably all the decisions have been made for everyone. It's all in the hands of the State Department now. I just wish for your sake they would notify everyone today!!

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Thanks Hina! Yeah, I think at this point probably all the decisions have been made for everyone. It's all in the hands of the State Department now. I just wish for your sake they would notify everyone today!!


I'm with ya! Come onnn notifications! Today is gonna be the day!!

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So I guess I'm a little confused--what exactly is our next step? Like obviously we need to fill out forms, but what about things like visas? It'd be great if Jonathan Akeley would give some input. I'm so lost!


I'm assuming he's a little bit busy, considering that he's taking over part of Europe. Our PM left, and so I've been redirected to him =\. Still haven't gotten a response to my email though. 

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Add a computer into this image and this was me pretty much all day (even though I'm at work and should be doing actual work haha oops).....and so the wait continues...

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Huma and Hina, aaaaaccccckkkk! There are still a few hours left today... remember that some people (like me and I think GE too) have gotten our notifications in the evening; I think up to 8:30 PM EDT. This waiting must be so intense! Hang in there everybody!

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Emailed the program advisor for South America yesterday. She said decisions for Venezuela are still pending. I don't even know what to take from that!



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Hey, everyone! I found out at today that my A changed to a P for a Colombia ETA! :-D 




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