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Fulbright 2014-2015


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Yeah, kind of.  Its more an intersection of Law and Sociology.  You?


Yeah, more or less. I like the law and want to keep working within it, but, my soul aches for something outside of the daily grind of private practice.  Which country did you apply to?

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You don't want to do it anyway. It is a terribly boring life. I'm one of the lucky ones having had clerkships and a job that my classmates would love to have had. And, yeah, sure, I've got a great view out of my 20th floor windows, my secretary will bring me lunch if I ask her, and I make quite a bit of money, but I have a feeling that if you're on this page/applying for a fulbright, there is some bit of artist or philosopher in you. Law will certainly kill that. I hope you get the fulbright.

Now you're really going to think I'm crazy, but I don't actually want to practice law. I'm already working in a different industry and turned down a promotion offer for more than the first year biglaw comp to apply to law school heh... I actually got into my first choice already and goal is to do JD/MBA, but it won't be a walk in the park to get into the b-school as well...

I really want to do the Fulbright though because I'm very interested in my proposal topic (similar methodology to my senior thesis from undergrad), and I think it'd be a great experience

Sorry for the awkward grammar--I'm writing from my phone

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I'm curious: who did you get to do your recommendations? Did you inform your current employers you were potentially leaving?? I've mentioned previously on this thread that that's one thing I'm struggling with.  (I'm applying this upcoming cycle.)

Also, were you at-large or affiliated with a previous university?


Yeah, kind of.  Its more an intersection of Law and Sociology.  You?


Now you're really going to think I'm crazy, but I don't actually want to practice law. I'm already working in a different industry and turned down a promotion offer for more than the first year biglaw comp to apply to law school heh... I actually got into my first choice already and goal is to do JD/MBA, but it won't be a walk in the park to get into the b-school as well...

I really want to do the Fulbright though because I'm very interested in my proposal topic (similar methodology to my senior thesis from undergrad), and I think it'd be a great experience

Sorry for the awkward grammar--I'm writing from my phone

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Yeah, more or less. I like the law and want to keep working within it, but, my soul aches for something outside of the daily grind of private practice.  Which country did you apply to?


I applied to Norway.  I've never even been out of the country, so I am very anxious about this whole thing.  Spain would be awesome... if you get it, you'll have to stay to June to Run with the Bulls!

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I'm curious: who did you get to do your recommendations? Did you inform your current employers you were potentially leaving?? I've mentioned previously on this thread that that's one thing I'm struggling with. (I'm applying this upcoming cycle.)

Also, were you at-large or affiliated with a previous university?

I can't tell if you were directing that at me or not; I had two professors and a contact in the host country write my recommendations--employer does not know I am applying

Employer does know, however, that I am leaving (on their side, presumably for law school) since I had to make a decision on the promotion offer and since I needed a recommendation from them for law school

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By the way, anyone else here simultaneously going through the law school admissions process? :P

I'm applying for law school for Fall 2014 in the US, although I'm from the UK and currently studying an undergrad law course here. I want to cross qualify so I can practice law in both the UK and US

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I'm curious: who did you get to do your recommendations? Did you inform your current employers you were potentially leaving?? I've mentioned previously on this thread that that's one thing I'm struggling with.  (I'm applying this upcoming cycle.)


Also, were you at-large or affiliated with a previous university?


I got recommendations from 2 judges that I clerked for and from a law school professor that I did research for.  And Heck no i didn't tell my firm about this.  My thought is why cause such problems based on the slight chance that this works out.  Even if I do get it, i won't tell them until the summer, when essentially I will say "I'm taking a fulbright, I would like to be able to come back next year and work here, but if not, I understand."

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I am already a lawyer. Applied to Norway for an ETA. I loved my professors and law school...not the job market in Texas. We are saturated down here and many firms are offering 50k or less for 3-5 years experience. I could make that with my undergrad degree :/

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I am already a lawyer. Applied to Norway for an ETA. I loved my professors and law school...not the job market in Texas. We are saturated down here and many firms are offering 50k or less for 3-5 years experience. I could make that with my undergrad degree :/


Wow, lots of lawyers out here. Best of luck!! :)


To all lawyers/young professionals: how much did your experience as a lawyer (or whatever job) play into your personal statement and grant proposal?


I got recommendations from 2 judges that I clerked for and from a law school professor that I did research for.  And Heck no i didn't tell my firm about this.  My thought is why cause such problems based on the slight chance that this works out.  Even if I do get it, i won't tell them until the summer, when essentially I will say "I'm taking a fulbright, I would like to be able to come back next year and work here, but if not, I understand."


Exactly. With this market, it would be unsurprising to be let go for even mentioning considering such an opportunity.

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So, what do you all think is the cut-off time for hearing today? 6-7 pm Eastern?


I would say 6:30PM EST. Last year I was informed at 5:14 PM EST on Jan. 18th that I was recommended. If there are any Spain applicants out there, last year the final round (madrid committee) was not announced until April 15th.

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I am a primatologist and will be exploring the effects of anthropogenic influence (tourism and range restriction) over multiple behavioral and physiological levels on a critically endangered species in order to make recommendations for their management and improve their overall conservation. I already made two very short preliminary trips there to meet my collaborators in person and ensure that my idea was feasible. This way I can hit the ground running once I go back. 

How about you?

Cool, that all sounds really solid. So I assume this is a species of primate solely found in Indonesia? How did you come to focus on that one species?


I'm an artist, and I want to create work about how cultures heal from colonialist conflict. As you probably know, Indonesia was under Dutch rule for 300 years and, after independence, almost all traces of the Dutch occupation were removed from the archipelago.


More recently, though, an Indonesian youth movement called Plesiran Tempo Doeloe has started reviving colonial times through history trails and roleplay. I'm attracted to the striking images of participants in this movement dressing up as Dutch colonialists from the 1940s, really physically trying on a second skin and another time. In general, I'm interested in how a society can maximize rich histories like these.


Hope we both get to go.  :)

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By the way, anyone else here simultaneously going through the law school admissions process? :P


Currently applying to law school as well as the Fulbright ETA. I'm in a masters program now at Hopkins for secondary education, and I want to go into a law/policy route next. Fulbright would be between both degrees if I am accepted. 

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By the way, anyone else here simultaneously going through the law school admissions process? :P


I'm also applying to law school right now! I am more than likely taking a year off for some sort of program abroad, even if I don't get Fulbright. Although it's a comfort to have submitted all my applications, I still don't feel quite ready to settle down into academia again just yet (I'm a graduating senior right now). 

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This topic is dear to my heart as well. I want to study this from the lens of identity - how does the people of a nation that went through colonialist rule perceive their history, and their sense of self? Especially when their cultural references originate from imposed rules/artifacts from the colonialist's culture, but makes up such a big part of their shared history.. How does a history of marginalization in their own land affect their perception of their place in the world? This is part of my fulbright proposal and I hope I get to do it!

Cool, that all sounds really solid. So I assume this is a species of primate solely found in Indonesia? How did you come to focus on that one species?

I'm an artist, and I want to create work about how cultures heal from colonialist conflict. As you probably know, Indonesia was under Dutch rule for 300 years and, after independence, almost all traces of the Dutch occupation were removed from the archipelago.

More recently, though, an Indonesian youth movement called Plesiran Tempo Doeloe has started reviving colonial times through history trails and roleplay. I'm attracted to the striking images of participants in this movement dressing up as Dutch colonialists from the 1940s, really physically trying on a second skin and another time. In general, I'm interested in how a society can maximize rich histories like these.

Hope we both get to go. :)

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After 11 applications to graduate school, I'm just hoping I don't get rejected from the Fulbright and my top choice on the same day. That'd just be mean. Or maybe I'll find out I got both on the same day. I'd enjoy that :) I guess I can keep dreaming since they are taking a bit of time. 

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Horb, I hope both work out for you!  Your results often aren't in the sequence or predictable fashion you expect.  I got really puzzling results - some really good schools took me (even higher ranked than the one I was in now)  and some schools that were not even as well ranked or anywhere near the caliber of my u-grad school rejected me or didn't grant me funding.  In the end, I took the most workable offer (a stellar one for a grad student at a state school in the midwest) and went with the department that had the person I most wanted to work with.  It all worked out!


I do remember crying in the office of a trusted faculty member back at Indiana when trying to use STATA after two rejections the previous day because I couldn't get it to run a command for my thesis.  He was incredibly nice about it and asked me how my application season was going and I told him I would be living in a box on the side of the road by May.  He assured me that wasn't the case.  The next day, I got an offer from one of my best choices and the place I eventually accepted.  The day after, I got an offer from two other schools.  So, even if you get a rejection, keep thinking positive.  Something will work out.  


But for your situation, I hope you get both the Fulbright and the ability to defer to your first choice!


I hope at least someone gets good news tomorrow.  I have two meetings, a lecture, and a class to teach tomorrow.  I'm going to be glad just to get through the day.

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After 11 applications to graduate school, I'm just hoping I don't get rejected from the Fulbright and my top choice on the same day. That'd just be mean. Or maybe I'll find out I got both on the same day. I'd enjoy that :) I guess I can keep dreaming since they are taking a bit of time. 



I am in the same boat!! I applied to so many grad schools...I'm afraid I'll hear about that and Fulbright on the same day.



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This topic is dear to my heart as well. I want to study this from the lens of identity - how does the people of a nation that went through colonialist rule perceive their history, and their sense of self? Especially when their cultural references originate from imposed rules/artifacts from the colonialist's culture, but makes up such a big part of their shared history.. How does a history of marginalization in their own land affect their perception of their place in the world? This is part of my fulbright proposal and I hope I get to do it!


Wow, are we the same person? What country are you looking to go to?

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Horb, I hope both work out for you!  Your results often aren't in the sequence or predictable fashion you expect.  I got really puzzling results - some really good schools took me (even higher ranked than the one I was in now)  and some schools that were not even as well ranked or anywhere near the caliber of my u-grad school rejected me or didn't grant me funding.  In the end, I took the most workable offer (a stellar one for a grad student at a state school in the midwest) and went with the department that had the person I most wanted to work with.  It all worked out!


I do remember crying in the office of a trusted faculty member back at Indiana when trying to use STATA after two rejections the previous day because I couldn't get it to run a command for my thesis.  He was incredibly nice about it and asked me how my application season was going and I told him I would be living in a box on the side of the road by May.  He assured me that wasn't the case.  The next day, I got an offer from one of my best choices and the place I eventually accepted.  The day after, I got an offer from two other schools.  So, even if you get a rejection, keep thinking positive.  Something will work out.  


But for your situation, I hope you get both the Fulbright and the ability to defer to your first choice!


I hope at least someone gets good news tomorrow.  I have two meetings, a lecture, and a class to teach tomorrow.  I'm going to be glad just to get through the day.



You are the nicest person ever! I applied to a lot of top-tier schools, hoping at least one will want me, and if not, I got it out of my system for next time :) The fulbright combines everything I want: an amazing school with many options for my research (faculty, research resources, etc.), and in a setting I'd feel comfortable in with great volunteer opportunities, so I'm really hoping I get it! But I'm hoping everyone here gets it too :)

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You are the nicest person ever! I applied to a lot of top-tier schools, hoping at least one will want me, and if not, I got it out of my system for next time :) The fulbright combines everything I want: an amazing school with many options for my research (faculty, research resources, etc.), and in a setting I'd feel comfortable in with great volunteer opportunities, so I'm really hoping I get it! But I'm hoping everyone here gets it too :)


D'aww thanks but my students will disagree with you tomorrow when I make them talk about the readings at 9 AM haha.


I really hope it works out and you get into a great program!

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Hello! I am new to this forum, but I am excited to meet other people anxiously awaiting the Fulbright notification.


I am applying for an ETA in Thailand. Anyone else doing the same?

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I'm not completely familiar with the Scholar Program, but at least for the "Core Scholar" program it seems notifications of recommendation are sent out in November and December (http://www.cies.org/us_scholars/us_awards/Notification-Timeline.htm). Who the heck is this person and what are they referring to!? 

November - December

CIES notifies applicants whether or not their application has been recommended for further consideration in the host country; this notification is emailed. Please let your CIES Program Officer know if your email address changed since you submitted your application.


They come from someone at the US Fulbright...I don't have a PH.D, MA and half way through Doctorate work, but work in the professional sector. I applied and was recommended and  recently had my short listed interview. I think the Scholar program works a bit faster..

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Horb, I hope both work out for you!  Your results often aren't in the sequence or predictable fashion you expect.  I got really puzzling results - some really good schools took me (even higher ranked than the one I was in now)  and some schools that were not even as well ranked or anywhere near the caliber of my u-grad school rejected me or didn't grant me funding.  In the end, I took the most workable offer (a stellar one for a grad student at a state school in the midwest) and went with the department that had the person I most wanted to work with.  It all worked out!


I do remember crying in the office of a trusted faculty member back at Indiana when trying to use STATA after two rejections the previous day because I couldn't get it to run a command for my thesis.  He was incredibly nice about it and asked me how my application season was going and I told him I would be living in a box on the side of the road by May.  He assured me that wasn't the case.  The next day, I got an offer from one of my best choices and the place I eventually accepted.  The day after, I got an offer from two other schools.  So, even if you get a rejection, keep thinking positive.  Something will work out.  


But for your situation, I hope you get both the Fulbright and the ability to defer to your first choice!


I hope at least someone gets good news tomorrow.  I have two meetings, a lecture, and a class to teach tomorrow.  I'm going to be glad just to get through the day.

I meant to up vote this post and accidentally hit the wrong button ( this is what I get for looking at gradcafe on my iPod before going to sleep). Does anyone know how you can edit your votes ?

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Cool, that all sounds really solid. So I assume this is a species of primate solely found in Indonesia? How did you come to focus on that one species?


I'm an artist, and I want to create work about how cultures heal from colonialist conflict. As you probably know, Indonesia was under Dutch rule for 300 years and, after independence, almost all traces of the Dutch occupation were removed from the archipelago.


More recently, though, an Indonesian youth movement called Plesiran Tempo Doeloe has started reviving colonial times through history trails and roleplay. I'm attracted to the striking images of participants in this movement dressing up as Dutch colonialists from the 1940s, really physically trying on a second skin and another time. In general, I'm interested in how a society can maximize rich histories like these.


Hope we both get to go.  :)

Thanks :)  Yes, my species is endemic to Indonesia. Funny story - I actually worked with chimpanzees for years and was a total ape girl. My Master's should have focused on gorillas, but a huge problem occurred at the very start of my project and I had to switch species. I fell in love with the gregarious monkey I switched to and decided that my PhD would focus on them as well.


Your project sounds really fascinating. Indonesia has been subject to rule by so many outside regions, their entire culture and language is a hodgepodge.  I actually stayed in an old Dutch mansion in Bogor, Jawa while I was getting some permits on my last trip. Supposedly it was haunted - but I never saw a ghost. Out of curiosity, how did you decide on yours?

I hope we both get to go as well!  

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