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Fulbright 2014-2015


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So apparently some of the notifications are arriving via snail mail...just got an ETA acceptance for Indonesia in my mailbox!

Congratulations!!!! :-) but i think they still have to send us stuff in the mail even if we do get an email notification. Maybe it's apart of the procedure? Idk.. Lol

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So apparently some of the notifications are arriving via snail mail...just got an ETA acceptance for Indonesia in my mailbox! 


YYYYYYAAAAAYYYY!!! That is amazing. I wonder if they forgot to email you and just sent the hard copy notification. My roomie said she didn't get any news and it wasn't until someone called about paperwork did they realize that nobody had notified her.

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YYYYYYAAAAAYYYY!!! That is amazing. I wonder if they forgot to email you and just sent the hard copy notification. My roomie said she didn't get any news and it wasn't until someone called about paperwork did they realize that nobody had notified her.

That is horrible! Well, your roomie not knowing. What would have happened if they deadline to accept passed!

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YYYYYYAAAAAYYYY!!! That is amazing. I wonder if they forgot to email you and just sent the hard copy notification. My roomie said she didn't get any news and it wasn't until someone called about paperwork did they realize that nobody had notified her.


I have a feeling that something like that must have happened...I thought it was super weird that a week had passed and I was still refreshing my email about every five minutes haha! Either way, I'm glad to finally know, it's a huge relief!

And thanks so much everyone, best of luck to those still waiting! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's acceptances as well :)

@Secret_Ninja, we definitely have to keep in touch, it'll be good to know another Fulbrighter there! I don't have any info yet on my placement, but I should be arriving August 11! 

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I think you're over-thinking it. They probably just don't want to have a lot of Skype contacts they don't know personally. I don't think it means anything, wouldn't worry about it.

You're probably right, lol. This whole process is really messing with my head :wacko:

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Hey everyone--


I just realized that on my application for a UK scholarship I selected the "UK Degree Partnership" award. This was completely unintentional. At the time I'm not even sure what I knew I was doing. I think I was sleep deprived. Anyways, of course I have not applied for admittance to my host university. I reread the Fulbright website and saw that the award will not be allocated unless I provide proof of admittance. Is there anything I can do at this point? I'm thinking I should probably try and contact the host university and explain the situation. It's safe to say there will be a lot of begging and maybe even a few tears shed in order to provoke some sympathy. Does anyone have any advice? 


I'm really trying not to freak out and bury my feelings in a Oreo McFlurry.....


I, of course, had to be the not so bright one. 


Anyways, sorry about the rant!

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Yeah, seems like a lot of lovely ETAs on here. Any researchers find out yet? I'm taking the $30 million cut to heart and am, yeah, going a little nuts. Looking into alternative sources just in case. 

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the cuts are not for this round. they get their budget every year and cuts have to be approved. they'll go into effect next year. it's the same with NSF (if the bill being proposed passes).

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Hey everyone--


I just realized that on my application for a UK scholarship I selected the "UK Degree Partnership" award. This was completely unintentional. At the time I'm not even sure what I knew I was doing. I think I was sleep deprived. Anyways, of course I have not applied for admittance to my host university. I reread the Fulbright website and saw that the award will not be allocated unless I provide proof of admittance. Is there anything I can do at this point? I'm thinking I should probably try and contact the host university and explain the situation. It's safe to say there will be a lot of begging and maybe even a few tears shed in order to provoke some sympathy. Does anyone have any advice? 


I'm really trying not to freak out and bury my feelings in a Oreo McFlurry.....


I, of course, had to be the not so bright one. 


Anyways, sorry about the rant!

Do not panic! Most deadlines aren't until September for this coming year. You can still apply. What uni?

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the cuts are not for this round. they get their budget every year and cuts have to be approved. they'll go into effect next year. it's the same with NSF (if the bill being proposed passes).

Ok that reassures me slightly more, thank you! Still gotta fight to not get it passed though. I was confused because it said it was for FY15, but it does seem late to affect this year's budget. 

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that means the budget that they're proposing for FY15, not for grants that will be active during this time (the grants we are waiting on are part of FY14 budget)


Thank you for the clarification :)

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I know this is "so Florida" of me, but with everyone's mounting stress I think this is a cute way to talk down the anxiety...even if those encouraging words are coming from a manatee: http://calmingmanatee.com/1




The great manatee was definitely needed...especially during this election season haha Despite work and other things I have going on in my life to keep me busy, Fulbright is still the first thing on my mind in the mornings and the last thing on my mind before I go to sleep lol

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Waiting waiting waiting for news on a China research grant. The manatee helped a lot. Thanks guys :)

Anyone else (China people) apply for CLEA at IUP? 

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Do not panic! Most deadlines aren't until September for this coming year. You can still apply. What uni?


Hi Horb--


Thanks for the response. My host university is Lancaster. Hopefully, I can still apply and everything will work out. I'm going to send them an email right now. 

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Hey everyone--


I just realized that on my application for a UK scholarship I selected the "UK Degree Partnership" award. This was completely unintentional. At the time I'm not even sure what I knew I was doing. I think I was sleep deprived. Anyways, of course I have not applied for admittance to my host university. I reread the Fulbright website and saw that the award will not be allocated unless I provide proof of admittance. Is there anything I can do at this point? I'm thinking I should probably try and contact the host university and explain the situation. It's safe to say there will be a lot of begging and maybe even a few tears shed in order to provoke some sympathy. Does anyone have any advice? 


I'm really trying not to freak out and bury my feelings in a Oreo McFlurry.....


I, of course, had to be the not so bright one. 


Anyways, sorry about the rant!


I am currently in a masters program in the UK.  The dates for the programs are a lot lot later than in the US.  I submitted my application in March last year and knew in around 4 weeks.  My school will technically allow people to apply in the summer.  I think that you are still fine, however I would try to submit an app ASAP.  

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