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MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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Loric -- some of your posts in this thread, some (but not all) of which I quoted below, have been reported to the moderators as trolling. Please watch your posts here. I don't see any particular attacks or trolling behavior here, but you have to admit that none of it is helpful. You could be more mindful of others who are stressed out and worried while posting on the board. 


Others -- you really don't have to reply to everything that upsets you on the internet. You are not helping the situation, and frankly not everything that is mildly upsetting to you requires intervention from the moderating team.


I am posting here because several of you have alerted us to this thread and I want you to know that it is being monitored. However, I also think that you are being over-sensitive simply because of who is involved. Can we just try and calm down, ignore, and move on if some banter is posted online that you disagree with?  



Because group think has done -so- much for society..?


They never mentioned mine, but I'm sure they don't have it because I never applied there. You'd think they'd be more on top of things like this.


I hope they laugh at you :)

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Meese, I was thinking the same thing. But according to their website we have until the middle of February to be notified for an interview. Maybe (Hopefully) the printmaking department is just ahead of schedule.

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I had my Skype interview with Tennessee yesterday and it went very well. I've been really impressed with what their sculpture program offers. Has anyone else had a Skype interview yet?

Good luck! 

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Anyone knows when are we expecting news from Yale - Looks like next week. According to Result Search on past years...

last year was Friday Feb 1st in the evening. They always notify via email on friday evening. 

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last year was Friday Feb 1st in the evening. They always notify via email on friday evening. 

Apparently they reviewed already the applications ... So yes. We will have news very soon.

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last year was Friday Feb 1st in the evening. They always notify via email on friday evening. 


aghhhh. I really wish I didn't know exactly when to expect to hear/not hear something... jkfldsjf;


This thread is addictive but also seems to add to the anxiousness hugely

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Apparently they reviewed already the applications ... So yes. We will have news very soon.

Well, that makes it all the much tougher. Here I thought I had a few months to distract myself.

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I was going to buy my plane ticket and reserve my B&B for my trip out to UO in February tomorrow, got the time off from work and arranged it with my partner so he can come on the trip out there for a mini-vacation for him...And I get up this morning to my work being on fire. Not salaried so this forced time off is going to make an across the country trip not really economical. 

At least I wasn't already rejected? Trying to stay positive! 

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Just talked to UC, Santa Barbara this morning and found out that I am not on their short list.... Apparently, they have made a few decisions but are still processing applications.  Just thought I'd throw that out there just incase anyone else has been desperate for news.

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Mr. X, isn't it better to know asap? This waiting is a killer! Good luck with the RCA, I've applied there too (I applied for Printmaking though).


I'd rather have some time off from the stress! Just finished up my last application the other day, was hoping for some down time to not think about it and get some more painting done. Now I'm back in to worry mode, especially if Yale is coming up possibly on Friday :/


Oh well, nothing we can do now! And good luck with RCA yourself!

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Ashamed to say, but was going to not apply to Yale since acceptance rate is so low it feels almost like the statistical equivalent of a Pick 5, and since rejection is tough for me why put myself in this position but I just threw up my hands and said what the heck and applied thinking that's precisely a reason not to feel bad about getting a rejection. Now that they're about to notify I'm all- ack! I hope they like me, I really hope they like me. Lame!

I wish all schools would let you know at once! So much is hanging in the balance ......

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Ashamed to say, but was going to not apply to Yale since acceptance rate is so low it feels almost like the statistical equivalent of a Pick 5, and since rejection is tough for me why put myself in this position but I just threw up my hands and said what the heck and applied thinking that's precisely a reason not to feel bad about getting a rejection. Now that they're about to notify I'm all- ack! I hope they like me, I really hope they like me. Lame!

I wish all schools would let you know at once! So much is hanging in the balance ......


I think its better to have applied then not at all. I passed on apply to a few of my other top choices for a number of reasons. Basically, I thought I may have to wait a year due to family obligations and didn't want to deal with the possibility of being accepted and then have to either defer or reapply- which would eat me up. Then, I decided to go ahead and apply after all, but after the deadline had passed on others. So, now I'm all mixed up about the whole situation....


This whole process is making me crazy. I'm being obsessive already, even though I don't think I'll hear anything until March.   :wacko:


Is anyone applying/have applied to Skowhegan? Deadline is almost here and don't know if I should bother just yet. Some schools match funds (like Carnegie Mellon) so I wonder if I should wait. I only saw a few BFA graduates that got accepted last year.

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