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MFA 2014 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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hey alexandria, i just checked and the decision status hasn't been updated from 'No decision'. seems like the phone calls/acceptances are coming in stagered, so don't lose hope if yyou are still waitin :)

Hey congrats on the Rutgers call!! Did your online status change as well? Just wondering

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rawbdee, i applied to the photo dept. but in the phone chat i'm apprently falling in the cracks between photo and video; i'm pretty interdisciplinary as far as these things go. congratulations to you right back! have you visited campus?

Congratulations potential future peer, (unsure if I am attending) What is your program?

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thanks mirror_logic! I'm still waiting to hear back.  


I've pretty much ruled out SAIC and Texas.  With Rutgers and Hunter already sending out some news, I'm wondering if I'm going to get some bad news from them right before my interview in Boston.  It won't be so encouraging!  I feel like I might strike out this year.  


I'm just going to keep thinking positive! Happy thoughts! 

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thanks mirror_logic! I'm still waiting to hear back.  


I've pretty much ruled out SAIC and Texas.  With Rutgers and Hunter already sending out some news, I'm wondering if I'm going to get some bad news from them right before my interview in Boston.  It won't be so encouraging!  I feel like I might strike out this year.  


I'm just going to keep thinking positive! Happy thoughts! 


Hey Alex! Nice to see someone else from Tyler here.  Looks like we have a few schools in common.. Best of luck!

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Today my Columbia status went from 2014 Sculpture MFA to 2014 Sculpture. No phone call. Assuming the rumor does ring true.


I did however, surprisingly, get an email to interview with Hunter for 'sculpture'. My first positive response since this process began.

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Today my Columbia status went from 2014 Sculpture MFA to 2014 Sculpture. No phone call. Assuming the rumor does ring true.

I did however, surprisingly, get an email to interview with Hunter for 'sculpture'. My first positive response since this process began.

bummer!!! guess I can cross hunter off my list

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Today my Columbia status went from 2014 Sculpture MFA to 2014 Sculpture. No phone call. Assuming the rumor does ring true.

I did however, surprisingly, get an email to interview with Hunter for 'sculpture'. My first positive response since this process began.

and congratulations, of course!

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Does anyone know if TAship interviews are the norm? I applied to places where 2nd years do it so no ones mentioned anything like that, but I've been reading about fellowship interviews and wondered if it means that if you're not contacted, then that means you're not getting any fellowships or scholarships?

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I got an interview with RISD for the MFA Digital + Media program.

Has anyone been through an MFA interview with RISD? I have no idea what to expect. Hoping to get some advise on this. 

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Received my rejection email from UCSB, I already knew but I'd thought I would post just incase anyone is waiting on word from them......God, I would kill for some good news about now.

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For those interviewing at SAIC on Saturday, how have you been preparing?  Does anyone know how many interviews are granted to Printmedia candidates?  That day is actually my birthday… they can't be too hard on me on my birthday, right? ;)

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Just got an acceptance letter from ASU via email. Oddly enough, they invited me to a new student meet and greet before they sent me the official acceptance.

I really wasn't expecting this after getting rejected by UNM. It just goes to show how arbitrary these decisions can be.          

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Just got an acceptance letter from ASU via email. Oddly enough, they invited me to a new student meet and greet before they sent me the official acceptance.

I really wasn't expecting this after getting rejected by UNM. It just goes to show how arbitrary these decisions can be.          


Tebrikler, resim!

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damn it! Hunter was my last option. This is really upsetting and sad. I'll have to reapply and work one more year. I feel really frustrated right now. 


It's not over until it's over! If you haven't heard anything yet, don't give up hope until you've officially heard that you're not in. Maybe the interview requests come out in waves and they just haven't gotten to you yet. Can't know. Every school is different. (Realize I'm also partially saying this to myself, as I too am waiting for news from Hunter.) Plus realize that you're still waitlisted at Alfred, not rejected. There's still a chance that something might pull through for you there! You just have to wait to give other people the time to sort their own options out before you know more definitively one way or the other.


My first time applying to grad schools four years ago I was applying with a different medium (ceramics) and only applied to three schools. I was straight up denied to all three and felt completely crushed. But in that time my work has completely developed and changed, my skills have improved, I've had one residency, and I've traveled all over the world and gotten some work experience. Time can be a seriously valuable thing. In a conversation with the director of the Visual and Critical Studies program at CCA that I had last night she told me, "Part of what we were so impressed with in your application was really your knowledge and ability to just get the hell out of Dodge." If you end up not getting into a program this year, travel the world, integrate what you see and experience into your art, and let yourself grow. Go to art shows in every variety of places that you possibly can and see how expression changes from place to place to place, and figure out how that fits into who you are, what you create, and who you want to be.


Then again, maybe you won't need to. Because you've still got a chance.

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Hi Fenotfem, where did you see "pending"? Mine just said submitted.


My partner and I are both applying to UCLA for the MFA program. My status says "Submitted- pending descision" while his just says "Submitted". Not sure what the difference is, but that has how it has been for about a month. May not mean anything.

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I got an interview with RISD for the MFA Digital + Media program.

Has anyone been through an MFA interview with RISD? I have no idea what to expect. Hoping to get some advise on this.

Congrats! That's might mean I was rejected. Sigh...

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My partner and I are both applying to UCLA for the MFA program. My status says "Submitted- pending descision" while his just says "Submitted". Not sure what the difference is, but that has how it has been for about a month. May not mean anything.

I see but I really believe they will call or email to give applicants notifications and then change the status in their system. Did you or your partner get a call for interview by any chance? 

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