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Rhetoric/Composition 2014 hopefuls

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Also, speaking of the WPA listserv, which I just learned about in this convo, what other rhet/comp themed list servs are out there, waiting for me to join?


I recently joined the Disability Studies in the Humanities listserv, and I love hearing about what's going on in DS in other departments.

I'm coming to this conversation a bit late, so my apologies if anyone has already suggested these listervs:

GWPA-L http://rhetorike.org/mailman/listinfo/gwpa-l_rhetorike.org

TechRhet http://www.interversity.org/lists/techrhet/

ATTW http://www.attw.org/connect/listserv

CPSTC https://lists.unomaha.edu/mailman/listinfo/cptsc

WAC-L http://www.lsoft.com/scripts/wl.exe?SL1=WAC-L&H=LISTSERV.ILLINOIS.EDU

Of course, these are the ones I'm familiar to because they are in line with my interests. WPA-L is by far the most active, and while it isn't quite as active as it once was, it's definitely my go-to, with TechRhet at a close second. Listervs are kind of an interesting phenomena in higher ed. Despite great advances in social media and connectivity since the early 90's when they came about, it's surprising that we still rely on them for a great deal of important conversations in our field. Some of them have unfortunately fallen out of use over the years, like the Alliance for Computers and Writing listserv (ACW-L). That said, I think TechRhet is definitely essential if you're interested in getting into computers and writing work, though it's actually not that active (or at least hasn't been lately).

It's not quite like a listserv, but you should check out HASTAC if you haven't already. They have an excellent social network designed for academics. You might also want to look into their Scholars program, which is an even better way to network. I'm part of the working groups in Rhetoric and Composition as well as Digital Literacies, and it's so far been a great way to connect and collaborate with PhD students in programs across the country.

If anyone has suggestions for other networks or listservs, I'd be grateful if you posted them here.

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Rejection email from Syracuse today. Sobbing.


Hey, dmariebelle. This is unlikely to make you feel better, but I received an emailed rejection from Syracuse today too. :(  It's a small program, and they only admit one person per focus/area within rhetoric each year. I feel like it was a long shot for me, at least, especially since my focus and theirs are least aligned of the schools to which I applied.


Do you have other programs you're applying to?  :)


I also got mine today. They said because it's a small program. I guess because I focus too much on literature.

I was waitlisted by Syracuse this morning, which is difficult news for me to handle as I'm currently visiting the program at MSU. These are my top two choices, and I echo the waitlist confusion that folks on this thread have mentioned. It's from my understanding that most people accept their admission offers at Syracuse, though I may be wrong about that.

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I was waitlisted by Syracuse this morning, which is difficult news for me to handle as I'm currently visiting the program at MSU. These are my top two choices, and I echo the waitlist confusion that folks on this thread have mentioned. It's from my understanding that most people accept their admission offers at Syracuse, though I may be wrong about that.

 Hey! I don't know if I'll come up in any context, but I'm the one weird guy who couldn't visit MSU this weekend and visited last weekend. Hope it's a good time and sorry I missed it!

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Hey! I don't know if I'll come up in any context, but I'm the one weird guy who couldn't visit MSU this weekend and visited last weekend. Hope it's a good time and sorry I missed it!

Oh! I definitely heard about you. We had a fantastic time here, and two recruits signed already (which has apparently never happened before during the recruiting event). I'm not positive if I'll sign at msu quite yet, but if I do, I know that I'll be joining a great cohort. I look forward to meeting you if you join the program!

Edited by heja0805
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These are amazing! Thanks for the suggestions. I added myself to GWPA, TechRhet, and WAC-L. 

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So listservs?

Pretty cool and pretty normal right? Folks won't look at me weird for joining - the academics won't laugh at me, right?

I'm generally pretty chill but (blame it on the app-season doubts) I'm hesitant to assume I can join these mailing lists.

Join away! The list isn't notified when new members join, and you don't have to participate. I've been more of an active observer. Plus, regardless of how this app season goes for you, you are one of us! (ONE OF US! ONE OF US!) :D

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Purdue still has me as Submitted. Minnesota is in Final review though, which is worse. My profs are just sick of me stressing out abiut it to them, so I am glad I found you all. I would love to know something about ECU too, I would jump at the chance to work with Will Banks, but their site does not even give a status.

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Purdue still has me as Submitted. Minnesota is in Final review though, which is worse. My profs are just sick of me stressing out abiut it to them, so I am glad I found you all. I would love to know something about ECU too, I would jump at the chance to work with Will Banks, but their site does not even give a status.

Heard! I'm the same status at Purdue and I haven't seen any rhet MA's on the board yet.

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Yawn... very boring morning on the result boards.

What are y'alls sub focus in rhet? Of course I should probably apologize for my probing curiosity... 

 I'm probably the least senior so I'm sort of all over the board (we all are a bit). I'm really interested in cognitive-rhetoric or rather how we choose or don't choose the ways we interact with text and what choices we make or don't make during the invention proccess.


 I'm also really tied up in Zen & Rhetoric. Not examing the Rhetoric of Zen artifacts but instead examing the Zen of Rhetoric - but that's more for fun.

More broadly I focus on empowerment and the leveling of the rhetorical playing field. giving folks the tools and agency to examine + exist in a world that is built on unfair assumptions.

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Yawn... very boring morning on the result boards.

What are y'alls sub focus in rhet? Of course I should probably apologize for my probing curiosity... 

 I'm probably the least senior so I'm sort of all over the board (we all are a bit). I'm really interested in cognitive-rhetoric or rather how we choose or don't choose the ways we interact with text and what choices we make or don't make during the invention proccess.


 I'm also really tied up in Zen & Rhetoric. Not examing the Rhetoric of Zen artifacts but instead examing the Zen of Rhetoric - but that's more for fun.

More broadly I focus on empowerment and the leveling of the rhetorical playing field. giving folks the tools and agency to examine + exist in a world that is built on unfair assumptions.


I'm definitely on the digital literacies side of the fence. New Media writing. That sort of stuff, though I'm a bit scatter-shot as well. I didn't apply to study with her directly, but I'm hoping to build on the work of Dr. Selfe at OSU.

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I'm also all over the place! But I imagine I have an undercurrent in all my interests, which is social movements. So far, I've been doing some research on writing in online spaces, contemporary feminist rhetoric (especially in online spaces and non-traditional circulation), disability and writing, and the rhetoric of the disability rights movement. It's early in my journey, but I already have a sketch for a dissertation focusing on how the body was represented/complicated in text and visuals in the disability rights movement (1977-present). 

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 I'm probably the least senior so I'm sort of all over the board (we all are a bit). I'm really interested in cognitive-rhetoric or rather how we choose or don't choose the ways we interact with text and what choices we make or don't make during the invention proccess.


I have to ask -- did you apply to CMU?


I'm also all over the place! But I imagine I have an undercurrent in all my interests, which is social movements. So far, I've been doing some research on writing in online spaces, contemporary feminist rhetoric (especially in online spaces and non-traditional circulation), disability and writing, and the rhetoric of the disability rights movement. It's early in my journey, but I already have a sketch for a dissertation focusing on how the body was represented/complicated in text and visuals in the disability rights movement (1977-present). 


We should be friends!! :-) I'm finishing up my MA thesis, and a chapter is devoted to complications among the legal definitions of disability, the Disability Rights Movement, and the driving undercurrent of Ed Roberts and the Independent Living Movement.


What are y'alls sub focus in rhet? Of course I should probably apologize for my probing curiosity... 


I'm pretty scattered, too, but I think I'm fairly grounded in my interests in bodies and technology. I've also always been very interested in theory. Right now, I'm becoming really into transhumanism, too, which seems to be running counter to (yet sometimes is also referred to as) posthumanism. I think this interest is also taking me (for now) down the path of gender studies/sexuality. I just read this amazing post the other day on reddit about sex and technology--maybe influenced by Her a bit. Totally fascinating.


But, as rhet/comp is also very practical, I enjoy WIC/WAC and WPA work as well. 

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I have to ask -- did you apply to CMU?  We should be friends!! :-) I'm finishing up my MA thesis, and a chapter is devoted to complications among the legal definitions of disability, the Disability Rights Movement, and the driving undercurrent of Ed Roberts and the Independent Living Movement.  I'm pretty scattered, too, but I think I'm fairly grounded in my interests in bodies and technology. I've also always been very interested in theory. Right now, I'm becoming really into transhumanism, too, which seems to be running counter to (yet sometimes is also referred to as) posthumanism. I think this interest is also taking me (for now) down the path of gender studies/sexuality. I just read this amazing post the other day on reddit about sex and technology--maybe influenced by Her a bit. Totally fascinating. But, as rhet/comp is also very practical, I enjoy WIC/WAC and WPA work as well.

I did not apply to CMU though I did meet several faculty of CmU who urged me to apply.

Problem was - no funding for their MA and I wasn't sure I was a strong enough applicant OR ready intellectually to go straight to PhD ... Though I should have done it anyways.

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I did not apply to CMU though I did meet several faculty of CmU who urged me to apply.

Problem was - no funding for their MA and I wasn't sure I was a strong enough applicant OR ready intellectually to go straight to PhD ... Though I should have done it anyways.


Either way, it's hard to ignore their strengths as cognitivists. I don't know too much about the program other than it's great and at one time I heard a rumor that their faculty are against impossible standards to gain tenure and, as a result, the department changes a lot. But, IMO, their work has been really undervalued and underused.

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We should be friends!! :-) I'm finishing up my MA thesis, and a chapter is devoted to complications among the legal definitions of disability, the Disability Rights Movement, and the driving undercurrent of Ed Roberts and the Independent Living Movement.



I'm pretty scattered, too, but I think I'm fairly grounded in my interests in bodies and technology. I've also always been very interested in theory. Right now, I'm becoming really into transhumanism, too, which seems to be running counter to (yet sometimes is also referred to as) posthumanism. I think this interest is also taking me (for now) down the path of gender studies/sexuality. I just read this amazing post the other day on reddit about sex and technology--maybe influenced by Her a bit. Totally fascinating.


But, as rhet/comp is also very practical, I enjoy WIC/WAC and WPA work as well. 

We should definitely be friends! I wrote a paper last semester about the accessibility statement on syllabi, specifically situating it within the discourse and definition of disability in federal policy. Like you, I complicate the definition through a DS framework. I'm hoping to revise the paper next semester. 


Seriously, whenever the CFP for C's 2015 pops up, we should talk putting together a panel! 

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I feel like you all will get this (none of my classmates did). I'm in a year-long practicum/comp theory class in my undergrad and today, for the first time since August, the rhetorical triangle was actually discussed. The words ethos, pathos and logos had not been mentioned in any context before now, and I had to bring them up today (we were discussing teaching how to write supports). Does that seem ridiculous to anyone else?


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I feel like you all will get this (none of my classmates did). I'm in a year-long practicum/comp theory class in my undergrad and today, for the first time since August, the rhetorical triangle was actually discussed. The words ethos, pathos and logos had not been mentioned in any context before now, and I had to bring them up today (we were discussing teaching how to write supports). Does that seem ridiculous to anyone else?


It seems a little ridiculous... But I've also experienced it.  If you have peers that are interested in rhetorical theory I think that Trish Roberts-Miller at UT Austin does a good job of explaining it all in a very simple way. 

Check out the resources on her website and perhaps forward them to your peers. http://www.drw.utexas.edu/roberts-miller/teaching/handouts


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