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What did you do this weekend?


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Did you do anything fun this weekend? Well, I actually just relaxed a lot! I love sleeping, and weekends are perfect for me to sleep in. haha... As usual, I slept so much this weekend! Oh, and I did finish my homework on Saturday! I'm ready for another week!! :)

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I try my hardest to do at least one fun thing each weekend so the regular week doesn't seem to drag.  Most of the time that works.  So this weekend I volunteered at an event, it rained, but that was ok.  I hung out with my mom and did some lounging. 

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Yeah, laundry is always a weekend activity! Honestly, I'll have to be in the mood to do housework... And MsDarjeeling, I'm so jealous that you got to hang out with your mom! I haven't seen my parents for about 2 years... I do talk to them on the phone a lot though! haha:)

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This weekend is my birthday, & there's a brewfest on Saturday! It's going to be an unusually busy weekend for me. Normally, though, I work a few hours on one or both days, & I try to make a point of at least biking to one of the Saturday markets in town while they're still running, & going for a longer ride after I drop my food off at home. Sundays are for laundry, cooking, & homework. In the winter, I'll probably use Saturdays for snowboarding whenever possible.

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Saturday was a combination of laundry and studying for an upcoming midterm. Most of Sunday was spent trail running and climbing some really amazing mountains. Unfortunately when I got back I was so exhausted I took a long nap, managed to do a little grading, and then collapsed and wet to bed around 8:30. I didn't manage to get anything "productive" done, but it was a lot of fun! It also means now this week as I try to continue studying, all I think about is how winter is coming and the beautiful weather is disappearing and all I want to be doing is spending time in the outdoors. :(

Edited by Faraday
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I did my TA grading last weekend. 

It was super exciting...when I got to the end of the pile...

...But at that point I rolled into bed since it was 10.30pm on a Sunday night. 


I'll often head over to New York or Philly on the weekend - it's nice to get away from college-ville.

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I had planned to get some studying and work done this weekend because I do actually have a ton of things to do and I wanted to get ahead of things. Instead I went to a new friend's birthday dinner/party, yoga class, hot air balloon festival (balloons didn't go up because of the windy weather, so we flew a kite instead), and I also went on a faculty/staff/student school organized hike which was a lot of fun. Believe it or not, I somehow also managed to do my laundry, cook a giant pot of chili for the week, and make a dent in my homework.


Of course, now I'm making up for it and working late to finish all my grading and studying. Piles of homework and quizzes to grade await me :blink:

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Latte - It's so good to know that you are a TA! I'm a GA. I don't teach, and I help professors. St Andrews Lyn - I'm lucky that I don't have midterms!:)

Mocha - Yeah, I'll have some homework to do this weekend as well!

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Yeah, laundry is always a weekend activity! Honestly, I'll have to be in the mood to do housework... And MsDarjeeling, I'm so jealous that you got to hang out with your mom! I haven't seen my parents for about 2 years... I do talk to them on the phone a lot though! haha:)


2 years!  Wow!  I see my mom every week, sometimes a few times a week.  We also talk on the phone a few times a week regardless of how much we see each other lol.  Of course I'm also lucky that she lives within a reasonable drive from me.  My plan to go much farther away for a PhD program will completely change this and I'll admit I've been refusing to think about it lol.

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One of the reasons I want to move back home after my PhD is to see my mom and sister more often.  I live 900 miles away.  Luckily my hometown is considered the "capital of the world" in my field, heh.


Anyway, this past weeked I celebrated my friend's birthday with her, her boyfriend and my husband.  We had a sleepover at her place, played video games, ate cake, and then went bowling the next morning.


This weekend I want to go to a dog convention!

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I'm just really curious that are you guys international students at all? Cause it sounds like you guys don't live that far away from home. I'm studying in America and my parents are in China, so there is no way I can see them every week!! :(

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I'm not an international student, but I've been living on the opposite side of the country for most of the last 2 years, & I haven't seen my family in over a year, with the one exception of my mom visiting me when I lived in a city she likes a lot. :P I've gotten used to traveling solo, & I Skype + talk on the phone with my family & friends (who are all spread out across the country & the globe) often. I enjoy making new friends everywhere I go, but it's comforting to be able to easily reach my closest friends & family.

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Im curious, whats the average weekend like for grad students? Of course it varies by disciplinary, year, etc etc etc. Just give me a broad example, please =) Is it all work work work, study study study or can you still have a hobby?

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I'm just really curious that are you guys international students at all? Cause it sounds like you guys don't live that far away from home. I'm studying in America and my parents are in China, so there is no way I can see them every week!! :(


I'm not an international student.  I'm a California native and am doing my Master's here, so yes it is a lot easier to see my immediate family weekly.  In a PhD program that won't be possible, but I've made sure to select programs that are near extended family so I don't feel isolated.


Im curious, whats the average weekend like for grad students? Of course it varies by disciplinary, year, etc etc etc. Just give me a broad example, please =) Is it all work work work, study study study or can you still have a hobby?


There really isn't a typical weekend for me, but its not all work or study.  I don't work weekends, but sometimes I have class which leaves less time for fun or mundane things like chores.  When I don't have weekend classes I usually do about 4-6 hours of studying/papers/research.  Then the rest of the time is fun, volunteering, catching up with friends/family, and whatever else seems interesting.

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I'm an international student in the States. For me, my weekends are not just study and work. I still get to do the things I like. I like singing, and I sing a lot. (I feel sorry for my roommate cause she sometimes would hear I sing... haha). I watch TV shows as well!:)

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My cohort made a pact to do something fun/social every weekend. It's usually just going out for drinks, but this weekend a bunch of us went to a baseball game. Other than that, I do end up doing a lot of school work. I'll work for 1-2 hours, then take a break and do something else. Yesterday, I managed to write most of a midterm paper due tomorrow night, but also went shopping (groceries and clothes), and checked out the book/literary festival going on in my neighborhood. Today, I need to edit that paper and study for a midterm, but will also go for a run, clean, and cook for the week.

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For the weekend...first I registered on this site and made this post, and then it was a typical weekend.


I try to use weekends  to see what could I learn, outside the "mandatory" things I will need for my work. 

A PhD is an investment, so might as well use it.

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Oh man, PHD does sound like a lot of work. I don't think I will be going to a PHD program after I graduated. Since I'm an MBA student, i would really like to get some real world experience. However, I do think getting a PHD will be worth it in the end!! :)

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So on Staurday I went walking in the trails. Then after that I went to lab for a couple hours, then grocery shopping. Got home read ( non school related) and cleaned for a bit. On Sunfay, I slept in a bit, cleaned some more again, and then went to coffee shop to read some papers.

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Well, I didn't clean much this weekend, but I did sleep a lot as usual! haha... Yeah, I got done some homework. I didn't have much to read though.:)

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I took my comprehensive exam!! So glad it is over with. I chose this instead of a thesis option for my MPA. It was an experience I do not want to relive any time soon, but I'm confident I passed and will graduate this semester.


After the exam some of us who took it, plus other classmates, all went out for drinks. Then I slept a ton. 

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Longhornkate, I hope you did well on your test! I don't have any tests this week. However, I do have the major field test next Thursday. This is for my graduation, so I hope I will do well! :)

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