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Archaeology applicants?


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Any UCSD arch people heard anything yet?

I had an interview via phone on Monday, and they asked to see a paper that I presented at a conference in 2013. I'm nervous though, the paper wasn't very great and I hope they don't judge all my work on that. I just sent a rough draft of my thesis, so hopefully that will help.


How about you? What area of arch are you interested in?

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Wow really? Was it because they just don't have the funding, or what?

oh no , they just i am not a competitive enough applicant for them. DON'T BOTHER APPLYING AGAIN..........i mean...my GRE sucks, but i thought if i fixed that, i would be competitive....i guess not....

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While that SUCKS, I wish more POIs would be that honest. I don't want to waste my time applying and then waiting if they have decided that there is no way they want me there. I've applied to a few places that I now realize were terrible fits, and I wish they would have just told me that. I asked whether they thought my research interested were a good match and they basically said eh, you never know. So... to be that irritating person that essentially tells everyone to "look on the bright side!" at least you are now spared the time and energy next year of applying to a program that isn't right...

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I think they want those applications payments so that the school gets money, that is my belief now, they tell everyone to consider applying and then nothing. I mean if from our email correspondence you get the idea that I won't fit there or sth just tell me so that I won't spend a fortune on these things.

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you are both right, and i am grateful that he was honest with me, but the thing is, i told him a THOUSAND times....HEY my GREs suck and my GPA is 3.58...if its so competitive, i rather not apply. ohhh no apply apply, we are a great fit and we look at applications holistically, please apply apply. ......just tell me BEFOREEEEE that i suck too much for your program. 

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you are both right, and i am grateful that he was honest with me, but the thing is, i told him a THOUSAND times....HEY my GREs suck and my GPA is 3.58...if its so competitive, i rather not apply. ohhh no apply apply, we are a great fit and we look at applications holistically, please apply apply. ......just tell me BEFOREEEEE that i suck too much for your program. 


Aren't you the one who said you are interested in Bioarchaeology and burials? If so, I would assume that you were not accepted due to lack of fit, and not your grades. Unless I'm mistaken, BU is not really known for doing Bioarch. In fact, I don't know any prof there that does it. If I'm wrong, my apologies. Regardless, hang in there Daisy123!

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...well I guess i have missed the point of "fit " in a couple applications.....i am sure that i am not applying there again though. Do you guys think its appropriate to ask about if it is worth applying next year or if there is anything to be done better? 

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...well I guess i have missed the point of "fit " in a couple applications.....i am sure that i am not applying there again though. Do you guys think its appropriate to ask about if it is worth applying next year or if there is anything to be done better? 


I'll assume you mean in general, rather than BU specifically. So, I would have to say that I think there is nothing wrong with that at all. It's a definite opportunity to gain some insight. I interviewed for a job last month and made it to the short list. When I got the call that I did not get it, I asked if there was anything I could do to improve for future jobs (including interview style or credentials). He told me things about my application that he loved and where I fell short. Of course, no one is ever obligated to tell you anything, but if they do then it is extremely helpful, as in  my case. It's unfortunate that you got such a unsympathetic and almost callous (it sounds) response from your POI at BU. But, I would brush it off move forward. As others have said, it IS beneficial that he was blunt and you won't have to waste valuable time or money applying again. 

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...well I guess i have missed the point of "fit " in a couple applications.....i am sure that i am not applying there again though. Do you guys think its appropriate to ask about if it is worth applying next year or if there is anything to be done better? 


I would definitely recommend asking.  I didn't get in anywhere last year, so I e-mailed my POI's afterward to ask what they considered the weakest part of my application.  I got pretty much the same response across the board, so it was great knowing where I could most effectively focus my energy for this year's applications.

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Historical Archaeology... I only applied to three schools and I am terrified right now. If I could do this process all over again I would change so many things about my application and also have joined this site earlier!

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Historical Archaeology... I only applied to three schools and I am terrified right now. If I could do this process all over again I would change so many things about my application and also have joined this site earlier!


Me too!

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A friend of mine was accepted to ASU today. Not sure on the details but I got a very excited text from her letting me know.

Good for her! Pass on congrats from this unknown person. :)

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I'm still waiting on U of A too. Hope we both get good news from them soon.


Good luck! I am not sure what my chances are since i've been out of school for so long... But I figured if I was going to quit my career for SW archaeology, I better go big, or go home. ;)

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Good luck! I am not sure what my chances are since i've been out of school for so long... But I figured if I was going to quit my career for SW archaeology, I better go big, or go home. ;)


Haha cheers to goin' for it! Not enough make that hard decision. Good for you and good luck! 

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It appears I have discovered this website a little late in the application game, but I thought that I would join in the fun anyway. I am interested in European Paleolithic studies, neanderthal behavior, land use, and lithic analysis. All of my fieldwork has been in the US (mostly New Mexico and Colorado) and includes CRM work for the BLM. Out of the schools that I applied to (listed in my signature) I have heard back from 2. I was flown out for an interview at UMN, but did not make the cut (out of 15 interviewees 7 were chosen). I received an offer from CU Boulder (one of my safety schools) that included a fairly substantial fellowship. I am really hopeful for UCONN as my POI has kept me updated regularly about the decision process.

Good luck to you all.  

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