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International Development Applicants 2014/15 for SOAS, IHEID, LSE or Sciences Po?


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Mickun & Curious_Grad congrats on your admissions to Hertie and SOAS!!!  Mickun glad to see you back on the board :-)


Katrun, Im in the same boat I am thinking about coming back to the US after graduating and attending a program that is recognized here is a concern. i think I plan to work for a while internationally rack up some experience and eventually move to the east coast.


But you know they do say that you should attend school in a city/country where you would like to work, hence Geneva for me. Schools and their career centers logically have better relationships with local organizations and employers than on the international scale. So if your goal is to work in the U.S right after school then you are better off going to a school in the U.S

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Good to see people back to the forum. It is always good to have different people here to share insights and opinion. 


My very first offer has come at last. MPP of Hertie School of Governance. Financial aid pending. 


Btw, the germans are very efficient. I got this offer within 7 working days. (Maybe because of the fact that not many people apply) I hope Sciences Po and IHEID could be as efficient as their german counterparts. 


I submitted my application to Sciences Po on 9th Jan. So I am not expecting to hear anything back before the end of Feb. 


Good luck everyone.

Hello all,

I got a offer for Master in International Studies and Diplomacy at SOAS.  I would really appreciate any thoughts about it ?

Hey you two!

Congratulations on your offers :)

Curious_Grad I have no clue about the SOAS degree you have been accepted to but I am sure if you search other threads or studentroom.uk you might just find something. Good luck

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Hey you two!

Congratulations on your offers :)

Curious_Grad I have no clue about the SOAS degree you have been accepted to but I am sure if you search other threads or studentroom.uk you might just find something. Good luck

Thank you Angie...I cant wait to hear a decision from LSE, Sciences Po and Kennedy School....

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just realized how quickly time has passed.


2 months ago, those applied at the early deadline were very eager to know the result. However we shared our disappointment. Now in less than a month (or two, depending on which school), finally, we will be notified. Not just IHEID but also other schools that you guys have applied to.


Upon thinking that the results coming out in less than one month will definitely shape our future, I now feel anxious and really looking forward to it.      


All the best again. Everyone. And by the way Happy Chinese New Year. 

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Well said Mic!

I have all acceptances in hand except IHEID. Though all my scholarship and funding results will be only available in March/April.

Sigh, it's just all hitting me now! Few weeks more before it's all decided!

Anyway happy Chinese new year to you :)

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just realized how quickly time has passed.


2 months ago, those applied at the early deadline were very eager to know the result. However we shared our disappointment. Now in less than a month (or two, depending on which school), finally, we will be notified. Not just IHEID but also other schools that you guys have applied to.


Upon thinking that the results coming out in less than one month will definitely shape our future, I now feel anxious and really looking forward to it.      


All the best again. Everyone. And by the way Happy Chinese New Year. 



You are so right a few more months and we will have to make some tough choices here... it's a very stressful time since no one wants to make the wrong decision.

Please everyone just make sure to share with us what school you actually plan to attend so that we can keep in touch and also to bring closure to future prospective students who will read all these pages and wonder where we all ended up!


Happy Chinese New Year to you Mic!

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Happy Chinese New Year! 


I am about to leave for Haiti and I will have to make all these hard choices from there, with limited internet. So I will definitely be relying on this forum and all of you guys.


Any help I can provide, especially in regards to living in France or Switzerland, let me know!

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Happy Chinese New Year! 


I am about to leave for Haiti and I will have to make all these hard choices from there, with limited internet. So I will definitely be relying on this forum and all of you guys.


Any help I can provide, especially in regards to living in France or Switzerland, let me know!


I was just awarded a scholarship for Sciences Po, looking more attractive everyday!


I hope similar good news is on its way for the rest of you!

Congratulations Katrun. I have applied to the Emile Boutmy scholarship too. Haven't hear back. Which one did you receive? I mean what about if you don't mind me asking.

Also be assured we will keep you informed with the slightest info we get. Anyway good luck for Haiti and congratulations once again.

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I was just awarded a scholarship for Sciences Po, looking more attractive everyday!


I hope similar good news is on its way for the rest of you!

Congrats Katrun!


That's great news! Too bad my program is not eligible for the Boutmy scholarship :-(


Good luck in Haiti!

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Thank you both!


@K_angie, were you asking for the amount? It was the Emile Boutmy scholarship. @Alchyna is your program eligible for anything else?


The Dev Practice program is eligible only for Eiffel and the development focused scholarships such as the AFD scholarship. Thank god I was eligible for that one!

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Thank you both!

@K_angie, were you asking for the amount? It was the Emile Boutmy scholarship. @Alchyna is your program eligible for anything else?


Yes I was referring to the amount. Only if you don't mind!

Edited by k_angie
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Guys I need your advice!


I received an email from Sciences Po admissions with my student id number and it basically says that I must accept/reject the offer:


"You have 15 days to do this. You must therefore accept or refuse the offer before 21/02/2014.If you fail to do so, we will unfortunately assume that you do not wish to accept the offer."


But my problem is that the Sciences Po AFD scholarship decision will be out in April only and I'm still waiting on IHEID and LSE so I'm not ready to make that decision just yet. I'm not sure what to do? Do I write to them? Do I just accept? Did anyone admitted receive such an email? If I accept do I have to pay anything at this point? I know some schools like IHEID want you to pay a part of the fees as soon as you accept to make sure you are serious about attending. I'm wondering if Sciences Po does that?

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Guys I need your advice!


I received an email from Sciences Po admissions with my student id number and it basically says that I must accept/reject the offer:


"You have 15 days to do this. You must therefore accept or refuse the offer before 21/02/2014.If you fail to do so, we will unfortunately assume that you do not wish to accept the offer."


But my problem is that the Sciences Po AFD scholarship decision will be out in April only and I'm still waiting on IHEID and LSE so I'm not ready to make that decision just yet. I'm not sure what to do? Do I write to them? Do I just accept? Did anyone admitted receive such an email? If I accept do I have to pay anything at this point? I know some schools like IHEID want you to pay a part of the fees as soon as you accept to make sure you are serious about attending. I'm wondering if Sciences Po does that?


Hi Alchyna,


That is quite a dilemma! I'm not that far along with my Sciences Po application, so I have no personal experience to share. However, perhaps the following link is of use?



It states that "Compulsory registration will start few month before the beginning of classes. Tuition payment is also due by that time."

According to their Registration Calendar (academic year 2013/14; was unable to find one for 2014/15):



New students (this is the first time you register at Sciences Po)

Early June 2013
June 28, 2013



 There's quite a difference between a 21 February and a 28 June deadline!

In your shoes I would contact the admissions office and inform them that your acceptance is contingent on receiving the scholarship, and that that decision will only be released in April (by which time you will certainly have heard from IHEID, and possibly from LSE as well). This way you can request an extension without declaring that it's because you are considering other schools. Perhaps Sciences Po is open to a conditional acceptance for the time being?

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Thanks Mych!


I just sent admissions an email basically asking for more time. I explained that Sciences Po's scholarship decision is in April and I won't be able to make an informed decision before that.

I thought we had until June for some reason? I mean after all applications are opened until April for Sciences Po so my guess is they are trying to lock in the MDP program and know exactly how many spots are left since it's a smaller program than say International Development. Talk about pressure... I panicked for a minute there!

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As to the amount, I don't mind sharing: it was 10,000 euros a year. 



Alchyna, I got a similar email and freaked out as well. Here is what happened to me:


I got the scholarship offer a couple days ago and the email said that once I received the email with the student ID and such I would have 3 weeks to decided to accept or not, otherwise I would lose the scholarship. I emailed and asked when those emails would be coming. They immediately replied and said they would not be sent out until the END of Feb. Fast forward 24hrs later and I receive the email with my student id. That email says I have until June 6th to accept, but makes no reference to the scholarship. There is no way I can make a decision in the next three weeks as I wont even hear back from the other 8 schools I applied to until mid March. What to do what to do???


I emailed back and said I was really confused and asked how long I actually have to respond? If acceptance isn't binding I will just go ahead and accept, but it is still my second choice. 


Let me know what they say to you I am very confused as what to do.

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Oh well that's really amazing Katrun. Congratulations once again! :)

Also good luck with the whole situation you mentioned. I do think that their offer isn't binding once you accept it but with you being awarded the scholarship, it sure complicates it. In any case, I hope it solves out.

Btw which school is your top choice?

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That's interesting they are confused over there! How can you enforce such a tight deadline when our offer decisions depends on their scholarships? I mean it's not like we are waiting on outside scholarship decisions. I emailed them about this and will let you know what they reply.

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Has anyone applied to the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Netherlands ? I haven't heard much about it, though the MA programmes look very interesting.

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Hello guys,

I need your suggestion..I am getting my major in International Relations and Diplomacy, International Business and Transnational Studies and I was doing minor in Accounting. Now, i lost the momentum for accounting class so thinking of dropping accounting minor from my list. But problem is, when I was applying to grad school, I did mention Accounting as my minor...I already got offer from one school in London which have a condition that I need to get my BA in those three degrees and maintain minimum GPA of 3.5... Do you think dropping accounting as a minor going to affect my application and offers that are given out by graduate school? I really need your suggestion 

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Oh well that's really amazing Katrun. Congratulations once again! :)

Also good luck with the whole situation you mentioned. I do think that their offer isn't binding once you accept it but with you being awarded the scholarship, it sure complicates it. In any case, I hope it solves out.

Btw which school is your top choice?


My top choice is Johns Hopkins SAIS MA, but we will see (decisions wont be out until March). 


Thanks everyone for their congratulations. 


I emailed them and questioned their thought process, but they haven't got back to me. 

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Hello guys,

I need your suggestion..I am getting my major in International Relations and Diplomacy, International Business and Transnational Studies and I was doing minor in Accounting. Now, i lost the momentum for accounting class so thinking of dropping accounting minor from my list. But problem is, when I was applying to grad school, I did mention Accounting as my minor...I already got offer from one school in London which have a condition that I need to get my BA in those three degrees and maintain minimum GPA of 3.5... Do you think dropping accounting as a minor going to affect my application and offers that are given out by graduate school? I really need your suggestion

I think it will most likely affect your offers, especially the conditional offers. I mean they are admitting you based on the profile you presented and the degrees you said you will have upon graduation. Once admitted to be able to enroll they will ask from all of us certified copies of our credentials. I think dropping your minor will have an impact but I guess it will depend on the program if it is quantitative focused, if you emphasized your accounting backround or not. I would see it through if I could and finish the minor. Now if you really can't then drop the classes and hope for the best!

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Has anyone applied to the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Netherlands ? I haven't heard much about it, though the MA programmes look very interesting.

Sorry can't help you as I have never heard of the school or program :-(

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