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The Waiting Game - Fall 2014


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Hey, I dunno. This POI never responded to me when I emailed back in the fall. So my only explanation is that they must have started looking at the apps in preparation for whenever they are gonna meet. But I have no idea.

Edited by daykid
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So I don't know if this is relevant to anyone, but I recently got an email from UC Santa Barbara asking for a writing sample. I sent them one, and an updated version of my transcript, and today they added these things to my online application. So they're definitely looking at applications, at least!

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For those of us applying to boston university for archaeology, they are planning to send out offers around the last week in Feb. There are 6 spots, all fully funded for 5 years.


That's interesting, they had funding issues in the past.

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Question for you all:


I was just informed that I've been approved to present a poster at an upcoming conference in March. Is this worth updating the CVs on file with my schools? I wouldn't bother, especially since I won't actually be participating until March, but this is (sadly) my first professional conference experience. How important is experience like this for anthropology/archaeology admissions?



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I've been officially rejected my Emory. So that's cool.

AW! Chin up.  Sorry dude.



Nothing here either. 


Nope, UPenn hasn't moved yet.  Or at least I don't think so.  But I haven't heard anything online or off, and I know their stated deadline was flexible according to admissions, so maybe they are just running behind.

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According to last year's results, UPenn had interviews this week but I have not heard anything this year yet. Anyone?


Nothing here either. Do we know if they interview for all subfields?

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Okay. Funny story time.

I applied to eight schools and the NSF. All nine applications send notices out to your references asking for LORs before your submit the application, except for one: University of Massachusetts. It turns out, UMass doesn't send out notice until after you submit. Okay, fine.


On December 26, I was ready to submit my UMass application, but I forgot to secure a waiver. (In the end, I didn't pay for a single application.) I emailed UMass with the requisite paperwork, and requested a waiver so that I could just click "Submit." But I didn't hear anything back.


The deadline passed on January 2. I still hadn't heard anything.


A week later, January 9, I emailed them asking if I might get an extension, since I asked for the waiver before the deadline. Nothing.


Just an hour ago, I get this email: "What would you like an extension for? I'm not seeing an application for you. Please elaborate so that we can assist you further."


Okay, first off, they're not seeing an application for me, because it was never submitted, hence the "extension." Second, I told my references to forget about it on January 3, so even if UMass gives me a waiver and an extension, good effing luck to me, trying to herd those cats again.




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If anyone is as easily amused as I am, here's a game that you can spend waste some time on while waiting to hear from schools.... http://www.catlateraldamage.com/play



There's just something about knocking stuff over and wreaking havoc that is soooo therapeutic.

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Hey Everyone!


Figured I would join in more actively, though I've been worrying along. 


For those who have attended interviews, are you going business? Or anthro funky?


UFlorida has made their decisions, but will not send out official notifications for a week or two. Not sure if anyone else applied there. 


I got the Emory interview email, and haven't heard anything else positive or negative from other schools. Anyone with info on UVirginia?? Would love to know. 


Hang in there!

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For the interview I had an in person I went with "snappy casual". I wore some nice jeans tucked into boots with a cute sweater but dressing up a bit more couldn't hurt. In my experience anthropologists are pretty open minded when it comes to fashion so I wouldn't worry about it too much. You may want to look up pictures of the individuals you're going to be interviewing with to get a gauge for how formal they are. 

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