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The Waiting Game - Fall 2014


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i heard from my POI at chicago that offers are only going to start rolling in around the 15th-20th of february. *fingerscrossed* for everyone waiting on chicago! 

Ok 5-10 days. I can handle that....i think

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Has anyone else had problems with ETS sending their GRE scores? One of the schools I applied to says they never received them. I'm trying to call ETS and I can't get through, the line is busy. I talked to them last week and they claim they sent them. I'm really considering going to their office and flipping tables until they fix the problem.  :angry:


I might be late on this response but I had a GRE issue as well. Apparently ETS did send my scores, but the school had an issue downloading the "batch" they came in. Or my score didn't show up or some other bs. SO, ETS gave me the batch number for the school to look for in their records, but ultimately I had to send my scores via a print out from ETS to the school. In all honesty, I think the school screwed up and didn't really want to be bothered to deal with it so they just had me send an unofficial score report knowing that if I did get accepted they could go digging for the batch number at that point. 


If I were you I would get the batch number from ETS and give that to the school you applied to. I have never had a busy signal when I have called them, so keep trying! Good luck with that! Don't flip any tables!

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I might be late on this response but I had a GRE issue as well. Apparently ETS did send my scores, but the school had an issue downloading the "batch" they came in. Or my score didn't show up or some other bs. SO, ETS gave me the batch number for the school to look for in their records, but ultimately I had to send my scores via a print out from ETS to the school. In all honesty, I think the school screwed up and didn't really want to be bothered to deal with it so they just had me send an unofficial score report knowing that if I did get accepted they could go digging for the batch number at that point. 


If I were you I would get the batch number from ETS and give that to the school you applied to. I have never had a busy signal when I have called them, so keep trying! Good luck with that! Don't flip any tables!


I did send them the batch number, but they still couldn't find it, so I called ETS and complained, and they resent the scores for free. My application page has been updated to show that they received the scores, so I guess that worked out. Now if only they'd tell me whether or not I've been accepted!

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Everytime my email blips I go crazy! Can't handle waiting!!

I know, right?! It's actually gotten to the point (well, it's been at that point for a while) that when I get an email that's not from a PhD program, I get really annoyed at whomever is emailing me. It's even worse when all my mail from my school account comes in every hour. UGH I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE

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I know, right?! It's actually gotten to the point (well, it's been at that point for a while) that when I get an email that's not from a PhD program, I get really annoyed at whomever is emailing me. It's even worse when all my mail from my school account comes in every hour. UGH I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE

No, Groupon, I do not need a mattress right now.

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No, Groupon, I do not need a mattress right now.

Ahahaha. Also, Groupon Goods, i already have a perfectly functional Keurig machine. 


Screw it, I'm going back to trying to keep my sanity with the help of my robot friends.

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i heard from my POI at chicago that offers are only going to start rolling in around the 15th-20th of february. *fingerscrossed* for everyone waiting on chicago! 


Did you get an interview Jonaki? I'm just wondering because I did not, and I think that means I'm out of the running. I've not heard anything back from my POI since early January. 

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Well, I'm now a Princeton reject too :( fun times..


I'm sorry *hugs*. Hope you hear good news soon.

Everytime my email blips I go crazy! Can't handle waiting!!


I know! And I have gradcafe notifications, and I'm always hoping it's from a program.

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