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The Waiting Game - Fall 2014


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Anyone want to claim either of the CUNY interviews? Which subfield are you?


I wish people would put up their subfield in the results, so we don't have to stress out even more.


Also, the fact that Atlanta is "frozen" is not helping because I can't leave my house or work or anything, so I'm constantly checking my email and the results page  :blink:

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Inflight internet is simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen to me. On the one hand, I don't have to worry I'll miss an important email. On the other hand, all I'm doing is the same thing I was at home: refreshing grad cafe and all my social media sites, waiting for something to happen :l

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Sarab- I'm snowed in too!!! And I agree. I tend to assume that if a subfield isn't listed, the person is cultural. It seems like the majority of anthro students/profs at any school are sociocultural, and as an archaeologist I have a tendency to always list my subfield. Maybe? Hopefully?

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Sarab- I'm snowed in too!!! And I agree. I tend to assume that if a subfield isn't listed, the person is cultural. It seems like the majority of anthro students/profs at any school are sociocultural, and as an archaeologist I have a tendency to always list my subfield. Maybe? Hopefully?


Doesn't it make it harder to be productive?! I have things to do, but applications and the snow aren't helping. And yes, I think the same thing: if it's not listed, it's cultural. We could be wrong, so I appreciate it when people of any subfield mark their decision with it.

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Haha I am inclined to agree with that deduction. Now that I think of it, CUNY's application deadlines were different by subfield: Dec. 1st for Cultural/Linguistics and Dec. 15th for Arch/Physical... The only one of my schools with split deadlines like that. Funky!

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Haha I am inclined to agree with that deduction. Now that I think of it, CUNY's application deadlines were different by subfield: Dec. 1st for Cultural/Linguistics and Dec. 15th for Arch/Physical... The only one of my schools with split deadlines like that. Funky!

so we will be optimistic and assume those interviews are not for arch people....yet.

Edited by screencheck
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Doesn't it make it harder to be productive?! I have things to do, but applications and the snow aren't helping. And yes, I think the same thing: if it's not listed, it's cultural. We could be wrong, so I appreciate it when people of any subfield mark their decision with it.

It would make it hard... If I had anything to do. But I am a crm archaeologist, meaning I work outside excavating sites. When there is snow, we don't work and I have no work I can do from home. I guess I could do laundry? Or clean or something? But having nothing to do also means nothing to distract me from grad school obsessing, which is extra lame.

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It would make it hard... If I had anything to do. But I am a crm archaeologist, meaning I work outside excavating sites. When there is snow, we don't work and I have no work I can do from home. I guess I could do laundry? Or clean or something? But having nothing to do also means nothing to distract me from grad school obsessing, which is extra lame.


Or the reverse could be true. I have so much to do with my 2 day jobs and I don't want to worry about any of it. Waiting for decisions takes up so much brain space! 

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It would make it hard... If I had anything to do. But I am a crm archaeologist, meaning I work outside excavating sites. When there is snow, we don't work and I have no work I can do from home. I guess I could do laundry? Or clean or something? But having nothing to do also means nothing to distract me from grad school obsessing, which is extra lame.


Yeah, I'm about to clean my room and do laundry. Maybe later I can read or bake something, but it's not like my phone will disappear (I'll still get notifications and emails...). There's no escaping this.

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Hopefully by march I'll have heard SOMETHING!! Just one acceptance and I'll stop obsessing... Probably.

I know I will. Just one good offer with funding will ease my mind so much. At least I know I'll be somewhere next year, you know?
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Hopefully by march I'll have heard SOMETHING!! Just one acceptance and I'll stop obsessing... Probably.


Unfortunately that hasn't worked for me because then it's like "I need to know where I get accepted, so I can hear about funding, and so I can weigh the pros and cons of each university." Just hope God enlightens me because this is all just so overwhelming!

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I know I will. Just one good offer with funding will ease my mind so much. At least I know I'll be somewhere next year, you know?


Yeah, you're right. Good luck!

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Yeah, you're right. Good luck!

Thank you, you, too! I really hope this whole process is over and with good results for us all soon. I know my Canadian schools will be later but the rest of my US schools have to be getting back soon, right? Right? D;
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I live very close to my top choice that just rejected me... Driving past them every day is going to be rough.

Let's hope we all hear some good news by the end of this week.

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(On the Canadian schools question that skylarking brings up - based on last years posted results there won't be any news until early March or mid-Mach.)


I'm hoping for word from UMass Amherst in the next week or so though. Did anyone else apply there?

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After all these rejections and with very difficult (and not perfect fit) schools remaining I started to think about plan B etc. but people around me are saying: you still have 4 to go, relaxxx, maybe you'll get into harrrvaardddd....




I am really desperate.

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After all these rejections and with very difficult (and not perfect fit) schools remaining I started to think about plan B etc. but people around me are saying: you still have 4 to go, relaxxx, maybe you'll get into harrrvaardddd....




I am really desperate.


I don't even know why I applied to Harvard in the first place! I guess it was because I figured, I'm applying to Brown and BU, I might as well apply to Harvard! Which, in retrospect, is probably the most sophomoric logic I've ever employed. Ah, the power of hindsight! If I have to do this all again next year I will NOT be applying anywhere that doesn't loudly and proudly do EXACTLY the kind of work that I am interested in.

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I don't even know why I applied to Harvard in the first place! I guess it was because I figured, I'm applying to Brown and BU, I might as well apply to Harvard! Which, in retrospect, is probably the most sophomoric logic I've ever employed. Ah, the power of hindsight! If I have to do this all again next year I will NOT be applying anywhere that doesn't loudly and proudly do EXACTLY the kind of work that I am interested in.

Ah Brown and Boston were perfect fits! Too sad, just too sad.

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Another thing to consider is the profile of the current students. For Brown I noticed that there wasn't a single "non-traditional" student, and when I went to talk to my POI he told me that teaching at Brown was a breeze because "our undergrads are just naturally better than other places' undergrads". Which struck me as....not indicative of an ideal environment for me!


Although I applied previously, with WAY less preparation in my field, and made it to an interview and a short list, so who knows? 

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Another thing to consider is the profile of the current students. For Brown I noticed that there wasn't a single "non-traditional" student, and when I went to talk to my POI he told me that teaching at Brown was a breeze because "our undergrads are just naturally better than other places' undergrads". Which struck me as....not indicative of an ideal environment for me!


Although I applied previously, with WAY less preparation in my field, and made it to an interview and a short list, so who knows? 


You make a great point about the "non-traditional students" and the lack thereof. I really enjoy having a variety of people around me in classes, it makes the conversations more diverse and, I think, creates a more well rounded experience. But, I am a "non-traditional student" so I supposed I am a little biased in that sense! I'd prefer to be in a department that has a mix of students, so I am with you on that being indicative of a lousy environment. 

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