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Acceptance Thread


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But they said that they got it by phone on the 10th of Feb.

If you look at other posters you can see a lot of people don't change that date from the current date, plus the time thing here is a bit weird. I REALLY think you guys are reading into this too much.

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Agreed.  This looks very unlikely.  First, NYU releases results on March 1 (last two years in a row).  Second, as a higher ranked school, NYU is less likely to release early results.  Three, this post wasn't up as of midnight Eastern time last night.  I find it hard to believe that someone would be admitted to the top school and fail to post about it until after midnight-- and then leave no comments. 


It's POSSIBLE but UNLIKELY that this is a legit post.

I agree that it's possible but unlikely that this is a legit post. I do feel like something needs to be said for its possibility though. Applicants self-report on their own schedule or else they don't report at all. There's obviously reason to doubt that this person received a call between 2 and 7:30AM Monday morning, but there's less reason to doubt that this person simply got around to posting their acceptance at such a time. (I might generally post right away but another might not, especially if s/he was notified via phone call on a weekend - s/he could've been away from a computer, with family or friends, etc., etc.)


Another problem that comes with self-reporting is that not everybody reports their results. My roommate last year got into U Chicago around 10 days before any posts on TGC and Boston U about three weeks before any posts. It's hard to know just how out of the ordinary my roommate was (he was a philosophical beast machine), but we can only extrapolate so much about first-acceptances from self-reporting given that not every body reports their results. 


Finally, higher-ranked schools may generally get back to applicants later, but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't benefit from getting back to an outstanding applicant they know they want early. Again, I don't have much insight into how common this might be or why it's done (get an early start in courting your favorite applicant compared to other programs while you decide who else to make offers to?), but I don't see any reason why a school's ranking should rule out its using such a tactic.

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 It's hard to know just how out of the ordinary my roommate was (he was a philosophical beast machine). 


I think being a beast machine of any sort would qualify someone as out of the ordinary. 


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I agree that it's possible but unlikely that this is a legit post. I do feel like something needs to be said for its possibility though. Applicants self-report on their own schedule or else they don't report at all. There's obviously reason to doubt that this person received a call between 2 and 7:30AM Monday morning, but there's less reason to doubt that this person simply got around to posting their acceptance at such a time. (I might generally post right away but another might not, especially if s/he was notified via phone call on a weekend - s/he could've been away from a computer, with family or friends, etc., etc.)


Another problem that comes with self-reporting is that not everybody reports their results. My roommate last year got into U Chicago around 10 days before any posts on TGC and Boston U about three weeks before any posts. It's hard to know just how out of the ordinary my roommate was (he was a philosophical beast machine), but we can only extrapolate so much about first-acceptances from self-reporting given that not every body reports their results. 


Finally, higher-ranked schools may generally get back to applicants later, but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't benefit from getting back to an outstanding applicant they know they want early. Again, I don't have much insight into how common this might be or why it's done (get an early start in courting your favorite applicant compared to other programs while you decide who else to make offers to?), but I don't see any reason why a school's ranking should rule out its using such a tactic.


Yeah, I agree with all of this.  All of the above.

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For NYU, even though the due date was Jan 4, I learned from one of the grad office assistants that my application would be sitting in their grad  administration office until the last week of January, and so the philosophy department adcom probably received the applications only ~ 2 weeks ago. I doubt that they would be that fast at making decisions.

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OK: Here's something to pass the time.  I put together this possibly-helpful graphic that displays which schools have sent out acceptances, wait-lists, and rejections.  (I'm not updating the graphic until I am pretty certain that a school has actually sent these notifications.  So, e.g., I'm waiting for more before I update the NYU status.)




I may move this to a blog post, so if this link doesn't work in the future, just go to the home page/archives of the blog (faircloudblog.wordpress.com).


Also, for redundancy, I may repost this later in a separate thread (so that people don't miss it here).

Edited by ianfaircloud
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OK: Here's something to pass the time.  I put together this possibly-helpful graphic that displays which schools have sent out acceptances, wait-lists, and rejections.  (I'm not updating the graphic until I am pretty certain that a school has actually sent these notifications.  So, e.g., I'm waiting for more before I update the NYU status.)




I may move this to a blog post, so if this link doesn't work in the future, just go to the home page/archives of the blog (faircloudblog.wordpress.com).


Also, for redundancy, I may repost this later in a separate thread (so that people don't miss it here).

Your work, as always, is much appreciated.

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OK: Here's something to pass the time.  I put together this possibly-helpful graphic that displays which schools have sent out acceptances, wait-lists, and rejections.  (I'm not updating the graphic until I am pretty certain that a school has actually sent these notifications.  So, e.g., I'm waiting for more before I update the NYU status.)




I may move this to a blog post, so if this link doesn't work in the future, just go to the home page/archives of the blog (faircloudblog.wordpress.com).


Also, for redundancy, I may repost this later in a separate thread (so that people don't miss it here).


I particularly like this graphic. It's very helpful, thanks!

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OK: Here's something to pass the time.  I put together this possibly-helpful graphic that displays which schools have sent out acceptances, wait-lists, and rejections.  (I'm not updating the graphic until I am pretty certain that a school has actually sent these notifications.  So, e.g., I'm waiting for more before I update the NYU status.)




I may move this to a blog post, so if this link doesn't work in the future, just go to the home page/archives of the blog (faircloudblog.wordpress.com).


Also, for redundancy, I may repost this later in a separate thread (so that people don't miss it here).


You are a scholar and a gentleman.

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OK: Here's something to pass the time.  I put together this possibly-helpful graphic that displays which schools have sent out acceptances, wait-lists, and rejections.  (I'm not updating the graphic until I am pretty certain that a school has actually sent these notifications.  So, e.g., I'm waiting for more before I update the NYU status.)




I may move this to a blog post, so if this link doesn't work in the future, just go to the home page/archives of the blog (faircloudblog.wordpress.com).


Also, for redundancy, I may repost this later in a separate thread (so that people don't miss it here).


Awesome! Thanks for this, again. I was going to make this myself, but the smarter man is the procrastinator who can take advantage of the hard work of others!


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