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Fulbright 2015-2016


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Hey stopthat! (I got way too excited about saying that...)


Are you in arts by any chance? IDK if this is the case, and I'm not a German applicant, but I've heard Arts apps get reviewed separately... maybe they get notified separately


oooh I know they get reviewed separately in the first round, do they also get reviewed separately by country ?! 

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Hey stopthat! (I got way too excited about saying that...)


Are you in arts by any chance? IDK if this is the case, and I'm not a German applicant, but I've heard Arts apps get reviewed separately... maybe they get notified separately



Yes, I'm in music.  Super anxious because I may be considered "too old" for Germany (although age discrimination is a nono in the U.S)...

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This is super convenient and all the same place! People being notified earlier this year than past years is freaking me out@@@






Check out this year's updates, too -- I'm having trouble getting it to link to a certain tab, so go here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AlU2xDiiVhQjK3quPy6qXJuhgXYghzzG8L4YNT0unX0/edit?pli=1#gid=0and then click on the second tab, "Copy of Notification Dates," for this year's notifications.


EDIT: hmmm, this link isn't letting me edit any content on the spreadsheet when I click it from GradCafe, though it works from my own computer. Maybe someone can post a better version of it?

Edited by waiting279
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Congrats!! That is amazing!! So excited for everyone who found out today. Last year Germany and Turkey found out the same day, so this is all so much to handle!!

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Hey everyone! Would anyone be interested in starting a Facebook group for people going to Japan? If so, feel free to send my a message!


And congrats to everyone who was been accepted thus far!

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ETA recipient to Germany!! It got sent to my spam mail though... double checked, triple checked, but it's real! :) Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted so far! And best of luck to the alternates!

This is my worst fear. I neurotically check my spam folder, too! Haha. Damn algorithms didn't do their job right! 

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ETA recipient to Germany!! It got sent to my spam mail though... double checked, triple checked, but it's real! :) Congratulations to everyone who has been accepted so far! And best of luck to the alternates!

And THAT is what this forum is for! If everybody from your country except you is posting results, something's up!


CONGRATS to you and to everyone else who got accepted today! Best of luck going forward to everyone else. Honestly I think the people that we met through this process and the things we learned about ourselves are valuable no matter what.

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This is my worst fear. I neurotically check my spam folder, too! Haha. Damn algorithms didn't do their job right! 


I checked b/c 2 people I know had heard back so it got me wondering! Also my recommendation email got sent to spam too, so I didn't trust this one not to be sent there as well. I hope you hear back soon!!

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And THAT is what this forum is for! If everybody from your country except you is posting results, something's up!


CONGRATS to you and to everyone else who got accepted today! Best of luck going forward to everyone else. Honestly I think the people that we met through this process and the things we learned about ourselves are valuable no matter what.


Thank you! I agree - the whole application process was really valuable. Just writing and rewriting my essays over and over gave me insight into what I was truly interested in doing in the future and helped me become a better statement writer. Regardless of where people end up in the process, it's nice to know you're part of a little community of people who all have similar interests/goals!

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At SMartin11879: They're not opening it until Friday! it says so on the top of the pre-grantee website. :)



Sending my congrats to all accepted and love to those who didn't make it. Try again if you can for sure!



Along the same lines as cloudysky16 & irvine36 (my work computer won't let me quote for some reason), just having the experience had given all of us valuable insight about ourselves and made us better writers and that is always something to celebrate.

Edited by nsnotable
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