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Fall 2015 Applicants

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Capricorn's forecast looks pretty hopeful!


This month will bring lots of good news, and most of it will be about money. The month opens with a full moon, February 3, in Leo 15 degrees. Because the full moon will conjoin Jupiter, you may hear news that puts a big smile on your face - the amount of the check due you seems quite substantial and more than you ever expected to see. Uranus will be prominent at the full moon, indicating whatever comes to you will be a surprise. In lieu of a check, someone may give you a beautiful, valuable gift.  Your eighth house of other people's money will be brought into play, so alternatively, the money you see may be a commission, bonus, generous university financial aid or scholarship, an inheritance, insurance payout, or tax refund


Thanks for posting this; I was just about to look this up! Honestly, it made my day being I'm expecting to hear from MSU re: funding next week sometime.


Reviewing my notification estimate document, I realized that (if history is an indicator) I shouldn't expect to hear from most of my schools until next week (five the second week of Feb and five the third). Though OSU should be sending out rejections and possibly waitlists this week! I am relieved by the fact that I am applying to, with a couple of exceptions, vastly different programs than others on this board; only 2 of my 15 schools tend to notify on Fridays.


In short, I'm working on developing a strategy to prevent insanity next week...

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Capricorn's forecast looks pretty hopeful!


This month will bring lots of good news, and most of it will be about money. The month opens with a full moon, February 3, in Leo 15 degrees. Because the full moon will conjoin Jupiter, you may hear news that puts a big smile on your face - the amount of the check due you seems quite substantial and more than you ever expected to see. Uranus will be prominent at the full moon, indicating whatever comes to you will be a surprise. In lieu of a check, someone may give you a beautiful, valuable gift.  Your eighth house of other people's money will be brought into play, so alternatively, the money you see may be a commission, bonus, generous university financial aid or scholarship, an inheritance, insurance payout, or tax refund


I'm a cappy too! Thanks for the good news ;) I spun a lottery wheel at a Warby Parker (optical shop) on my birthday in December and I got a "Not so great luck" result, which stupidly made me feel pretty weird for a day. 


I'm really not that superstitious. Honest.

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I don't know if Grad Cafe believes in this sort of thing, but Susan Miller's Astrology Zone has been a major source of comfort for me in the application process. I don't believe in the power of prayer but I do believe our fates are largely dictated by the alignments and disalignments of celestial bodies. If you are a Pisces, like me, Susan Miller predicts big things for us this month: The full moon on February 3 will be a big moment in your timeline. Something you have worked hard to achieve will be ready to be unveiled and shown to the public or to influential people. The critical acclaim that will result from seeing your work will be enthusiastic and heartwarming. In fact, you may be amazed at how positive the response will be for your work. You are taking a leadership role in your industry now, but you may not even be aware of this truth yet, but later, in hindsight you will see how your career life took an important turn in the first quarter of 2015, and that you are clearly growing in stature and evolving into new and untried roles, the reason all this is so exciting.

I don't personally believe in astrological signs, but I am a Pisces, so perhaps I will hear some good news this week (or at least this month).

Edited by TeaOverCoffee
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I don't know if Grad Cafe believes in this sort of thing, but Susan Miller's Astrology Zone has been a major source of comfort for me in the application process. I don't believe in the power of prayer but I do believe our fates are largely dictated by the alignments and disalignments of celestial bodies. If you are a Pisces, like me, Susan Miller predicts big things for us this month:


The full moon on February 3 will be a big moment in your timeline. Something you have worked hard to achieve will be ready to be unveiled and shown to the public or to influential people. The critical acclaim that will result from seeing your work will be enthusiastic and heartwarming. In fact, you may be amazed at how positive the response will be for your work. You are taking a leadership role in your industry now, but you may not even be aware of this truth yet, but later, in hindsight you will see how your career life took an important turn in the first quarter of 2015, and that you are clearly growing in stature and evolving into new and untried roles, the reason all this is so exciting.


Right now I'm ready to believe that seeing a black cat is bad luck. (reason why I've been avoiding landlady's cat recently.


And I'm a Pisces indeed! :D

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Not even being funny here... I literally performed a ritual cleansing in front of one of our house gods the day before I took the GRE.

More than a few Chinese applicants would visit Wofo temple in Beijing during application season cause Wofo sounds like "offer". It definitely works.

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University emails've got me so jumpy now that it's February! I did my MFA at Indiana, and I just got an email about "Prospective Student Visits" and freaked out--only to realize I'm still on the listserv, and they're just asking for current students to help out with it later this spring.

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University emails've got me so jumpy now that it's February! I did my MFA at Indiana, and I just got an email about "Prospective Student Visits" and freaked out--only to realize I'm still on the listserv, and they're just asking for current students to help out with it later this spring.


Yeah, my current institution sends out five or six emails per day on average. I've finally unlinked my accounts, as every email notification makes me squirm a little.


I check my spam folder religiously as well. Never have so many rich Nigerians had their emails viewed...

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Last month, on January 12, Mars entered Pisces to light your solar tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame for the first time in two years.

 I had to share that from my own horoscope... I'll take the honors and awards right now, that sounds great.

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I hope those of us who are still waiting for our first acceptance get good news this week! While I couldn't be happier for all of the new admits, I am embarrassed to admit that I am developing an always-the-bridesmaid-never-the-bride complex with regard to acceptances. I want one of my own!!! 

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I hope those of us who are still waiting for our first acceptance get good news this week! While I couldn't be happier for all of the new admits, I am embarrassed to admit that I am developing an always-the-bridesmaid-never-the-bride complex with regard to acceptances. I want one of my own!!! 


Indeed! I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It's early, as many forum veterans justly remind us, but things are definitely in full swing. I'm always legitimately happy to see the good folks here at GC get acceptances as well. I don't think it's at all hypocritical to simultaneously want one of them to come my way soon too. :) (Someone needs to introduce a nail-biting emoji here).

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Just got my first rejection: University of Louisville. I didn't get an email, but I checked the website. Trying not to freak out too much or convince myself that I won't get into any program... :(


My first bit of news was a rejection, and I was gutted. Barely slept that night, convinced that no school would want me. The next day I got a phone call letting me know I was accepted to NWU. So...don't freak out, one rejection doesn't mean you won't get in anywhere! It's still very early! (That said, I know how you feel! It's a horrible, horrible feeling!)

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Just got my first rejection: University of Louisville. I didn't get an email, but I checked the website. Trying not to freak out too much or convince myself that I won't get into any program... :(


There are still so many schools for you to hear back from! Sorry that you have such an abrupt opening to the acceptance season.

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Hey guys! I don't know if this is useful, but Berkeley's grad system seems to have updated - I don't know if rejections and waitlists were entered along with acceptances, but it might be worth checking if you're still in limbo. :) Good luck to all! I know it's unrealistic, but in my heart of hearts I wish we could all attend our top choices.

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Hey guys! I don't know if this is useful, but Berkeley's grad system seems to have updated - I don't know if rejections and waitlists were entered along with acceptances, but it might be worth checking if you're still in limbo. :) Good luck to all! I know it's unrealistic, but in my heart of hearts I wish we could all attend our top choices.


It hasn't updated for me yet, strangely!

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Just got my official rejection from Northwestern.


Not surprised, as it has been an "implied" rejection for a few days. Still sucks, though it's oddly cathartic to delete that bookmark from my browser...



Edited by Wyatt's Torch
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Just got my official rejection from Northwestern.


Not surprised, as it has been an "implied" rejection for a few days. Still sucks though.




HANG IN THERE, WT! I'm hanging in there right with you... it's agonizing. 


And question: I see U of Chicago is crossed off of your list. Did you get an *official* rejection from Chicago? I applied to their English department, didn't get an interview, but I haven't received a rejection. I assume it's implied for me, but I'll wait to cross it off until I hear for certain. 

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Agonizing is right...but I'm hanging in there! One simple email or phone call and ALL of this agonizing is immediately eradicated.


I did not get an official rejection email from U. of Chicago, so it probably shouldn't be crossed off all official-like in my signature...but I think the chances are very remote at this point. If that changes, I will be more than happy to eat crow and change it to an acceptance. ;)

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Agonizing is right...but I'm hanging in there! One simple email or phone call and ALL of this agonizing is immediately eradicated.


I did not get an official rejection email from U. of Chicago, so it probably shouldn't be crossed off all official-like in my signature...but I think the chances are very remote at this point. If that changes, I will be more than happy to eat crow and change it to an acceptance. ;)


DREAMS COME TRUE!! (right??? right???)

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My Berkeley app status has not updated. I'm going to go ahead and consider this one an implied rejection. I don't think my application was competitive in that pool anyway. This was my long shot so I'm not at all sad or surprised.

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