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How do you feel about PBR?


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They're very hard to find outside of beer festivals and big tasting events but if you like beer on nitro taps you would love it out of a firkin. What they do is put the beer in a mini-cask without outside carbonation and it gives you awesome taste and texture that you can't find anywhere else. The downside is that they have a super short shelf life which is partially why they're so rare.

Where are the "best" beer festivals that have such things?  My BF and I are always looking for beer adventures.  Beer and bikes are kind of our thing.  Even better if we can combine both in a trip to somewhere cool.

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Where are the "best" beer festivals that have such things?  My BF and I are always looking for beer adventures.  Beer and bikes are kind of our thing.  Even better if we can combine both in a trip to somewhere cool.


Where are you based? My knowledge outside of Michigan is limited but we have some pretty huge ones all over the state.

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Where are you based? My knowledge outside of Michigan is limited but we have some pretty huge ones all over the state.

 I'm currently in MO.  My parents are in Northern IN (about 20 miles from the border of MI) and I go home in the summers to ride my bike up to the lake quite a bit.  My boyfriend will be making a trip or two this summer back there most likely.


What are the big ones?  I really wanted to see the Michigan Beer Film but they aren't screening it around here (obvs!).  Michigan is prolly my fave state for everything from camping to beer to wine to bikes haha.

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 I'm currently in MO.  My parents are in Northern IN (about 20 miles from the border of MI) and I go home in the summers to ride my bike up to the lake quite a bit.  My boyfriend will be making a trip or two this summer back there most likely.


What are the big ones?  I really wanted to see the Michigan Beer Film but they aren't screening it around here (obvs!).  Michigan is prolly my fave state for everything from camping to beer to wine to bikes haha.


The biggest event of the year is the Michigan Brewers Guild Summer Beer Festival in Ypsilanti July 25th and 26th. Pretty much every brewery in Michigan is there, and there will probably be nearly 1000 different varieties of beer. Most of it is rare beer and beer that's specifically brewed for the festival, so it's about as good as it gets. Tickets go on sale May 1st and will sell out so I would recommend getting them shortly after they go on sale.


Another big one would be the Michigan Brewers Guild Detroit Beer Festival in late October.

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Do they still do the bikes and breweries thing in Iowa? It had something to do with riding across the state and stopping at various breweries along the way.


RAGBRAI, yep.  It's got a lottery, though, so it's actually not a guarentee you will "get in".  That's in the long-term plan of something to do but it's a long way off from where we are now as far as availablility goes for a tour.  Everyone I know who's done it says it's AWESOME.  More locally, there's the Peddler's Jamboree which is bikes, music, and beer, which is fun.  We have a wedding to go to this year on that day, though, so we can't do it!  But if you are interested, it's a lot of fun.


The biggest event of the year is the Michigan Brewers Guild Summer Beer Festival in Ypsilanti July 25th and 26th. Pretty much every brewery in Michigan is there, and there will probably be nearly 1000 different varieties of beer. Most of it is rare beer and beer that's specifically brewed for the festival, so it's about as good as it gets. Tickets go on sale May 1st and will sell out so I would recommend getting them shortly after they go on sale.


Another big one would be the Michigan Brewers Guild Detroit Beer Festival in late October.


I will look into that.  Might be a trip we could commit to.  Yay MIchigan beer!

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Who knew PBR would be a hot topic?

Anyways, here is my boring opinion: I don't mind it, I'll drink it if I'm at a party, but normally wouldn't pay for it if there are better selections available. If I'm low on cash and want to buy cheap beer, I'd probably go with Simpler Times. 

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It's not bad, festivus. Different than Guinness but good :) I have only seen it a couple of places around here. They only have it a few weeks a year, usually.

Well in that case, I'm glad I bought it. The last Sam Adams I tried was Noble Pils. It was obviously a quality beer, just not really my style. I'll let you know what I think of the Cream Stout after I try it.

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Tried it tonight. It is a REALLY, REALLY GOOD stout. Perfect balance between all the flavors. I'm tempted to drink several more tonight, but I'll have to stop because I've got class tomorrow. Looking forward to drinking more of these in the future.

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Oh man. I don't know where you are but the Bell's Stouts are amazing (Double Cream and Expedition). Also amazing is Sierra Nevada Narwhal Stout, if you can find it now. Velvet Merlin by Firestone Walker. I think the others I'm thinking of are all porters but... no wait, Lugene Chocolate Milk Stout is awesome. San Tan's Sex Panther (if you live in/near Arizona) is also amazing, though I think it's technically a porter. Big Sky's Cowboy Coffee Porter is so good too.


I just thought of this: Smoked porters. They are so, so good. Both Stone and Alaskan Brewing make them. You can also just hunt around on Beer Advocate or Untapped...

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Oh man. I don't know where you are but the Bell's Stouts are amazing (Double Cream and Expedition). Also amazing is Sierra Nevada Narwhal Stout, if you can find it now. Velvet Merlin by Firestone Walker. I think the others I'm thinking of are all porters but... no wait, Lugene Chocolate Milk Stout is awesome. San Tan's Sex Panther (if you live in/near Arizona) is also amazing, though I think it's technically a porter. Big Sky's Cowboy Coffee Porter is so good too.


I just thought of this: Smoked porters. They are so, so good. Both Stone and Alaskan Brewing make them. You can also just hunt around on Beer Advocate or Untapped...


They only distribute to about half of the country but see if you can get your hands on some Founders beer. In Michigan they're just as well-respected as Bell's and Founders is known for making top-of-the-line stouts and porters. Founders Porter and Breakfast Stout are both 100/100 on ratebeer and although they're mega-rare Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout and Canadian Breakfast Stout are considered some of the best beers in the nation.

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All of the above are YUM.


Schafly's Oatmeal and Irish-Style are both very good stouts.  I ADORE Young's Chocolate Stout as well.  That's probably my fave "treat" stout.  Also, if you like Imperials that will knock you out "Wake Up Dead" is a good stout.  That's a pint bottle stout.

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I'm not normally a stout drinker (I prefer hoppy beers), but Old Rasputin, a Russian Imperial Stout out of the North Coast Brewing Co. in California, is really tasty. I'm not sure how widely distributed it is, but I found it here in Missoula, MT, so it shouldn't be too limited.

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Ok what about us cheap people because I like to drink but I hate spending a lot lol. I mean I am not looking for like natty light cheap but I want good beer (preferably sweeter) that's not super expensive.

Well most of the beer I get is around 7-8 bucks for a six pack, and I usually only drink one or two at a time since it is quality beer, so it isn't too expensive. I hate sweet beer (as in beer with a lot of sugar, e.g. Woodchuck cider, although I don't really consider it beer), so I can't recommend anything there. I'm not sure how familiar you are with good beer, but if you like coffee then the Sam Adams Cream Stout is definitely worth a try.

A lot of people I know write off beer because all they ever try is Bud Light or Coors. Don't write it off until you've tried some higher quality stuff and a few different styles, though, because there is a world of difference between cheap beer and beer that costs a few bucks more per six pack.

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Ok what about us cheap people because I like to drink but I hate spending a lot lol. I mean I am not looking for like natty light cheap but I want good beer (preferably sweeter) that's not super expensive.


Elysian has a jasmine IPA (hardly hoppy at all) which is faintly sweet. 21st Amendment has a beer called Allies Win the War! which is flavored with dates, and it's a darker, stronger beer. Shandy beers (really, beers with soft drink added) have very fruity flavors; Leinenkugel has a Lemon Berry Shandy, an Orange Shandy, a Berry Weiss, & a Summer Shandy, which are all relatively sweet - too sweet for me. Pumpkin beers (Smuttynose has a great one), lambics, & wheat beers (witbier, hefeweizen, weisse, etc.) are generally lighter, sweeter beers, too.

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