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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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To all of you who didn't get in this cycle but are planning on applying again next cycle, I just want to say how incredibly impressed I are by your passion, diligence, and will to succeed. Rejection feels awful no matter what the circumstances, and it can be really terrifying to contemplate putting yourself out there again next year. If I hadn't been lucky enough to be accepted in my first cycle, I'm not sure that I would have had the confidence to go for another round, so I want to let all of you know how badass and brave you are. I wish you all the best of luck next cycle ;)

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Hey guys, I haven't posted in awhile, but despite coming off to an amazing start this cycle, a bunch of horrible things happened right around the critical application period that didn't allow me to put as much time as I wanted into my proposal (a death in the family, my father becoming paralyzed, other personal issues). I still haven't heard from two schools yet, but I've decided to take another year off to figure out what sort of department fits my interests best -- a shortcoming of interdisciplinary research is that sometimes you don't know where the hell you actually belong. Luckily, I have some big names at the University of Chicago gunning for me, friends in high places, a good support system, and my mentors have helped me set up a plan to publish my research and set me up with their friends who are doing similar things. One of my biggest regrets was not networking enough and visiting the campuses I applied to, so that's a major thing I'll be doing this time around.  

I'll definitely be taking up some of your guys' offers to look over my stuff this fall. Seriously you guys are awesome. I probably won't be checking this thing as often as in the past so if you guys are creating a FB group or something like that, I will definitely join. :)


I'm really sorry to hear about the sad news in your personal life. It's probably a good idea to deal with family/personal issues before heading to graduate school. All the best!


I got my cornell rejection as well just now...just waiting on Columbia to do the same so my cycle is over.

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Cornell decisions are out. I was not accepted, meaning I went a dismal 0 for 8 this cycle. Getting into these programs is tough! :P Here's to the next cycle.


I'm sorry! You will kill it in the next cycle. Good Luck!

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I just got a very nice email from a professor at Michigan (still not in) and now I'm second guessing my decision a little bit. Rats! Logically, I know I made the right choice all things considered, but still.

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Well I made my decision on Chicago. It was a hard one but I feel it will be the best fit.

UChicago? If you have any questions about the campus/life/environment, feel free to shoot me a PM. Despite its reputation one can actually enjoy their time there :) .

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I email my POI on Tuesday with the news that I had accepted the offer of admission, now it's Saturday and I still haven't heard anything back.  The same thing happened when I tried to make contact prior to applying; I actually never heard back at all that time.  This worries me.

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I email my POI on Tuesday with the news that I had accepted the offer of admission, now it's Saturday and I still haven't heard anything back.  The same thing happened when I tried to make contact prior to applying; I actually never heard back at all that time.  This worries me.


The honeymoon is over already, eh?


I wouldn't sweat it. Some professors just don't do email well.

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The honeymoon is over already, eh?


I wouldn't sweat it. Some professors just don't do email well.

I hope you're right, otherwise it'll be along 5 to 7 years!

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Don't stress it!


I sent a really long email to a POI to say I wasn't going to attend but wanted to show my appreciation for the offer/advice throughout the process but have not heard back either. I'm guessing that's more understandable though

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Columbia decisions are out...got my rejection (completely expected and not the best fit).


Just waiting for funding decision from UCSB but my cycle is complete.

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Congrats on reaching the end, Gambaosaka! I, too, have reached the end. I can't see that a wait list at OSU (which is the best case scenario at this point) will alter anything in terms of my decision. I'm waiting on funding info from UMaryland, visiting Minn in 2 weeks, then it's decision time!

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Congrats on reaching the end, Gambaosaka! I, too, have reached the end. I can't see that a wait list at OSU (which is the best case scenario at this point) will alter anything in terms of my decision. I'm waiting on funding info from UMaryland, visiting Minn in 2 weeks, then it's decision time!


Thanks and congrats to you too!


Can't wait to hear where you end up...so many great options. I'm guessing after that we all need to find out where the next AHA conference shall be?

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Congrats on reaching the end, Gambaosaka! I, too, have reached the end. I can't see that a wait list at OSU (which is the best case scenario at this point) will alter anything in terms of my decision. I'm waiting on funding info from UMaryland, visiting Minn in 2 weeks, then it's decision time!


Best of luck with your decision! Feels good to be getting down to the wire.

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Congrats all! I can't wait to reach the end of my cycle, I'm waiting to see if UVA picks me up off the waiting list--that would be a game changer for me. The anxiety is almost higher now because most of the hope and optimism from the beginning of the cycle has now been replaced by finality that comes with the end of the cycle. Good luck making decisions everyone.

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If IU's DGS emailed me more than a month ago, informing me that I was waitlisted and "next in line for admission," should I email him again asking for a status update? I dont want to be an annoying pest :unsure: but at the same time, it has been more than a month since our last communication.

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Congrats to everyone on their admissions offers!


And I feel for all who have not received one yet. I am in same boat- Rejections (1 waitlist) and waiting on 3 more but not too hopeful.


A bit frustrated with one school - was emailed over a month ago from the dept secretary that my funding application was never submitted (as it was separate application ) and they wanted to consider me for a TA or GA funding but couldn't without a completed application. I did it. A week ago, I received an email invitation to attend the school's open house visit day for  incoming grad students in April. I didn't expect this as an admission offer but thought it meant something good! Received my rejection today :(   (good thing I haven't RSVPed yet to the event or made travel arrangements!) I thought it was in bad taste to send it out to people before final decisions were made. (and I've emailed them to tell them that too) What a way to get someone's hopes up! Oh well, 3 more to go, but looks like I will be going around again ... or start looking for a job (I feel with an MA I am so close, I just want to keep going! and the jobs for academia-ie JC's- are even more slim for full time with only MA )

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