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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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Does that mean they are sending out acceptances telkanuru?


Not for another week, I wouldn't think? I actually don't have great information - my POI is a cagey man.

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Ok. Let the guessing games begin:  Which schools will send out their correspondence this week?  My bet is on Minnesota,GW, maybe Kansas.  Just looking at past entries and working only from my own list.  Anyone else care to venture some wild speculation? 

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Ok. Let the guessing games begin:  Which schools will send out their correspondence this week?  My bet is on Minnesota,GW, maybe Kansas.  Just looking at past entries and working only from my own list.  Anyone else care to venture some wild speculation? 

Hoping beyond hope that Harvard will. But at this point betting my wait to hear back from my first school extends into next week. Hoping that some hints will be dropped as to when Penn will send out decisions during my interview on Wednesday.

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Ok. Let the guessing games begin:  Which schools will send out their correspondence this week?  My bet is on Minnesota,GW, maybe Kansas.  Just looking at past entries and working only from my own list.  Anyone else care to venture some wild speculation? 

Northwestern: either today or tomorrow.  

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Join the club! Can't wait until we start hearing. My sister had a great piece of advice: buy a bottle of bourbon or scotch that you'd not normally pay for (think Johnny walker gold) and have it ready for when you receive any news.



Considering I'd most likely receive news while at work (9 to 5 and all that), I'm pretty sure HR would frown upon that :P

Edited by Chiqui74
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It's not what I want to do forever, for sure, but it pays decently enough and the benefits are great.  If I don't get into any of the schools, I'll start looking for a new job, hopefully in the same organization.

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I'm a paper pusher in a very small department of a very large organization. I have an assistant who is OK (I can boss her around), and a boss who is a bit of a diva. Someday I think "hey, this is not so bad!" and other days I want to run for the hills, today especially. It doesn't help that I'm so freaking anxious about the PhD applications.

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Sigh. I was an editor managing travel and fitness content for big international brands. Left and went freelance, which was great for the application period (mad flexibility). Now I've spent a full month applying for jobs and hearing nothing except the odd rejection. I know it's likely down to visa issues (I can only work in the UK for one more year) and a tough economy, but it doesn't always put you in the best mindset for waiting out acceptances. This is why support networks (i.e. you guys) are awesome.  :)

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