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Fall 2015 Applicants

dr. t

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With your credentials I'm thinking you're definitely right about the transfer!  So much of it is a matter of fit, and if they forwarded your application its obvious that you made an impression to them!


The anxiety of whether Columbia or Princeton will reveal tomorrow is killing me.  They're possibly the toughest schools I applied to but also two of my absolute best fits ... does anyone know if either of them rejects students from the PhD but offers admission into their masters programs?

Columbia does not have a free standing Masters program. Not sure about Princeton. 


Best of luck to all of you waiting for a decision!

Edited by Way Out East
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Does anyone know if NYU PhD students earn an MA along the way?  I can't find anything online, it only says for students who don't pass the quals.

Edited by Chiqui74
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Does anyone know if NYU PhD students earn an MA along the way?  I can't find anything online, it only says for students who don't pass the quals.

If you can "masters out" I'm pretty sure that means you earn a MA along the way although I'm not 100% true.

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Thanks! I'm glad I have other options if it doesn't, but I feel compelled to wait til I hear from UCSB about funding before making a decision because it is such a strong fit

I hope everyone else gets good news today--including full funding!!

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Argh. Anybody else experience trouble concentrating on work this week? It's been incredibly difficult to get anything done with all the anxiety/distractions. At least the weekend will bring the relief of knowing that no news will arrive the next two days.

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Argh. Anybody else experience trouble concentrating on work this week? It's been incredibly difficult to get anything done with all the anxiety/distractions. At least the weekend will bring the relief of knowing that no news will arrive the next two days.

I'm out of up-votes for the day already, but yes.  This week has been hellish.  Even yesterday, after I heard from NYU I still couldn't get any work done, and I even lost my appetite.  I'm hoping today is another day of (hopefully good) news.

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As I compulsively check my e-mail and refresh the results page, very little work gets done. Luckily, I have a job that takes me away from my desk quite often, yet I still find myself checking my phone for e-mails and/or missed calls. I'm distracted to say the least.

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Argh. Anybody else experience trouble concentrating on work this week? It's been incredibly difficult to get anything done with all the anxiety/distractions. At least the weekend will bring the relief of knowing that no news will arrive the next two days.

When I finally got home from school last night, I read to my son and then went to bed.  Normally I would have been up another five hours or so studying/writing, but I just couldn't do it.

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ok Gradcafe forums, you're on notice:  We need more upvotes!  I get real tired of upvoting like three things and then get that lovely error message

Would love to up-vote, but I'm out.

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My job is at my desk, on my computer, in my office, 99% of the time. You do the math!

Same here, Chiqui! Also I have my work email on my phone which constantly means I go from excited and to disappointed when I realize it's not from a school.

Edited by KBHistorian
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Here's to a good news Friday.  Unfortunately I am off work today, so I have to figure out ways to not obsessively check for admissions decisions.  I noticed the SMU admits yesterday, congrats, and I am guessing since I got no contact either way from SMU that I did not get in.  Oh well, I think there were some issues with one LOR getting there on time anyway, so I wasn't expecting much.  Chiqui, my hope is to hear from Arizona State next or find out about funding from OU.  Happy Friday everyone, and good luck!

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