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Does anyone know the rate people get into these schools?


SVA MFA Graphic Design

Parsons Design and Technology

RISD MFA Graphic Design


I got flat out rejected from Yale and now am FREAKING out. What exactly should one do when they get rejected from all schools? How the hell do I explain this to my recommendation writers? 

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One of my professors just shared this article with me and I thought it might be an interesting read for some people on here. It touches on the problems that artists have to face in terms of financial debt and schooling.



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Does anyone know the rate people get into these schools?


SVA MFA Graphic Design

Parsons Design and Technology

RISD MFA Graphic Design


I got flat out rejected from Yale and now am FREAKING out. What exactly should one do when they get rejected from all schools? How the hell do I explain this to my recommendation writers? 



Last year I got rejected from all of them... 


Just work and prepare for next year... time fly...

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I know, but I'm just imagining the scenario of having to ask my rec writers to ONCE AGAIN recommend me. Like I'm not super torn up that I got rejected from Yale, but the thought of getting rejected from all 4 makes me feel super ill. 

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Does anyone know the rate people get into these schools?


SVA MFA Graphic Design

Parsons Design and Technology

RISD MFA Graphic Design


I got flat out rejected from Yale and now am FREAKING out. What exactly should one do when they get rejected from all schools? How the hell do I explain this to my recommendation writers? 


Anna12,  I wouldn't freak out just yet if I were you.  Almost no one will get into all of the schools they apply to because each program's selection is so subjective.


And re the recommenders, it feels really stressful (for me anyway) to have to ask for this kind of help from people, but the truth is, they've all been through having to do the same thing, especially if they're professors, etc.  They all know that this process is incredibly challenging, and none of them are judging you, whatever happens.  They'll be rooting for you this year, and if you have to ask them again, they'll be even more invested in you getting through if they know your situation and that you've taken a year to work hard to improve your portfolio and application.  Plus, they'll already have the letters written for you, so it's not even a big inconvenience.

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most schools keep the letters from one year to another...


Thanks FAR for making me feel better. I wasn't expecting myself to freaking out like this. Good luck to you in applying again. I saw some of your work and thought they were spectacular! 

I'm just imagining the worst case scenario and wondering how the fuck I'm going to deal. 

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An important thing to remember too; your successes are your former professors/recommenders successes. They get to mark down in an yearly academic log "student xyz was accepted to abc graduate program and received a fellowship" or whatever. Just let your people know you may be planning to apply again. They won't sweat it! 


Results from these subjective evaluations have no bearing on self-worth, making good work or the ability to succeed. 

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Is anyone else applying to go straight out of undergrad? I am in my last semester (BFA painting) and all of my applications are in (MFA painting), but I know it's probably more common to take some time off in between.

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Is anyone else applying to go straight out of undergrad? I am in my last semester (BFA painting) and all of my applications are in (MFA painting), but I know it's probably more common to take some time off in between.

I'm applying straight from undergrad, too, for photography. It's a little nervewrecking.

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Is anyone else applying to go straight out of undergrad? I am in my last semester (BFA painting) and all of my applications are in (MFA painting), but I know it's probably more common to take some time off in between.

I applied right out of undergrad. Not everyone takes time off. It is a great thing to do but it's ultimately your decision. Really evaluate your work and foundation and decide whether you feel comfortable attending school if admitted at this time. My program was very independent. The way I learned in undergrad was very hands on and experimental. It helped me really find my voice and feel safe applying this year because I personally felt like an "mfa student" without the title or resources. I made a lot of work and now I just want to unpack what I'm doing, why and access critical feedback to take it to the next level.

Edited by MovingTarget22
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I applied right out of undergrad. Not everyone takes time off. It is a great thing to do but it's ultimately your decision. Really evaluate your work and foundation and decide whether you feel comfortable attending school if admitted at this time. My program was very independent. The way I learned in undergrad was very hands on and experimental. It helped me really find my voice and feel safe applying this year because I personally felt like an "mfa student" without the title or resources. I made a lot of work and now I just want to unpack what I'm doing, why and access critical feedback to take it to the next level.

This made me feel better, thank you. Your undergrad experience sounds a lot like mine-- I've spent the last few years pushing beyond what my program had to offer, and did a lot of research and experimentation on my own. It's good to know that I'm not totally delusional for feeling ready without taking time off.

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Does anyone know the rate people get into these schools?


SVA MFA Graphic Design

Parsons Design and Technology

RISD MFA Graphic Design


I got flat out rejected from Yale and now am FREAKING out. What exactly should one do when they get rejected from all schools? How the hell do I explain this to my recommendation writers? 

Hey Anna! I was rejected from every school I applied to last year. At first it was really disappointing and slightly disorienting. So, I took this past year as an opportunity to really reconsider my reasons and motivations for getting an MFA. I then planned my year accordingly, I attended some workshops/concentrations at craft schools to develop my skill set and sought out specific mentors to help in my conceptual development. Overall I feel much more prepared and grounded this time around. Also, through immersing myself in lots of different creative communities I was introduced to programs that I feel are much more appropriate for my overall long-term goals as an artist. I would suggest, if you actually don't get into schools this time around, to take the next year really seriously and look for some opportunities to push you and provide more support and insight into your practice.


You also don't have to explain anything to your recommendation writers. Grad school is competitive and people are aware of that. Also, most schools save your letters of rec for a whole year, so you can re-use them if you intend on re-applying.


Good luck to everyone!

Edited by Reinell
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I don't know how to directly reply to the person above but I am applying straight out of undergrad. I feel i built some life experience that makes me confident in moving on quickly. why kill the momentum :P

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I applied to SAIC's Low Res program for MFA and I have not gotten a request to be interviewed yet. I can't tell if this is a bad sign or just a sign of nothing. I AM FREAKING OUT GUYS.

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I got a UT Austin sculpture interview invite this evening.  30 min by Skype..


dugggs - SAIC's interview requests seem to be staggered by program, so i wouldn't stress out at this point!


I applied on Nov 26th (priority deadline for low res was Dec 1st) but I am not sure when they normally send those letters out. I can't find any information about it online. I am sooo freaking anxious. its literally all i can think about. Anybody else in the same  position??

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Is anyone else applying to go straight out of undergrad? I am in my last semester (BFA painting) and all of my applications are in (MFA painting), but I know it's probably more common to take some time off in between.


I would say most MFA's do not come straight out of undergrad. It's not necessary to take time off, but for some people the time is valuable to determine if you possess the motivation, right intention, and necessary skills to be in grad school and beyond. An MFA is costly and the time spent in school is short. Therefore you may want to make the most of your experience by preparing yourself. You may want to experience the process of exhibiting your work more, planning heftier projects compared to your undergrad work, or evolving your process as an artist. Personally I find it challenging balancing life and art outside of school, so some people also want to deal with that before diving into grad school because school does not last forever. I'm sure MFA programs want to produce artists who can continually fan their own flames.

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I would say most MFA's do not come straight out of undergrad. It's not necessary to take time off, but for some people the time is valuable to determine if you possess the motivation, right intention, and necessary skills to be in grad school and beyond. An MFA is costly and the time spent in school is short. Therefore you may want to make the most of your experience by preparing yourself. You may want to experience the process of exhibiting your work more, planning heftier projects compared to your undergrad work, or evolving your process as an artist. Personally I find it challenging balancing life and art outside of school, so some people also want to deal with that before diving into grad school because school does not last forever. I'm sure MFA programs want to produce artists who can continually fan their own flames.

I agree with Kogepan. For me, taking that time off was such a good idea. I'm making the best work I have thus far and as an artist, you learn how to balance life with your practice. It's almost a test of sorts. What do you really do with your free time after you have to work 40 hours a week to pay your bills and feed yourself? You train yourself to go into your studio, apply to shows, find criticism from the community around you...your "true" interests come to light as well. What do you do when you aren't in a class, directed by a prompt or given a deadline? My first time applying was 2012-2013 after graduating in 2012 and I passed on the spots offered at PNCA and PSU. One of the best decisions of my life. After I was accepted and I really had time to think about why I was going, I realized it was out of fear. Fear of becoming distant with my mentors/recommenders; fear of not actually making work out of schools...I waited. I'm going in to this round totally fearless and my portfolio is so much stronger than it was before. I exhausted all resources around me and gained some real-life experience in working, organizing shows and being part of the (non-schooling) art community. I'm definitely one of those that wanted to deal with balancing life and my practice before diving into school. ;)

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hey guys..... I have a really dumb question to ask.... I can't find the "submit" button for the second part of application for iowa..... anyone also applying to Iowa??


Hey! I thought no submit button was weird too, but If you check your admissions profile (hawk id login), there is a note in green at the bottom of the page that says everything you've uploaded has been received, there is no submit button! 

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UT- Knoxville (Sculpture) is doing interviews. I was told that decisions come shortly afterwords (as early as a week or two).

This seems incredibly early, I haven't heard anything at all yet from other applications. 

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