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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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Waitlisted!  So completely frustrated, irritated, etc.  I will accept the spot on the waitlist but I know the chances are basically zero.  I was waitlisted last year too and never got off the waitlist.  The odds of getting off the waitlist at Laurier are about as high as the weather in southwestern Ontario being warm enough for a swim tomorrow.  Being waitlisted two years in a year feels like garbage because they are basically saying they like me but I'm just not good enough for them.  This is just such a kick in the teeth.

Edited by smpalesh
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Waitlisted!  So completely frustrated, irritated, etc.  I will accept the spot on the waitlist but I know the chances are basically zero.  I was waitlisted last year too and never got off the waitlist.  The odds of getting off the waitlist at Laurier are about as high as the weather in southwestern Ontario being warm enough for a swim tomorrow.  Being waitlisted two years in a year feels like garbage because they are basically saying they like me but I'm just not good enough for them.  This is just such a kick in the teeth.


I know it is tough because of the commute but you still got into one of the most competitive programs for social work at UofT. On the bright side by this time next year you will be well on your way to being a MSW graduate : ) 

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So I got the small letter in the mail today from Laurier. It's official, I am rejected!!! :(

I am interested in the social justice and diversity stream at U of T though now that I have learned about it. I'm more leaning towards immigration and settlement work, and might look into that for a future option :)

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Prairiegirl2015 - Yeah, it's very quiet here tonight.  I am feeling sad and frustrated about Laurier.


I hope that you hear good news from somewhere soon!  It is so hard waiting for this news, it determines our entire futures.  What schools have you hard from so far?

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Smpalesh I have heard from Carleton and Calgary! Looks like I'll be going to Calgary but we'll see I just want to hear from all unis so I can make my decision. Try to cheer up about Laurier, the good thing is that it wasnt a rejection. Everything really happens for a reason maybe u of t is where you are supposed to be! I mean what are the chances, getting on the wait list twice! But if Laurier is where you are meant to go, you'll get off that list :)

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You might still get into other places.  I hope you get your top choice wherever that is.  I grew up in British Columbia (in a place no one has heard of LOL) and I know western Canada is a wonderful place to live :)


I am trying to get myself geared up for the idea of having to commute.  My health is still not great right now (the reason I deferred last year).  Ideally, I would want to take another year off but I can't defer another year.  Plus I need to start working and pay off school debt!  With Laurier I would be local so that would have been easier.  But I am trying to turn my mindset around and look for the positive.  I'll get over it and start looking forward soon LOL.  It takes awhile to get over disappointment I think. 

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Congrats to everyone who has been accepted! And my heart goes out to those of you who have been waitlisted or rejected. 



Has anyone else applied to the Q year at Mcgill? I haven't seen many posts about it. Anyone know how many applications they receive/accept? I think it's a definite long shot for me but I have always wanted to live in Montreal so I just applied anyways. It's the only school I applied to that required a stats course as well as research methods. I have an A in research methods, but I had to take 2 semesters of stats for my undergrad degree and I did very very poorly. Like... very poorly. Math is NOT my strong suit. There was no minimum stats grade on the admissions requirements as far as I could tell but I think that will probably make them toss out my application in the first round. Oh well, no harm in trying I guess. 

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Hi soapaddict

Social work is a regulated profession in all provinces. You can't call yourself a clinical social work unless you are registered as a clinical social worker. Some provinces have special registration requirements for clinical (Alberta does, I believe) beyond the requirements for just being a registered social worker.

It's like being a doctor or a psychologist or an occupational therapist. You can't get the job or use the title without the qualifications.

You can get a therapy job without an MSW for sure, you just can't call yourself a social worker. "Therapist" isn't a regulated title so you could do a degree in counselling psychology (or even an MA in psychology with further education in counselling skills) and get a job in mental health therapy. If a job posting is for a clinical social worker specifically then that is probably what they want.

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You might still get into other places.  I hope you get your top choice wherever that is.  I grew up in British Columbia (in a place no one has heard of LOL) and I know western Canada is a wonderful place to live  :)


I am trying to get myself geared up for the idea of having to commute.  My health is still not great right now (the reason I deferred last year).  Ideally, I would want to take another year off but I can't defer another year.  Plus I need to start working and pay off school debt!  With Laurier I would be local so that would have been easier.  But I am trying to turn my mindset around and look for the positive.  I'll get over it and start looking forward soon LOL.  It takes awhile to get over disappointment I think. 



So I got the small letter in the mail today from Laurier. It's official, I am rejected!!! :(

I am interested in the social justice and diversity stream at U of T though now that I have learned about it. I'm more leaning towards immigration and settlement work, and might look into that for a future option :)



So, I'm assuming lunch hour is now over and they are getting back to work (if that's how the admissions committee works). I hope there's another round of emails that are sent this afternoon. 



It's unfortunate to hear that you all received news that came across as disappointing, especially since you all seem to be hard working individuals who have dedicated a significant amount of time and effort into preparing yourselves for these programs. I understand how long a year may seem for those of you planning to apply for 2016 as I was rejected the first time I applied to Guelph's program and again this year. Having had the experience of being rejected the first time has allowed me to change my perspective of these admissions letters regardless of it being an "acceptance," "rejection," or "wait list." I try to remember to see these letters not as a stamp of approval, success or failure but rather an indication of what opportunities lay ahead.


My personal experience of being rejected has motivated me to re-evaluate my application and myself to see what can I do to challenge myself, figure out what are some things I have been wanting to do that I have put off because I keep telling myself "now is not the time," or if I am entirely not content with something change it to figure out what new direction I want to take. Ultimately, these are the things that have led me to apply for an MSW which I did not consider the first time around. Even so, if I am wait listed or rejected from the MSW programs this year I know it will be disheartening but I know that there are more opportunities to gain new experiences.


@smpalesh your disappointment is understandable given your relentless perseverance, so hopefully you can find some comfort in everyone's support. Like you said U of T is a great school and top choice for many applicants, while it has its barriers for you it seems as though you have a supportive family to help you through it and the school seems very willing to accommodate your needs :) 

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Waitlisted!  So completely frustrated, irritated, etc.  I will accept the spot on the waitlist but I know the chances are basically zero.  I was waitlisted last year too and never got off the waitlist.  The odds of getting off the waitlist at Laurier are about as high as the weather in southwestern Ontario being warm enough for a swim tomorrow.  Being waitlisted two years in a year feels like garbage because they are basically saying they like me but I'm just not good enough for them.  This is just such a kick in the teeth.


Hey Smpalesh,


Congrats on U of T! I know its disappointing to be waitlisted (that's where I was last year), but don't give up. I was accepted to Laurier's advance standing and have decided to opt for U of T - so I know at least one spot will open up and I am sure there will be others as well. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!



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Congratulations to all who got accepted! :) 


Last year, I was waitlisted to all the programs I applied to and didn't get in...despite hoping up until the very last minute.  I got waitlist letters in April. I was frustrated & disappointed, but took the extra time to revamp my personal statement and gain further experience to add to my CV.


Even though I am sure it changes from year to year, last year 3 of my friends got advanced standing acceptance letters from U of T in mid-March; plus they state that acceptance letters go out in March/April. (I may have gotten my acceptance letter early because of my waitlist status last year...just a guess, I don't know?) Also, York and Ryerson sent out acceptance letters last year fairly late March as I recall.


So for all of you still waiting...hang in there, keep hoping, keep going!


Wishing you all the best of luck!

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Is anyone else waiting to hear back from Western or Waterloo?

A friend of mine was accepted at Western yesterday, but I called and asked and acceptances will be sent out this entire week.

And Waterloo said the second round of acceptances will be sent out by the end of next week...

I'm dying of anticipation! :)

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Hi soapaddict

Social work is a regulated profession in all provinces. You can't call yourself a clinical social work unless you are registered as a clinical social worker. Some provinces have special registration requirements for clinical (Alberta does, I believe) beyond the requirements for just being a registered social worker.

It's like being a doctor or a psychologist or an occupational therapist. You can't get the job or use the title without the qualifications.

You can get a therapy job without an MSW for sure, you just can't call yourself a social worker. "Therapist" isn't a regulated title so you could do a degree in counselling psychology (or even an MA in psychology with further education in counselling skills) and get a job in mental health therapy. If a job posting is for a clinical social worker specifically then that is probably what they want.


I don't want to be a stickler, but I have worked in the health regulatory process before and you're a little off in this analysis.  

Social work is a regulated health profession in Alberta, as well as Ontario.  This means that you must be a member of the college of social workers of your province to use the title.  In both Alberta and Ontario you may enter the college as a social worker with a BSW or an MSW.  You would refer to yourself as "John Doe, BSW RSW" or "Jane Doe, MSW RSW"


The reason MSW is entry to practice for many places in Ontario, other than a general lack of jobs, is that Psychotherapy is a protected act in Ontario, which means you need specific training to do it.  In Ontario you also need an MSW.

In Alberta, I don't believe this is the case.  (although I'm not 100% sure regarding psychotherapy...it might not be a protected act there.) Generally their entry to practice degrees are one lower than other provinces.  Fun Fact:  Alberta is one of two provinces/states in north america that only requires a Masters of Psychology to be considered a Psychologist.


ETA: Other professions can perform psychotherapy as well, but social workers require an MSW

Edited by wxyyyz
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in alberta do you need a masters of social work to get jobs in clinical social work? (therapist, mental health worker)

Not necessarily. It really depends on how rural you're willing to work and how much experience you have. BSWs with relevant experience can definitely get mental health jobs. But certain mental health therapy positions in Alberta required you to be registered on the Alberta College of Social Worker's clinical registry which has more requirements than a regular professional registration. Being on the registry authorizes you to "perform psychosocial intervention". There's quite a few forms you have to fill out, including describing your experience as well as getting a supervisor to write a reference indicating why you should be given the authorization. I do not have this registration but its something I hope to work towards if I return to AB once i'm done my MSW

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Smpalesh I have heard from Carleton and Calgary! Looks like I'll be going to Calgary but we'll see I just want to hear from all unis so I can make my decision. Try to cheer up about Laurier, the good thing is that it wasnt a rejection. Everything really happens for a reason maybe u of t is where you are supposed to be! I mean what are the chances, getting on the wait list twice! But if Laurier is where you are meant to go, you'll get off that list :)


Prairiegirl, do you know anyone who's done Calgary's MSW, or do you know much about the program in general? I only know what's on the website, and would love to learn more. The program looks really neat and well integrated (with the capstone project)... but I'd love to hear more first- or second-hand experiences.

Having gotten into U of T and Carlton too, I'm finding it difficult to decide! Tbh it would have been easier to have been accepted to only 1 or 2 schools! But I really can't complain, of course. I'd love to hear more about any of the schools I applied to, if anyone has experience/connections lemme know. 

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Prairiegirl, do you know anyone who's done Calgary's MSW, or do you know much about the program in general? I only know what's on the website, and would love to learn more. The program looks really neat and well integrated (with the capstone project)... but I'd love to hear more first- or second-hand experiences.

Having gotten into U of T and Carlton too, I'm finding it difficult to decide! Tbh it would have been easier to have been accepted to only 1 or 2 schools! But I really can't complain, of course. I'd love to hear more about any of the schools I applied to, if anyone has experience/connections lemme know. 

My roommate has done Calgary's MSW (clinical). She absolutely loved it and says it built the foundation of her career as a therapist. She recommended I go there as well, but I did not have the requirements this year unfortunately. 

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My roommate has done Calgary's MSW (clinical). She absolutely loved it and says it built the foundation of her career as a therapist. She recommended I go there as well, but I did not have the requirements this year unfortunately. 

That's good to know, I'm most interested in working as a therapist. I've already worked as a therapist and have a strong foundational clinical skill set, so I'm wondering which of the programs will offer me the most challenge for further growth and development of my skills. 

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expressom and jj89 no I do not know anyone who has done the program. My reasons for Calgary are purely financial. I have family and a friend out there, so transitioning would be easier for me. I want to take the summer to relax and rest rather than moving lol. 

expressom, Carleton is more structural, it interested me because of my background in Sociology, now I am not sure......I think Calgary needs to be notified by the 4th! thats so soon!!!!

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Congrats to everyone who has been accepted! And my heart goes out to those of you who have been waitlisted or rejected. 



Has anyone else applied to the Q year at Mcgill? I haven't seen many posts about it. Anyone know how many applications they receive/accept? I think it's a definite long shot for me but I have always wanted to live in Montreal so I just applied anyways. It's the only school I applied to that required a stats course as well as research methods. I have an A in research methods, but I had to take 2 semesters of stats for my undergrad degree and I did very very poorly. Like... very poorly. Math is NOT my strong suit. There was no minimum stats grade on the admissions requirements as far as I could tell but I think that will probably make them toss out my application in the first round. Oh well, no harm in trying I guess. 


I applied to the qualifying year at Mcgill they accept around 40 candidates and get about 150-200 applying. I believe last year they sent out their admission decisions in the end of March. Looks like we will be stressing together !!! 

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