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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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Hi everyone,


Long time lurker, first time poster!! I just wanted to say that I really do think UofT accepts on a rolling-admissions basis, as Angela did mention to an applicant that acceptances will start mid-March and end mid-April.  Don't give up hope yet!! Also, I don't believe any of us have heard from York, Laurier, etc... so there is still LOTS of time in terms of 2-year program acceptances.

My ROSI changed to invited on Friday afternoon, but I haven't received a letter nor has my SGS status changed from "under review".


Fingers crossed for everyone!!!!

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Hi everyone,


Long time lurker, first time poster!! I just wanted to say that I really do think UofT accepts on a rolling-admissions basis, as Angela did mention to an applicant that acceptances will start mid-March and end mid-April.  Don't give up hope yet!! Also, I don't believe any of us have heard from York, Laurier, etc... so there is still LOTS of time in terms of 2-year program acceptances.

My ROSI changed to invited on Friday afternoon, but I haven't received a letter nor has my SGS status changed from "under review".


Fingers crossed for everyone!!!!

Congrats on the acceptance! That is awesome, if you are in the GTA you can probably expect your letter to arrive today or in the next few days, ROSI is probably changed on the same day the letters are mailed out. I'm assuming that once you get the letter that you are supposed to log into ROSI and accept the offer or something. 


Anyways I will be checking my mailbox 50 times today for a rejection or wait-list, until then I will hold on to the last sliver of hope I have for an acceptance. 

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I know some universities will send out an acceptance to their top choices first in order to try to get them before other schools. It is likely that they will be waiting to hear from those students before sending out additional offers, so I wouldn't be worrying too much about UofT right now as it seems likely we'll get waitlisted or denied. I think this is a good thing though because it means those top tier students will most likely be accepting them and it'll give us more of an opportunity to get into other Uni's (right? right???) :P 

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Congrats on the acceptance! That is awesome, if you are in the GTA you can probably expect your letter to arrive today or in the next few days, ROSI is probably changed on the same day the letters are mailed out. I'm assuming that once you get the letter that you are supposed to log into ROSI and accept the offer or something. 


Anyways I will be checking my mailbox 50 times today for a rejection or wait-list, until then I will hold on to the last sliver of hope I have for an acceptance. 


If it helps, I checked my ROSI Friday morning and nothing was there until the afternoon so I think that means the status changes don't only get sent out in the morning!!! :) 


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Ohhh this waiting is so stressful lol!!! Especially knowing people are starting to get acceptances! I keep checking ROSI and nothing yet. I don't think they do acceptances all at once. Last year on the forum people were responding saying they were getting "invited" on ROSI for a few weeks at least.

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Ohhh this waiting is so stressful lol!!! Especially knowing people are starting to get acceptances! I keep checking ROSI and nothing yet. I don't think they do acceptances all at once. Last year on the forum people were responding saying they were getting "invited" on ROSI for a few weeks at least.


Oh gosh, I hope so. Do you think they will send out offers only once a week or every day?

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I seriously cannot wait this week. I really hope us 2 year- U of T - hopefuls will hear back ASAP I cannot stop thinking about it and am mentally torturing myself going back and forth as to whether I am good enough to get in ... UGGHHHHH 

YOU SOUND LIKE ME! I am so glad I am not alone. I have literally aged five years in the last two weeks waiting. Best of luck this week!

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Oh gosh, I hope so. Do you think they will send out offers only once a week or every day?

Ughhh I dont know lol I wish we knew exactly what they were doing so we could stress less lol. Cause I think I have checked ROSI a good ten times today so far lol! Especially because we dont know if they are sending more today or if they only do it once a week or what!

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YOU SOUND LIKE ME! I am so glad I am not alone. I have literally aged five years in the last two weeks waiting. Best of luck this week!

Haha, yup. Me too. I think I'm going to resolve to check ROSI once per day, in the nighttime. I've gotten so fixated on all of this!

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Ughhh I dont know lol I wish we knew exactly what they were doing so we could stress less lol. Cause I think I have checked ROSI a good ten times today so far lol! Especially because we dont know if they are sending more today or if they only do it once a week or what!


I feel you! I really wish I had the self restraint to stop checking ROSI throughout the day but I just can't. I am also anxiously waiting for the afternoon when the snail mail gets here so I can check and see if there is a rejection letter... oh boy it is going to be a rough week!


I am still trying to convince myself that it is impossible that only 4 people from the forum got accepted, there has to be more of us... right?.......

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I feel you! I really wish I had the self restraint to stop checking ROSI throughout the day but I just can't. I am also anxiously waiting for the afternoon when the snail mail gets here so I can check and see if there is a rejection letter... oh boy it is going to be a rough week!


I am still trying to convince myself that it is impossible that only 4 people from the forum got accepted, there has to be more of us... right?.......

OH for sure! They haven't send out all the acceptances. I was rejected last year and I got my rejection mid-April. I'm almost certain they send out rejections last unless you don't meet the minimum requirements than they send those rejections out right away (from what I have been told and from what I've seen on these forums). My application was so rushed last year and when I looked at this year and compared I wasn't surprised they rejected me last year lol! So I have much more confidence this year, but now my confidence slowly goes down everytime someone says they got accepted and my ROSI is still "no registration" lol eep the wait is torture!

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My status for MSW 2 year is also showing as invited on ROSI. I imagine it won't all go at once because inputting all of that would take time!

did this happen today or was it on friday?


Congratulations BTW!

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It could have been on Friday. I haven't been checking very often because I didn't think I would hear until end of March, early April. Is there a way to check what day it went up?

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It could have been on Friday. I haven't been checking very often because I didn't think I would hear until end of March, early April. Is there a way to check what day it went up?

Hmm not sure to be honest. I would guess it went up Friday than. So awesome you no longer have to wait! They do seem to be sending them out much earlier this year though.

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Ugh I'm a current uoft student so the MSW application doesn't even show up on rosi, anyone know where to look/ when it shows up?

Hi there,


I am not a current U of T student but I only graduated in November from U of T so my ROSI always just had winter 2015, financially cancelled as my registration and now below it there are two boxes one with Fall 2015 registration for 2 year M.S.W. and another with Winter 2016 and in the boxes it says invited full time. I hope this information helps.

Edited by rachelmsw
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Has anyone heard from University of Windsor?(2-year M.S.W.) Thanks!



Nope. Haven't heard from Windsor yet - or anywhere :P I'm wondering if they might send out acceptances and stuff later. It's pretty early this year that we've been hearing back .

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@ash_d19 despite being all over the place today I've still managed to obsessively check this forum and ROSI on my phone, this is a sad monday haha I actually prefer Laurier's method of snail mail because right now even though I know it's still early for u of t it's discouraging and causes more anxiety

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Anyone know what the funding package at OISE is like?


Hey Hazelnut.latte, 


I'm not sure if anyone on this thread would have any idea, since this is a thread for Masters of Social Work programs, which at U of T doesn't run out of OISE. 


I see you were accepted everywhere you applied though, so congrats! Looks like you'll have your pick once you hear about funding!

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I just got an email from Ryerson stating that my admission decision should be under communications on RMSS within 24 hours. But the letter says that they look forward to my "positive response" within the deadline on the letter... So it sounds like I got in but I am not certain. An official acceptance/rejection letter is not up on the system yet. My heart is going to be pounding for the next 24 hours....

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I just got an email from Ryerson stating that my admission decision should be under communications on RMSS within 24 hours. But the letter says that they look forward to my "positive response" within the deadline on the letter... So it sounds like I got in but I am not certain. An official acceptance/rejection letter is not up on the system yet. My heart is going to be pounding for the next 24 hours....

I got the same email.... I am going to go crazy now for the next 24 hours....

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