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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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I just got an email from Ryerson stating that my admission decision should be under communications on RMSS within 24 hours. But the letter says that they look forward to my "positive response" within the deadline on the letter... So it sounds like I got in but I am not certain. An official acceptance/rejection letter is not up on the system yet. My heart is going to be pounding for the next 24 hours....


Keep checking RAMSS over the next few hours. I did my undergrad at Ryerson, and while things CAN take 24 hours to show up on RAMSS, it generally happens quicker. As well, as a hint, they do daily maintenance from midnight to about 1:30am, and sometimes that's when it updates stuff (like that is when grades would get posted), so you can check around then.


That being said, if they're looking for a positive response from you, it sounds like you're almost definitely not rejected and most likely accepted (I say most likely because last year when I got waitlisted at U of T, they did ask for a response about whether I wanted to remain on the wait list)


Best of luck! But it really sounds like good news.

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Hey, just joined this forum last week, I find this forum causing more stress than I would've imagined! Wasn't feeling anxious before but now I am. Did anyone else on here also apply to UVic for the 2 year MSW? Also, if I'm not a current UofT student, would my ROSI still change? does anyone know? Thanks!

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Lightning1129 - thank you so much for your support and advice. I decided to take the day off and now I'm a little bit more motivated to work this week. IAll I can say is thank you. 

Dexy77- when you log into SGS, there's a summary of your application (not the same page with all the reference letters and statements and transcripts, the one with your name and address and applicant number and such). It's either just above or just below your applicant number and mine starts with 99 so yours likely will too (most universities have the student numbers start the same or similarly, like all Ryerson student numbers start with 500)



Purplegrey- it has been a year for me, since I graduated last year, but I seem to recall handing stuff in late because my sister was in the hospital at the time. One thing you can do is rewards- if I finish this paper, I will have time to make a really nice dinner instead of reheating some leftovers, or if I finish this, I will have some time on the weekend to go out and see friends. Something else that can help is sticking to a strict schedule, or productivity apps (there is one with trees where if you touch your phone while the tree is growing you kill it and you try to grow a forest by not touching your phone). One other thing is making yourself accountable to someone else- my SO did a really bad job of this haha. BUT I used to work at the writing centre at my university, and I had students who would book appointments with me with the intention of bringing in, for example, their intro and 2 body paragraphs, and then that way they had a deadline and were accountable to me, even if they felt like they didn't necessarily need a ton of writing support, so you can also use student support services at your school in that way. Lastly, most universities have learning strategists on staff, and they can also help you come up with strategies or, again, just be someone to be accountable to (can you tell I'm really helped by accountability? haha). 


Also, if your issue is that you're feeling too crummy to work on your stuff, take a couple days off (ask for extensions on assignments if you need to) and really do some self-care. Go for walks in the park, or to the gym, or pick up a hobby you've maybe been neglecting a bit, take a long bath, anything. Anything that will help cheer you up. I was a total mess this time of year last year (and this year, but less so since I am super busy working this year and even before I heard anything back for this year, I was considerably more chill than last year). And this goes for everyone still in their undergrad- remember that no matter what happens for next september, graduating from your undergrad is a huge accomplishment that you should be proud of!!! I remember being so anxious about grad school that I didn't get to properly celebrate finishing my undergrad, and that's super sad!

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Hey ehoskin

I applied to the UVic 2 year program. I think we're the only ones on the forum (that I remember now). I haven't heard anything.


Good to know there's someone else. I'm not expecting to hear back from UVic for a while.. Where do you live? Do you know out of York, UVic and UofT, whether they all have similar ratios for applicants to students accepted? I was thinking they were all similar but now I'm not sure. Is it true UVic only runs their Non-BSW program once every other year? Makes me nervous!!

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Does anyone know how many people U of T accepts? and approx how many applicants they may receive? I am also curious about those who have already been accepted to U of T.. what are your credentials like? Is that question too invasive? I am just curious as to how I may compare to an applicant they have invited. I have an A average in my 3&400 level classes, I did an undergrad thesis and I think my references gave me pretty solid letters. I have some volunteer experience in the field. Any advice? Than you in advance!

Last year they accepted 150 out of 850-900 applicants.

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Last year they accepted 150 out of 850-900 applicants.[/quote

900?! This number goes up every time I hear anything about it :( I guess this means it's totally possible they've sent out all their acceptances already, and the rest of those 120 just aren't on this forum. Bummer. I wish we knew.

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Lightning1129 - thank you so much for your support and advice. I decided to take the day off and now I'm a little bit more motivated to work this week. IAll I can say is thank you. 


Not a problem! Very happy to do it =D. And you can totally feel free to PM if you need to.

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Nothing for me either.



Hey Baozafan, I see in your signature that you got denied from York. When did you find out? They're just my top choice right now and I'm itching to hear one way or another from them!


And has anyone else heard from York yet? I usually don't e-mail universities for admissions updates but I did e-mail them the other day just for a rough estimate because I had trouble finding the information on their site.

Edited by Fenris70
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Hey Baozafan, I see in your signature that you got denied from York. When did you find out? They're just my top choice right now and I'm itching to hear one way or another from them!


And has anyone else heard from York yet? I usually don't e-mail universities for admissions updates but I did e-mail them the other day just for a rough estimate because I had trouble finding the information on their site.

I heard from York as early as February. I guess I just didn't meet their minimum requirement. 

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Hey Baozafan, I see in your signature that you got denied from York. When did you find out? They're just my top choice right now and I'm itching to hear one way or another from them!


And has anyone else heard from York yet? I usually don't e-mail universities for admissions updates but I did e-mail them the other day just for a rough estimate because I had trouble finding the information on their site.


Hey there, 


York sent my letter on April 21 last year I remember people were hearing back March 31 for acceptances, I am pretty sure York follows rolling admissions. 

They don't really state their expected timeline anywhere on their site, last year I e-mailed and was told they would send by a certain date but it ended up being 2 weeks later so take it with a grain of salt. I remember reading 2 years ago that people were hearing back from them into late April early May they don't seem to have a standard timeline. 



Hopefully it will come soon! :) 

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If anyone got accepted to U of T advanced standing I am just wondering how long after your ROSI updated did you see an update on sgs/an email/letter in mail? I am just hoping to hear through another medium because ROSI update alone does not seem fully official!

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Do any of you guys know if you can be "invited" to more than one program on ROSI? I already got into OISE, and that has showed up on my ROSI but I'm wondering if it is possible that other acceptances wouldn't be able to show up on the site? Probably I just didn't get in, haha, but just wondering if any one else is in this situation. 

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Do any of you guys know if you can be "invited" to more than one program on ROSI? I already got into OISE, and that has showed up on my ROSI but I'm wondering if it is possible that other acceptances wouldn't be able to show up on the site? Probably I just didn't get in, haha, but just wondering if any one else is in this situation. 

That would be interesting to know. I applied and was accepted to OISE as well

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I am! I work at a group home for teens with ASD. What's your experience like?

Well, right now I am working relief at a few places! Mainly a group home for young pregnant and parenting women and another agency that runs a shelter for males 16-24 and transitional housing for youth aged 16-24 (I work in both programs). I also have experience in a boarding school residence, outreach for a youth peer phoneline (that unfortunately no longer exists), a boys and girls club, and a couple other places. I'm just mostly struggling with professional identity issues as CYCs so often do and struggling with the idea of what it means to be a child and youth worker but also do an MSW =P

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