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Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Fall 2015--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...

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So a POI (whose work is very close to my own) I had reached out to ages ago finally replied. He wrote me a really warm email, saying he will be looking for additional students in 2015, and that I seem like a great fit with his lab. He also mentioned that he isn't part of the adcomm, but that he'd be happy to chat on the phone next week.


He asked whether I ended up applying, so he hasn't seen my application. What do you guys make of this exchange? Should I offer to send him my SOP? Does none of this matter since he's not on the adcomm?

Edited by -hermes-
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So a POI (whose work is very close to my own) I had reached out to ages ago finally replied. He wrote me a really warm email, saying he will be looking for additional students in 2015, and that I seem like a great fit with his lab. He also mentioned that he isn't part of the adcomm, but that he'd be happy to chat on the phone next week.


He asked whether I ended up applying, so he hasn't seen my application. What do you guys make of this exchange? Should I offer to send him my SOP? Does none of this matter since he's not on the adcomm?

He might not be on the admissions committee but if you mentioned that you would like to work with him in your SOP it is very likely that they might reach out to him during the admissions process to ask whether or not you two have been in contact. I had a few schools mention that they consult with professors outside of the adcomm if they are mentioned in your SOP. So, I think speaking by phone or Skype would definitely be useful. Better yet, if you live within a reasonable distance of the program I would go visit. I visited one of my POIs and I think it made a big difference! Anyway, I would not necessarily send him your SOP unless he explicitely asks for it. Perhaps during your meeting/conversation you could ask if he would like to read it. I hope this helps and best of luck!

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He might not be on the admissions committee but if you mentioned that you would like to work with him in your SOP it is very likely that they might reach out to him during the admissions process to ask whether or not you two have been in contact. I had a few schools mention that they consult with professors outside of the adcomm if they are mentioned in your SOP. So, I think speaking by phone or Skype would definitely be useful. Better yet, if you live within a reasonable distance of the program I would go visit. I visited one of my POIs and I think it made a big difference! Anyway, I would not necessarily send him your SOP unless he explicitely asks for it. Perhaps during your meeting/conversation you could ask if he would like to read it. I hope this helps and best of luck!

Thanks for the input! I would definitely have mentioned speaking to him in my SOP, but I've already submitted the application (the deadline was a while back). So now there's no way for the adcom to know -- though I guess he could mention it to them if our conversation goes well.

Too far to visit any of my programs, unfortunately!

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Looks like someone got an interview at USC!


I could be wrong but, based on previous years, USC notifies international first. And that interview is international. 


Good luck everyone!

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I could be wrong but, based on previous years, USC notifies international first. And that interview is international. 


Good luck everyone!


Ah THANK YOU! I have to admit, my heart skipped a few beats when I saw that interview (or, at least the notification) took place a week ago. I was getting ready to cross 'SC off the list...

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Ah THANK YOU! I have to admit, my heart skipped a few beats when I saw that interview (or, at least the notification) took place a week ago. I was getting ready to cross 'SC off the list...


Seriously, search through the results for USC. I have a list of all the usual rejection and acceptance weeks for each school. Under USC, I wrote "who knows." 


I'm not sure anyone can count USC out until they're formally rejected. For those of you attending USC, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


I'll be interested to see when people start posting invitations to the interview weekend. 

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Has anyone applied to Cornell? There's only one acceptance on the results search to go by, and one vague mention of an interview. 


I applied to Cornell as well, haven't heard anything yet. 


Just got accepted at UT-Austin!   :D


Congrats! :D 


Ah THANK YOU! I have to admit, my heart skipped a few beats when I saw that interview (or, at least the notification) took place a week ago. I was getting ready to cross 'SC off the list...


Can whoever got the interview let us know the deets? Now I'm starting to freak out about USC @_@ 

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I'm so happy for you! Was that the Comm or the RTF?


Thanks!  Comm Studies.  Specifically, rhetoric and philosophy.  It's really perfect since I've done more philosophy than rhetoric.  

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