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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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lol YES also out of upvotes, but thumbs up for ancient aliens gifs :lol:


Hannalore if you're taking more transmutation orders, I'd love stone silence to become an interview at CUNY - just a chance to TALK to someone at these places would mean a lot, yknow to get a sense for just how badly I am dreaming, for the next (wayyyy more informed, thanks gc!) round of apps :P

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Thank you so much everyone! I'm so glad I started posting here, you guys are the best.


I'll also have to get straight to work on transmuting decisions for everybody's remaining schools!


Much appreciated! :)


A huge congrats to hanna and morris!


Edit: And allplaid!

Edited by InHacSpeVivo
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Acceptance from Syracuse--sounds from the letter like they only accepted 4 this year, or only 4 with funding, or only 4 invited to campus visit. Rejection from Brown.

You are a freaking rockstar! Congrats! 

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Acceptance from Syracuse--sounds from the letter like they only accepted 4 this year, or only 4 with funding, or only 4 invited to campus visit. Rejection from Brown.


Woohoo! You rock!

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For those of you who are freaking out (me) about UVa, according to Clare Kinney, all acceptances, waitlists, and rejections should be within the next few days. 


you're my new favorite person! thank you for however you found this out!

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Congrats on all the acceptances today! What a good day for GC. Like Hannalore, I, too, was accepted to UT's program. They are offering me full funding and an additional fellowship. The program is a good "fit" for me, so it is going to be hard to make that decision. It's a blessing to be in this place though!  :wub:

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Congratulations to morristr and allplaid! 


Congrats on all the acceptances today! What a good day for GC. Like Hannalore, I, too, was accepted to UT's program. They are offering me full funding and an additional fellowship. The program is a good "fit" for me, so it is going to be hard to make that decision. It's a blessing to be in this place though!  :wub:


Yay Obrial, congratulations! We have so many of the same schools, and maybe we'll end up at the same place! 

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Those of you who have been on here for this whole application season: how have you managed the compulsion to constantly check in?  I confess that I purposely stayed away because I knew that I'd be unable to avoid coming here to kvetch, complain, and commiserate.  I started looking a week or so ago, just to remind myself roughly when schools start sending out announcements, and lo & behold I cannot stop looking.  It's also prompted me to neurotically check email and the application sites.  I was preparing for a job interview this morning - one possible Plan B - and I stopped what I was doing and checked this board to see who got notified overnight / early.  Compulsion.


Congratulations to all who have been accepted so far.  It seems like a good, mutually supportive community of folks.  I'm still pretty sure it was a good idea not to come here between November and January, because I probably would have ignored everything else for 3 months instead of 3 weeks.


Finally, are there any BU applicants here?  I'm assuming I must be on a waiting list or something, at this point, or rejected but not notified....

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Congrats to all the acceptances today--hannalore, orbital, morristr, and anyone else I missed!



Those of you who have been on here for this whole application season: how have you managed the compulsion to constantly check in?  I confess that I purposely stayed away because I knew that I'd be unable to avoid coming here to kvetch, complain, and commiserate.  I started looking a week or so ago, just to remind myself roughly when schools start sending out announcements, and lo & behold I cannot stop looking.  It's also prompted me to neurotically check email and the application sites.  I was preparing for a job interview this morning - one possible Plan B - and I stopped what I was doing and checked this board to see who got notified overnight / early.  Compulsion.




Honestly, I had to block the results page from my search engines. Parental controls are amazing for these things. That, and I self-medicated by binge watching netflix, stress cooking, and hitting the gym. I will admit though that I definitely was less productive during the workday overall because I still kept refreshing my email and checking application sites. 

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Congrats to the folks I individually missed! A good day on GC. :)


Those of you who have been on here for this whole application season: how have you managed the compulsion to constantly check in?  I confess that I purposely stayed away because I knew that I'd be unable to avoid coming here to kvetch, complain, and commiserate.  I started looking a week or so ago, just to remind myself roughly when schools start sending out announcements, and lo & behold I cannot stop looking.  It's also prompted me to neurotically check email and the application sites.  I was preparing for a job interview this morning - one possible Plan B - and I stopped what I was doing and checked this board to see who got notified overnight / early.  Compulsion.


As you can probably tell by my ridiculous post count, I just went with it. I didn't avoid checking in several times a day. While it probably contributed to more emotional ups and downs, it also facilitated a few connections that have become legitimate friendships outside the purview of Grad Cafe. The mass commiseration has also helped me to deal with the disproportionate number of rejections I received this season (and just as importantly, helped me to recognize what a boon the one M.A. acceptance I received actually is).


So all in all, I'm glad I've stuck around here on a day-to-day basis. It also helps that I live in a fairly distasteful and culturally isolated area right now (confederate flags aplenty...), with a long commute to my current campus, meaning I've lacked a social outlet for the past year and a half. This place has filled that gap a bit as well. :)

Edited by Wyatt's Torch
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Those of you who have been on here for this whole application season: how have you managed the compulsion to constantly check in?  I confess that I purposely stayed away because I knew that I'd be unable to avoid coming here to kvetch, complain, and commiserate.  I started looking a week or so ago, just to remind myself roughly when schools start sending out announcements, and lo & behold I cannot stop looking.  It's also prompted me to neurotically check email and the application sites.  I was preparing for a job interview this morning - one possible Plan B - and I stopped what I was doing and checked this board to see who got notified overnight / early.  Compulsion.


Congratulations to all who have been accepted so far.  It seems like a good, mutually supportive community of folks.  I'm still pretty sure it was a good idea not to come here between November and January, because I probably would have ignored everything else for 3 months instead of 3 weeks.


Finally, are there any BU applicants here?  I'm assuming I must be on a waiting list or something, at this point, or rejected but not notified....


I was accepted to BU earlier this week. It was via phone call from the DGS, who told me they’ve been seriously delayed due to the ridiculous Boston weather, and that they’re going to be sending out acceptances via postal service as soon as they can. I’m not sure if he called everyone or not; it sounded like he may have only called me because we share a subfield and he’s a POI for me. I also haven’t seen much BU English activity on the results board, so who knows. I would look for something (hopefully) within a week or so at most

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I was accepted to BU earlier this week. It was via phone call from the DGS, who told me they’ve been seriously delayed due to the ridiculous Boston weather, and that they’re going to be sending out acceptances via postal service as soon as they can.


I suspect that will be the case with Harvard and some other Northeastern schools as well.

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