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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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Well, UW-Madison notified on the equivalent day last year (fourth Friday in January), so we'll see if that holds true for this year. I'm not holding my breath, but I'll be a little more on-edge than normal today, I think...

It  looks like it might be slightly later for Comp Lit, but I am now officially on edge! 

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Hey, GradCafe-ers! I'm currently in my second year at Ohio State in the MA/PhD program (I study queer theory, LGBT lit/pop culture, and the Gothic). I haven't been on here since my app season in 2013, but I know that our DGS (Aman, who is awesome) started contacting those accepted recently and I figured I would stop by to offer myself as a resource if you have any questions! Feel free to PM with specific questions or just respond here with more general queries. Best of luck to everyone!


That sounds like a great course of study! I grew up in NE Ohio, so I wish I had considered OSU -- didn't know they had an MA/PhD program. 

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That sounds like a great course of study! I grew up in NE Ohio, so I wish I had considered OSU -- didn't know they had an MA/PhD program.

Yeah OSU actually doesn't have a standalone MA program anymore--they only accept PhD or MA/PhD.

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I would love to hear from Madison today. It will make up for not hearing from Ohio State. Here's hoping....



Saw a UW Madison English PhD acceptance on the results page. Did others get any good news?

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Hi all, I've mostly been staying off grad cafe this year, but I wanted to let everyone know that I'm one of the UW-Madison acceptances (just posted my info on the results board a few minutes ago). Obviously I am BEYOND thrilled!! Huge congrats to everyone who has already heard good news (from OSU and elsewhere), and good luck to everyone still waiting! 

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Wow, I'm really starting to freak out over here. Now that acceptances are starting to go out, I can't even imagine what I'll be thinking a month or two months from now. Congratulations to the new admits! I'm so happy for you!


That makes two of us inkgraduate. It's nice to finally see English folks getting notifications admits the sea of science/math/social science notifications. So happy for everyone!

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It ain't over until you get an official letter from the university saying it's over, just like an interview while nice doesn't mean you're admitted. Hang in there!!!


Agreed! Chin up, Wyatt's Torch - don't give up before you have a reason to!


Right now this is us (and the cupcakes are our schools):




But I have no doubt that soon you'll start hearing back, and then you'll feel more like this guy:



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You guys are swell. :D


I know it's not a rejection. I'm not really all that bummed out. I am, however, trying to console myself with the fact that in Wisconsin, there will be a lot of this:



Edited by Wyatt's Torch
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You guys are swell. :D


I know it's not a rejection. I'm not really all that bummed out. I am, however, trying to console myself with the fact that in Wisconsin, there will be a lot of this:




Same. I'm getting jealous of all the admits (one person in my program got accepted to UW Madison today) but I keep having to remind myself that I really do not want to live in Wisconsin. My first roommate was from there and everything she said just made it clear that it wasn't for me. Its tough, but I'm trying to stay positive! But I am truly happy for everyone who has been accepted. I can't imagine the peace of mind those who have been accepted must be experiencing!

Edited by jhefflol
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Like Wyatt's Torch, I know that I haven't officially been rejected, but of course getting an acceptance this early would have boosted my confidence. Still, if I were to be accepted to all 17 schools I applied to, it would be overwhelming. Not getting accepted (apparently) to OSU and UW simply narrows down my options.

Edited by HesseBunuel90
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Congrats to the Madison peoples!


It ain't over until you get an official letter from the university saying it's over, just like an interview while nice doesn't mean you're admitted. Hang in there!!!


Agreed! Chin up, Wyatt's Torch - don't give up before you have a reason to!


These are wise words all! And like HesseBunuel90 says, getting into all of your programs would be ridiculously overwhelming. Madison and Chicago are two programs of many; it is still really, really early.


I can't imagine the peace of mind those who have been accepted must be experiencing!


It's interesting. You're right, of course: knowing I've been accepted by a program--and one of my top ones, to boot!--is lovely. But while I might have imagined that after an acceptance I'd be floating along in a serene pool of beatific calm, that hasn't happened. It hasn't so much given me peace of mind as a new set of issues to ponder!

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Congratulations to all the lucky acceptances and to people with interviews!!!! So happy for you...

For People who haven't heard anything good yet, it's still really days, great news will come and all you need is one...

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